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I'm like debating whether I should start off with Chanyeol's pov or third person pov.
A little strong language ahead I'm sorry for using them. ~T_T~

-The next morning-
        You didn't feel the hard ground anymore but it was soft, and warm.
Immediately, your eyes shot up and your whole body shot up as well.
You looked around and was shocked.
"How did I get here?"You asked yourself.
"We brought you home, silly girl."
You turned towards your left and saw Chanyeol seating by your bed.
"I...I thought..."It was embarrassing to say so you didn't dare.
"You mean Lionel Yu?"He asked and you nodded nervously.
"He nearly raped you."Chanyeol simply said and you gasped.
"Then... What happened?"You asked using a little softer tone.

"Well, it happened like this..."Chanyeol started.
-Chanyeol's pov-
      The party was wild. Everywhere I go, there will always be a couple making out like. Don't they have pride.

Then, I started to look around for Eun Na cause I just want to know if she's safe.
She wasn't at the dance floor...
She wasn't in the kitchen...
She was nowhere to be found until...
I turned my attention towards the balcony.
I saw Eun Na through the transparent glass doors.
She was with Lionel.
Were they like hanging out together?

Then, when she was about to reach for the knob of the glass door, she fell down.
I was shocked. She fell to the floor while holding onto her head.
What happened!
Then, I saw Lionel stepping closer towards her.
He looks like he wasn't intending to help her up.
I suddenly felt uneasy. Was Lionel trying to do something.
I wasn't sure at all. What if I went there to help was actually spoiling their time alone...
But also what of Lionel was trying to do something to Eun Na...
What should I do...
I just stood there and observed.
Then, Eun Na looked like she was unconscious.
Lionel then carried her up from the floor.
Gosh why do I feel that this is going to be bad.
As he walked out of the balcony with Eun Na still in his arms, he was smirking.

I had my eyes on them the entire time. I followed them, until I saw him entering a room.
Oh no...
Immediately I ran in and saw Lionel hovering on top of Eun Na.
Oh no he wasn't trying to do that.
"BACK OFF!"I shouted as I pushed him away from Eun Na.
"Get lost. This isn't something you should care about. Pretty boy."Lionel said as he stood up from the floor.
"You are not allowed to touch Eun Na."I hissed.
"Yah! Park Chanyeol, you can get whatever girls you want, why fight with me over her?" He mocked.
"I'm not as shallow as you, does that answer your question."I said.
He was stunned.
"Now leave!"I shouted at him and he ran out of the room.

'Suho is going to be so angry when he hears this...'I thought as I looked at Eun Na.
She has fallen into a deep sleep.
What happened though... Did she drink too much?!
Nah... Impossible, she can take her liquor well.

Then, I helped her up from the bed and put of the party. It was now to dangerous for her.
Then I decided to ring Suho. He can help round the guys up.
I called him and after three rings he picked up.

Suho Hyung: Yobuseyo?

Me:Em... Hyung me and Eun Na are outside, can we go home now.

Suho Hyung: Of  Course I just have to find the rest. Give me 10minutes and I will be outside with the rest.

I nodded before hanging up.

I looked at Eun Na, she was fast asleep in the backseat.
I took off my jacket and placed it over her as a blanket.


I turned around to see all of them. Wow, their not drunk. Suho hyung should be proud right now but after hearing the incident I doubt he will be smiling like this right now...
But he deserves to know.

"Hello Chanyeol."Baekhyun greeted me.
"Hey. Can we go now..."I asked them.
"Hop on."Kris said as he got into the driver's seat.
"Eh? Why is Eun sound asleep?"Suho asked.
Gosh... Here it goes. I guess I have to tell him.
"Hyung something happened back at Lexi's place. Promise me to not be mad when I tell you."I said.
"Just say."Suho exclaimed.
He was starting to feel annoyed I can tell.
"Promise me first." All eyes were on me except Kris Hyung of course. He has to keep an eye on the road.
Suho hyung stayed quiet.
"Chill, calm down hyung."I tried.
"DON'T F*CKING ASK ME TO CHILL WHEN 'SOMETHING' HAPPENED TO MY SISTER!"He retorted and everyone was shocked.
That was the first time we heard him curse.
I guess Eun Na is really very important to him.
-End of Chanyeol's pov-

"You all know who Lionel is?"Chanyeol asked.
"You mean Lionel Yu?"Lay Hyung asked and he nodded.
"Lexi's brother..."Kris hyung added.
"What about him?"Baekhyun asked.
"I'm not really sure though but Eun Na was unconscious and Lionel was there..."Chanyeol said.
No one spoke so he continued.
"When I followed them, I saw Lionel bringing Eun Na into...a bedroom..."He stopped again, this time Sehun exclaimed,"Mwo?!"
But... Suho was still there.
"Drugged..."D.O said and everyone looked at him.
"Huh?"Chanyeol asked.
"Are you dumb or what. Eun Na can hold her liquors well, she wouldn't be knocked out if we all aren't. Then it must be Lionel, he drugged her."D.O explained.
"Your joking right..."Tao said.
"Your life's a joke."D.O hissed.
Suho had his hands clenched into a fist.
He didn't speak. Even though he looks calm on the outside, he was furious in the inside.

Sehun on the other hand was mad as well.
His heart which beats for you was triggered. It was beating rapidly but in a bad way.

-End of flashback-

"Wait... So you just stood there and watched me got carried into a f*cking room by Lionel."You was annoyed.
"Yah! Watch your language."He scolded and you rolled your eyes at him.
"I didn't know you needed help, I thought you two were just hanging out and you fell asleep and he carried you to a place so you can rest. Who knew?!"Chanyeol shrugged.
"That's not a way to talk to your lifesaver."He 'tsked' you.
"Then you can may talk to my lightsaber."You was furious.
"Hey... Didn't you tell me you wasn't an EXO-L?"He was shocked.

[EXO has this song called Lightsaber, if you have listened to it and seen the lyrics you will understand, the vid at the top. It isn't the full song but it's the 'mv'.]

"I never said I was."You told him.
"Lies."He grinned.
The fact that your lying in bed and his seating beside your bed, like hello it's like a hospital scene.

Suddenly, your door flung open.
You turned around to see who it was.
You smiled,"Oppa."

He didn't answer you back but sat on your bed and pulled you into a hug.
You was a little shocked by the action.
"Em..."You spoke.
"Eun, I'm sorry...I shouldn't have let that happen to you."He apologized.
You broke he hug and looked at him.
"It's not your fault oppa. No need to apologize."You smiled at him, assuring him everything was fine.
"I'm going to get Lionel on Monday."He hissed and you laughed.
"Welcome to the dark side oppa."You grinned and gave him another hug before stumbling down the bed and into the bathroom, leaving Chanyeol and Suho behind.
"Wow."Suho said and Chanyeol looked at him.
"What about?"He asked.
"From downstairs we heard you two fighting."Suho laughed and Chanyeol's eyes widened.
"We weren't fighting."Chanyeol stated.
"Ye sure, more like bickering."Suho teased.
"Hyung!"Chanyeol was embarrassed.
"You two make a perfect couple, it's just that you two need more time. Give Eun Na a little more time. I promise you, her heart will soon soften."Suho encouraged him.
"Thanks Hyung."Chanyeol smiled.
"Breakfast is ready, come down and eat."Suho said before going downstairs.

Thank you for reading.
I'm like starting to wonder how long this book will last. Hoping for long of course.
It's apparently longer than my first ever written fan-fics.
Should I maybe write teen-fictions?
I'm just afraid I might give up on it.
Anyways, hope you liked this chapter.🌹

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