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     Soon, you dozed off again. You were feeling the fatigue and it's real.

You felt an earthquake in your dream and woke up immediately. What a nightmare but it hasn't ended.
"MS. KIM, GET OUT."Mr. Jung exclaimed.
"I'm sorry Mr. Jung, please give me another chance."You sighed as you apologized.
"I DID SO GET OUT NOW!"He exclaimed again. There isn't any point of fighting noe so you walked out of the classroom and leaned against the hallway's wall.
It was empty like of course, everyone was in class.
Then, you started to walk around cause your bored, kicking air while walking around.

How boring...

You rather learn history than to be here right now.

Suddenly, the door to history class opened again and you immediately ran back to your original spot.

"GET OUT."Mr.Jung shouted from the inside.
You wouldn't believe who came out, actually you could. It was Baekhyun. He wasn't showing any sense of remorse but smiling from cheek to cheek.
"What got you out of here huh?"You asked.
"I pulled a prank on Mr. Jung, you should have seen it. It was hilarious!"He laughed and you showed no expression. It wasn't that great or unexpected.
"Then where's Chen?"You asked.
"He will be out soon. His prank hasn't even started yet."Baekhyun said and you face-palmed yourself.
"You have got to be kidding me..."

Then, it happened.
The classroom was filled with laughters, scolding and the door opened and Chen was sent out by Mr. Jung.

"Welcome, my friend."You welcomed him.
"I have always belonged here."He replied and you rolled your eyes in disbelief.

"We're probably going to get detention."You said while leaning back against the wall.
"It's alright, we're together. All for one, one for all."Baekhyun comforted which didn't work at all.

"But if one could do it, why not that particular person just do it!"You said.
Then, the bell went off signalling the end of history.
"Quickly quickly get into place."You rushed them and soon we're each leaning against the wall with a gap in between us.

     The class started to clear up and Mr. Jung was the last to come out. He was glaring at us when he came out.
"Come in you three."He ordered and we three came marching in.
"I won't give you guys detention today but if you all would to be sent outside again by me, your going for detention."Mr. Jung warned.
"Then why not just close an eye and not let us go for detention?"Baekhyun winked, thinking his idea was brilliant.
You secretly rolled your eyes at his idea.

That's a brilliant plan to get himself into detention!

As expected, "Baekhyun, your going for detention today."Mr. Jung said and Baekhyun turned pale right on the spot. You and Chen were both trying to hold in your laughters.

"Now go for your next class."Mr. Jung dismissed us and you and Chen ran out of the classroom and started to laugh until we might be mistaken as lunatics.
"HAHAHA, You should have seen your face Baek."Chen joked and you continued to laugh.
"Haha very funny."Baekhyun rolled his eyes before walking away from us.
Both Chen and you caught up with him and said,"Aww cheer up."
Baekhyun sighed as as reached our lockers.
You opened it and grabbed your English books out before placing the history books in.
"Now let's go to English!"You cheered him up but he was still frowning.
"Bye Chen, see you in lunch!"You bid him goodbye cause he has a different class than you and Baekhyun.
Baekhyun was sighing and you were laughing while walking towards English.

-Time lapse-
         It was after school and Sehun decided to confront Lexi. He spotted Lexi at the school gates and went there. Everyone was looking.

-Sehun's pov-
"Lexi!"I called out. She turned around and smiled at me. That smile annoys me.
"Oh Sehun oppa!"Lexi greeted.
I didn't speak.
"So I bought this new dress which will fit for upcoming prom–"
"I don't care!"I snapped and she kept quiet.
"Sehun Oppa what's wrong?"She asked concernly.
"You know yourself. I know what you did last Friday!"I exclaimed.
She was shocked.
"I...I...I..."She stuttered.
I tried to calm myself down but what she said after got me raging again.
"I didn't do anything!"She said shamelessly.
"YOU locked Eun Na in the janitor closet didn't you?!"I asked her.
"You have no proof!"She exclaimed back.

"But I do."

We turned around to see Nayeon and Lucas.
Nayeon was the one who spoke, Lucas on the other hand was looking at Nayeon confusingly.
Nayeon walked towards us and said,"I saw... Lexi, you forcing Eun Na into the janitor closet."
I looked at Lexi who was now dumbfounded.
"SONG NAYEON CAN'T YOU JUST KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT."Lexi shouted and Nayeon's face was covered in fear.
"I SWEAR YOUR GOING TO REGRET IT."Lexi was about to throw Nayeon a punch when Lucas stopped her.
"Don't do things you will regret."Lucas sneered before throwing Lexi's hand away.
Then she turned away and looked at me.
"Please Sehun Oppa, please forgive me."She begged but I just walked away.
-End of Sehun's pov-

"I thought you were against Eun Na?"Lexi asked, Nayeon shook her head.
"I was but she is a good friend. I shouldn't have betrayed her like this..."Nayeon said.
"I was afraid to lose Lucas so I acted like that."Nayeon felt guilt.
Lucas looked at his girlfriend, he was surprised by her actions.
He learned so many things from her.
"Nayeon let's go..."Lucas dragged Nayeon out of the school gates.

'I have to correct my mistakes.'Sehun thought to himself.

-At home-
       Day by day you started to feel a little dreaded. The wedding day was getting nearer.
You laid on your bed and looked the ceiling.
Then, the bell rang and you were hoping Suho would open it but he never did.
You rolled off your bed and went downstairs to open the door.
"Coming!"You shouted as you went to open the door.
It was Sehun. You gasped a bit.
"I'm sorry I mistaken you."He said.
"I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions without knowing what truly happened. Please forgive me..."He apologized. He was so cute so you forgave him.
It's just a small matter anyways.
"Arasseo."You nodded in acknowledgement.

I'm going to timelapse like a boss cause why not.
Slight sneak peek:
Thank you for reading. I'm so excited for it.

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