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Love can make you forget about loyalty.
Sehun's going to choose love or loyalty?
Is he going to betray his principles?

-At EXO'S dorm-

When they returned back home, Chanyeol was acting very grouchy and everyone could tell.
When they entered, Chanyeol immediately went to the living room and sat onto the couch.
"Yah! What is wrong with you?"Baekhyun shouted as he saw Chanyeol acting like this.
But he didn't reply so Baekhyun made his way to the living room and stood in front of him."What are you trying to do?"
"Nothing."He said as he took his phone out.
"What's the matter."Baekhyun asked.
"Nothing!"He said in annoyance.
"I'm not taking that as an answer."Baekhyun was determined to make his hyung say why his acting that way.


"Spill."Chen suddenly said as he sat onto the counter in the kitchen.
"What? Milk on you?"Sehun asked and Chen rolled his eyes.
"There's something going on between you and Eun Na and maybe even Chanyeol."Chen said.

Sehun was stunned but recovered a few seconds later and turned away.
"So it's true?"Chen said.
"Aniya!"Sehun turned back to face Chen.
"Why so flustered?"Chen eyed him suspiciously.
"I...I...I...wasn't."He stuttered.
"Sehunnie-ah, stuttering is a way to know if that person is telling lies."Chen said as he hopped off the counter.
"Fine...hyung please don't tell anyone especially Chanyeol hyung."Sehun sighed.
"I..don't know when but I think I like Eun Na..."Sehun slowly said.

"Do you know Chanyeol likes Eun Na too? Like honestly he really does and I think he liked her longer than you did."Chen said.
"Oh jinjja?!"Sehun's eyes widened.
"Sehunnie, ask yourself this, would you choose love or loyalty?"Chen said making Sehun think really hard.
"Loy...loyalty?"He stuttered a bit.
"Lies."Chen said.
"Which one Sehun, Love or Loyalty?"Chen asked again.
"Loyalty!"He said.
Then, they heard Baekhyun at the door.
"Chanyeol, what are you doing outside the kitchen?"Baekhyun asked.

Sehun and Chen gasped.
"Nothing..."He said.
Baekhyun then opened the sliding door and Sehun saw Chanyeol's face.
"Oh hello."Baekhyun said and then Chanyeol walked to his room slamming the door behind him.
"What's wrong with him..."Baekhyun said.
"Sehun, I think you should go talk to him."Chen said and Sehun nodded before leaving the kitchen.

"Come on, Chanyeol tell me."Baekhyun said.
"I don't know...nowadays, whenever I see Sehun with Eun Na I feel jelouse maybe like the time when Eun Na was sleeping on Sehun's back."He started.
"Oh I see, Hyung do you like Eun Na?"Baekhyun asked and Chanyeol nodded shyly.
"Well, luckily you are going to be the one getting engaged to Eun Na."Baekhyun said trying to enlighten him.
"Yes but...I don't think she likes me..."Chanyeol said.
"Then make her like you. Love takes time."Baekhyun comforted.
"Thanks Baekhyun, I will go grab some food from the kitchen."Chanyeol smiled as he made his way there.
The smile only lasted a few minutes when it soon disappeared.

-Chanyeol's pov-

"I don't know when but I think I like Eun Na."The voice which I can tell anywhere said from inside of the kitchen.
"Do you know Chanyeol likes Eun Na too? Like honestly, he really does and I think he liked her longer than you did."Chen said. How can he be so smart?!
"Oh jinjja?!"Sehun sounds shocked.
"Sehunnie, ask yourself this, would you choose Love or Loyalty?"Chen asked and following was silence.
I wanted so badly to walk away but I can't...
"Loy...Loyalty?"Sehun stuttered.
"Lies."Chen said.
"Which one Sehunnie, Love or Loyalty?"Chen asked him again.
A bit of hesitation but Sehun said,"Loyalty."
I knew that wasn't Sehun's true words, I sighed. Suddenly, Baekhyun tapped my shoulder which made me jump.
"Chanyeol, what are you doing outside the kitchen?"Baekhyun asked as he opened the door to the kitchen showing Sehun and Chen's shocked faces.
I sighed as I couldn't even face Sehun right now.
"Oh...hello."Baekhyun greeted Chen and Sehun.
I walked into my room and slammed the door. I really don't know what to do now. I feel lost.
And I stayed like this for the whole night, leaning against the door.

