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Sorry for any errors.♥
Fellow readers🔥

      "The sky garden?"Chanyeol questioned.
"Yes."You nodded.
"The glass rooftop makes it the best."You said.
"We're going to spend 2h here?"Chanyeol asked.
"Why not? Have fun with nature when you can, Chanyeol. I know your idol life is tiring and nature can really take your mind off work."You said as you reached out to remove Chanyeol's mask and cap for him.
When you saw his face you smiled.
"Don't, I might get recognised."He tried to cover his face but you took his hand away and said,"No one is here. Just the two of us so cheer up."
"Okay..."He frowned a little.
"Smile. Mother nature isn't something you should frown at."You said.
"Wae?"He sounded.
While walking through the garden you said,"Why frown at something that is suppose to help you."
"Nature won't relief my stress Eun Na, you are just too innocent."Chanyeol said.
You took in the scent of the flower before saying,"Breathe in the fresh air and compare it with SMentertainment's air conditioner, which air is better, more relaxing?"
Chanyeol took in a deep breathe and said," Fresh air..."
You smiled and then continued to walk down the garden.
You stopped at your favorite section of the garden. The orchids. Especially the purple ones.
You took in it's scent and smiled at how nice the smell was.

-Chanyeol's pov-
     I know we both still has a little flaws that are not worked out yet I hope it can in the future. As she pulled me to a place meant to relief my stress I was confused when we arrived at the sky garden I don't usually come to. I heard of it but never been here before.
"Smile. Mother nature isn't something you should frown at."She said and I got even more confused. What?
"Wae?"I asked.
"Why frown at something that is suppose to help you."She said.
"Nature won't relief my stress Eun Na, your just too innocent."I said.
"Breathe in the fresh air and compare it with SMentertainment's air-conditioning. Which air is better?"She asked suddenly.
I listened to her and breathed in.
Fresh air is better...
"Fresh air..."I said receiving a smile from her. It's a beautiful smile.
Then, I saw her stop at the orchids section and she smelled them. I immediately took a picture of her. It was a beautiful sight.
I was so tempted to post in on instagram for the whole world to see how pretty she was but I can't. Many EXO-L's will get worked up.
"What are you doing?"She asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.
"Oh nothing, just checking my messages."I lied and she nodded.
'I'm going to change my wallpaper when I get home.'I thought and placed my phone inside my pocket.
-End of Chanyeol's pov-

      "What's the most prettiest thing in this garden?"Chanyeol asked.
You looked up and towards him.
You was confused about that question,"Mwo?"
"In your opinion, what's the most prettiest thing in this garden right now."He asked.
"Isn't it obvious, it's the flowers and nature."You said and Chanyeol laughed while shaking his head.
"Then what is it?"You asked. You was slightly offended cause nature IS the prettiest thing ANY WHERE, EVERY WHERE.
"Now, from my view..."He stopped half way and walked up towards you.
"Is you."He whispered in your ear.
Your eyes widened and moved away from him. He laughed and walked away.
"Yah!"You shouted.
"It's true!"He shouted back making you blush a bit.
You ran after him and told him,"Your the most prettiest thing in millions of people's eyes."
"Their my fans of course they will say that."Chanyeol said.
"If you dare do that to a fan I'm pretty sure they will flip."You said honestly.
"It's my off day Eun Na, can we please not talk about my work and fans please."He pleaded and you suddenly felt sorry.
"Mianhae Chanyeol."You apologized.
"I was just kidding."He said.
"Don't take it seriously."He added.

~2h later~
      Finally finishing the garden, you felt a little bit more comfortable with Chanyeol.
"I have to go now. Oppa should be cooking dinner already."You said and he nodded.
"I know. I have to go back and work on my stuff as well."He said.
"I will sent you home first?"Chanyeol asked and you shook your head.
"It's okay. I can go back myself. You go back and do your stuff and get some rest."You said.
"Okay, text me when you reach home?"Chanyeol asked and you nodded.

As Chanyeol's house was the opposite side of the neighborhood while yours is the other side, you two parted ways.
You turned around and saw his back slowly becoming smaller you ran up to him and gave him a back hug.
"Thank you for today... Thank you for understanding me."You smiled while hugging onto him.
You could hear him chuckle so you broke the hug. He turned around and smiled.
"I guess that day when you fall for me is coming soon, very soon..."He said and you gasped.
"I have never said I liked you, and I never will Chanyeol. I only thank you for giving me space to think instead of rushing things."You corrected him.
"Ne Ne. I know Eun Na."He said and you walked away from him.
"Bye Eun, see you tomorrow!"He shouted and you waved at him and walked home.

     As you was still on the streets of Seoul, it started to get colder, of course it's night time. You quickly tied Chanyeol's jacket around your waist and quickened your steps back home.
You turned around as you felt someone's presence. Someone was following you.
You took out your phone and saw the reflection, indeed someone was following you.
'I'm broke you idiot. Leave me alone!'You thought as you used your phone to ring Suho.
After a few rings, he finally picked up.


Me: Oppa help me!
You suddenly felt afraid.

Oppa: What's wrong?

Me: I think someone is fo-
You got cut off when someone from behind covered your mouth making you drop your phone onto the floor.

Oppa:Eun Na? Eun Na?


     As you was pulled into a dark alley you was face to face with the guy who pulled you here.
"What the hell dude!"You exclaimed.
Then he slammed you onto the cold, dark alley wall, placing both his hands beside your head, cornering you.
"Your a pretty girl all alone on the streets of Seoul."He said as he scanned you from head to toe.
"Back off perv!"You shouted at him but he just chuckled.
"I'm not stupid okay, I don't let go someone this pretty."He said.
"Dude your crazy!"You pushed him away but before you could leave he grabbed you by your wrist and slammed you onto the wall again. This time harder.
"Your really getting on my nerves."He said angrily. Then you smelled alcohol from him. Is he drunk?
"Dude your drunk!"You exclaimed.
"I'm not!"He shouted back.
"Only drunkened people will say that."You rolled your eyes.
Then, you felt his hand on your left thigh making you shiver.
"Get your filthy hands off me!"You shouted as you pushed him away. You trembled on the spot, unable to move.
"YOU!"He was furious.
Then, he pulled your hair and said,"Your going to listen to me."
"Let go..."You said as he was pulling to hard.
He finally let go and you massaged your head.
Then he placed his hands on your waist.
"GO AWAY!"You shouted at him and he got frustrated.
Suddenly, he took his knife out of his back pocket.
"What the hell..."You gasped.
"If you don't listen I guess I have to kill you."He said.
"Dude your drunk. Your not in your right mind!"You tried to calm him down.
"I'm in my right mind! I'm fully sober!"He shouted.
'Geez I'm not even calling him mental, why is he working up like this.'You thought.

'Although I know self-defense, I don't wish to use it on him cause his drunk. He doesn't know what his doing.' You thought.

"Please just keep the knife."You said.
"No way."He swung it towards you but luckily you dodged it.
"I don't want you to get hurt!"You said.
"Oh please, your the one thats getting hurt today."He said confidently.

'This pervert is changing the scenario now. What an useless idiot.'You thought.

Then, he attacked again and this time his knife slid my arm.
"Ah..."You groaned in pain. It was a deep cut.
"Listen or else you will get hurt even more."He said. Then, he stumbled a little.
"YOUR DRUNK! WAKE UP!"You shouted hoping to wake up some parts of his brain.
Slowly, he came closer towards you as he was furiouse with you.

Oh no! What's going to happen?
Find out next in ||NINETEEN||.
See ya.♥
Thank you for reading.😇

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