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I'm sorry if like it's not yet at the arranged marriage but I will get to it soon.
Sorry for any errors.🐼
This is Overdose Era by the way.♥

-Time lapse-(Suho's pov)
Okay! Today is done! Finally!
When we all went back to the couch where our bags were on. Eun Na was surprisingly no where to be found.
"Eh? Where did Eun Na go?"I asked and Chanyeol who was beside me looked around as well.
"Eun Na!"Chen exclaimed.
I walked towards him and saw Eun Na sleeping soundly while leaning against the couch.
"Eun Na wake up."I shook her.
She then slowly opened her eyes.
"Em...yes?"She asked.
"Wake up, let's go home now."I smiled at her and she smiled back.
I helped her up.
-End of Suho's pov-

~At home~
Today was a tiring day, who knew. Luckily, tomorrow was the weekends.
"Oppa I will go up and sleep first."You said as you slowly walked upstairs.
"Go shower first!"He shouted. You didn't really want to but your that cleanist freak and you dislike going to bed without a shower. So your there debating whether you should. Finally, you took your clean pajames and walked into the bathroom to shower.
After the nice hot shower without getting your hair wet, you fell asleep on your comfy bed.


"Yah Eun Na wake up!"Oppa shouted and you slowly opened your eyes.
"What?"You asked annoyed.
"Wake up and eat dinner."He said.
"But I'm not hungry..."You stated.
"You can't sleep with an empty stomach come on, after you eat finish you can sleep already."He said and you got out of bed.
You sheepishly sat down and started digging into the food.

-The next day-
Your alarm setted off and you stirred up from bed.
"Ugh...my head hurts."You said.
"Good morning Eun Na."Suho greeted as he walked into your room.
"Oppa my head hurts..."You complained.
"Wae?!"He asked as he placed one of his hand on your forehead.
"Aiyo, Eun Na your having a fever."He said worriedly.
"I will go make porridge for you."He said and quickly went to the kitchen.
You slowly walked towards your bathroom to do your morning routines. Once your done, You slowly made your way downstairs and sat down while waiting patiently for oppa to be finished.
Then, the bell rang and since oppa was busy in the kitchen you stood up and stumbled to the main door.
'Aish...Getting sick is the worst. I can't walk properly.'You thought as you slowly made your way to the door.
When you opened the door, the exo members were standing there.
"Good morning!"They smiled at you.
You smiled weakly at them.
"Hi." Is all you could say.
"Eun Na, you look pale are you okay?"Kris asked and you nodded.
"Come in."You moved aside for them to enter.
They all entered and while their walking pass some looked at you.
You closed the door and tried your best to walk normally towards the dining table.
"Eun Na, are you really okay?"Sehun asked and at that point you lost balance but luckily you got hold on the bar counter.
"Yes."You said as you regained balance.
"Watch your balance."Lay said and you nodded.
"Have you guys eaten?"Suho asked as he made his way out of the kitchen.
"Yes we did."Luhan replied.
"Eun Na sit down!"He scolded and immediately you sat on the bar chair.
"Guys I can't go out with you today, I have to take care of Eun Na."He said and.
"Awww wae."Chen whined.
"Cause Eun Na is sick and I have to take care of her."He replied.
"Still saying your okay?!"Baekhyun looked at you.
"But whose going to pay?"Tao asked and Suho rolled his eyes.
"Was that what you guys were worrying about?"Suho asked them.
The rest except Chanyeol and Sehun nodded.
Suho then took out his card and passed it to them.
"Gumawo Hyung!"Tao thanked.

~Time lapse~
When the other exo members left you went back to bed and slept until the evening.
As you stirred up from your sleep, you went downstairs.
"Oppa?!"You called out but no one replied.
You looked around and went into the kitchen to find some food to eat.
As you walked toward the fridge, you saw a note sticker to the door.

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