-End of Chanyeol's pov-

-The next day-(At your home)

"Good morning oppa!"You smiled as you come down wearing your uniform. Today, I had to bring my hoodie again as Mrs. Amy will be teaching me and Sehun the cherography but today I'm bringing my ripped jeans.
"Morning."Suho smiled.

*DIND DONG*The doorbell rang and you opened the door.
"Good...morning?!"You said as you saw Chanyeol and Sehun looking like they gamed the entire night.
"What happened to Chanyeol and Sehun?"Suho asked as he saw their state as well.
"They didn't sleep yesterday."Kris said.
"What can even occupy you guys for the whole night?"You asked in disbelief.

Probably Sehun's legs gave up on him and he fell onto the floor.
You caught him just in time before he could land on the floor.
"Aiyo..."You mumbled as you helped him into the living room.
As the concerned leader of EXO, Suho instructed us to bring them into the guest room.
Since, your already helping Sehun, you helped him to the guest room while Kris and Luhan helped Chanyeol.
"Careful..."You said as you laid Sehun on the bed and tucked him in.
"If you were playing games yesterday I will gladly smack you for sacrificing sleep just for games."You scolded the sleeping Sehun.
As you were walking away, you heard him sleep talking.
You turned back to him and kneeled beside the bed.
"Eun Na..."He spoke.
"Yes?"You answered. It was kind of stupid to reply to someone who doesn't know what his talking about.
"I...like you."He mumbled.

Since, you always say I love you to Nayeon and Joshua as you really do love them as a best friend.

"I like you too Sehun oppa."You said and smiled before leaving.
Then, you went downstairs to eat your breakfast.
Chen was acting very awkward and so you walked up towards him and asked,"Oppa, are you okay?"
And he nodded.
Everyone was looking at you awkwardly and not only you who realised it but also Suho did.

~Time lapse~
You made your way to school and met up with Nayeon.
"Nayeon!"You called out.
"Eun Na."She waved back.
"Eh? Where's Joshua?"You asked as you looked around.
"He has a fever."Nayeon said as she opened her locker to grab the books she need.
"Oh, I hope he gets well soon."You said and Nayeon nodded.


-Suho's pov-
When we reached school, I started to feel very awkward around the boys and I have never felt like this before. NEVER.
Sehun and Chanyeol usually talks to each other but they aren't today. As well as Baekhyun, aren't this three the talkative ones? I guess today their the most quiet ones.
"Hyung, I have different lessons than you guys so I will go first okay?"D.O informed and ran off.
"Hyung, me too, I have art first."Kai said before running to catch up with D.O who was also attending Art class.
"I'm going to buy a cup of coffee."Xiumin said and Luhan and Tao tagged along. I bet their going to make Xiumin treat them.
"I will head to class first."Kris said as he pulled his beanie down making it cover part of his eyes.
'When will he stop acting like this...'I thought.
I was left with Lay, Sehun, Baekhyun, Chen and Chanyeol.
I could see Sehun was trying to move away from Chanyeol, FIRST TIME!
"Alright someone please tell me what's going on."I said annoyingly at them.
"What?"They looked at me.
"Why aren't you three talking like usual, something must have happened between you guys making it like this so spill!"I said as I pointed at Baekhyun, Sehun and Chanyeol.
"If anything would make them stop talking to each other, it would be love."Lay sounded confidently like a love expert.
"And how do you know it's about girls?"I asked.
"Cause Love is that powerful to make you forget about how horrible reality is but making you think it's bliss and happiness."Lay said and Chanyeol and Sehun gasped.
I just eyed him suspiciously.
"Oh nevermind, hyung you haven't been in love before so you wouldn't understand."He said.
"Like you have dated as well."I replied to his kind of 'offending comment'.
"Neh, I just read it in love stories."He said making me roll my eyes at him.
I turned my attention back to the others."Well?" I was expecting answers from them.
Then, I saw Sehun take a deep breathe and he said,"Hyung, please don't be mad but hear me out arasseo?"
I hesitated for awhile but I agreed.
"I...I..."Sehun stuttured.

The next chapter shall be continued with Suho's pov.
Yixing the love expert.😂
Do watch Kungfu Yoga and you will kind of understand the next chapter, where I'm going.🙆
It's a Chinese movie btw.♥

Thank you for reading.♡
When I have time I will do editing but if I don't just bear with the mistakes.😎😎😎

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