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(A little Strong language coming through.)



~The next day~

*Come in,warning warning warning.*

Your alarm went off and you groaned before turning it off and returning back to sleep.
Luckily, you didn't fall off the bed this time.
You sighed as you looked out of the window.
Yesterday, you cried yourself to sleep which makes you more tired.
You dragged yourself into the bathroom and did your routines before changing into your school uniform.

You went downstairs and looked into the kitchen.
"Good morning." Suho greeted and you rolled your eyes.
"About yesterday, I just wanted to say...Mianhae(Sorry), I didn't know how you felt." He apologized.
You sighed and said,"I accept your apology but oppa,I hope we can spent more time together."
"Of course."He smiled as he ruffled your hair.
"Oppa!"You pouted as you retied your ponytail again.
"So would you want to go to the shopping today?"You asked as you tied your hair.
"Sure but can we ask some of the boys Jeballlll."He gave you those puppy eyes.
"Oppa,I'm not your fangirl.That doesn't work on me but sure why not."You shrugged.
"Jinjja?!"He widened his eyes.
"Neh~oppa."You said.

"Oh,I asked you with 0% hope you know."He said.
"Hahaha but oppa have you told them yet?"You asked.
"Aniyo,I haven't.But I plan to,they thought we are in a relationship."He laughed a little.
"Pfft,as if."You said.
"I will find a way to tell them.Come on let's go to school now."He said as he wore his grey coloured socks.

You also did the same and wore your white ankle socks.
"Eun Na,you can't wear ankle socks."He said as he pointed to your socks.
You rolled your eyes and said,"This is why I get detention easily unlike you."
"You seem like you got use to it."He asked in surprise.
"I did."You smirked as you wore your converse.
"This is the first time I hear someone literally enjoying detention."He said while standing up waiting for you.
"That's me." You said as you showed him the peace sign.
"Come on,let's go."He said and locked the front door.

Suddenly,someone shouted.
"HYUNG!" Both you and Suho looked towards that direction to see 11 boys.
Then, Suho waved to them.
"Oppa..."You said uneasily.
"We can just tell them now."He shrugged and walked towards them.
"Anneyong."The boys greeted.
"Anneyong."Suho greeted back.
"Isn't that Eun Na?Why is she here?"Baekhyun asked.

"You only have eyes for pretty girls."Chen teased.
"Guys,I would like you to meet..."Suho said as he pulled you beside him.
"Yah!I can walk on my own."You complained.
"Eun Na."Suho said.
"We kind of knew her name long time ago hyung..."Chanyeol said and you rolled your eyes at them.
"Rude..."Luhan murmurmed but you heard it and said,"That's me,what do you want to do about that boy."
Then Suho nudged you and said,"Why don't you keep quiet for a moment or do you want to introduce yourself."

You rolled your eyes and introduced,"Anneyonghaseyo,I am Eun Na,Kim Eun Na.I know you all are asking this question,how am I related to Suho.So now I will answer that question.I am Suho's girlfriend."
Their eyes widened in shock and stared at you blankely.So did Suho.
You love their reaction too much and started laughing.
"Hyung,dating is forbidden in SM and you know that!"Baekhyun said in disappointment.
"Jk jk jk."You finally said making everyone look at you.
"What do you mean."Yixing,Lay asked you.
"I'm not Suho's girlfriend.JUST KIDDING!"You said.

"Then who are you?!"Sehun asked.
"I'm Eun Na."You teased.
"I KNOW YOUR NAME,I MEAN Whose Hyung to you."Sehun stated.
"Oh,money tree."You said with a grin.
They narrowed their eyes at you and you said,"Another words,his my oppa,my brother."
They showed relief faces after you told them the truth.
"Why didn't you tell us?"Kris questioned.
"Cause I didn't want people to be my friend just because I'm Suho's sister even worse become famous."You said.
"So independent."Chanyeol said and you smiled."Of course."

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