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"Well well well,who do we have here."Lexi smirked as she walked up to you.
"I will drink that instead of Nayeon."You said as you stood in front of Nayeon.
"You trying to save your bestie."She smiled evily.

"I'm loyal unlike you people." You faked a smile and grabbed the bottle of alcohol from her.
"WAIT!Nayeon must drink it not you!"She exclaimed.
"If you can drink this down, I will then pass it to Nayeon to drink."

She hesitate for awhile and replied,"Fine you win but I don't you can drink it.Even the greatest drinkers can't manage it."She smirked.
"Although I'm not the greatest but I can say I'm a greater drinker than you." You answered.
"Pfft,whatever.I doubt you can walk normally back home." She said as she flipped her ponytail.

"If I can, you will leave NAYEON AND I ALONE!"You exclaimed.
With that,you started drinking the bottle.
While drinking you could hear Nayeon saying,"Eun Na no!Drinking that is bad for your health NO!"
You didn't care and continued to drink.
When you was half way down the bottle you stopped drinking and pulled it away from your mouth.

"Oh God...this is really strong."You thought.
"You still have half left EunNa...I'm waiting."Lexi smirked when she saw the state you was in.
"Enough Eun Na please don't harm yourself."Nayeon pleaded as she helped you as you have difficulties standing already.
The fact that you heard Lexi's laughter irritated you so you stood up and started drinking again.
With that her followers and herself was shocked.

When your left with a quarter you felt your immune system give up.Then you had an idea.
With a swift move,you splashed the leftover alcohol on Lexi and her followers and quickly pulled Nayeon away from the hallway.
"AH!"Lexi shouted.

Then she and her followers started chasing us.
It was difficult to run due to the fact that your that drunk and you didn't feel so well.Nayeon was helping you onto your right side as you made a run for it.

"School...school...entrance quick!"You mumbled and Nayeon obeyed.
From the back you could hear Lexi shouting while running.

"Quickly Nayeon."You mumbled as you pulled yourself to the school entrance.
Suddenly you saw the boys waiting at the entrance.You smiled a little and quickly shouted to get their attention.
Then you felt someone pull your hair. It was Lexi.

Luckily,Lexi and her followers was dumb enough to pull by our rubber bands and you pulled yourself making your runner band slip down your hair,breaking free from her reach.
Then swiftly,you pulled Nayeon's rubber band as well and her ponytail was loose and we continued to run towards the boys.
Then you slowed down when you heard the footsteps behind you fade away.

You stopped running and glanced back.
"Eun Na are you okay?!"Nayeon asked as leaned you against the wall to rest.
You felt terrible as you wanted to vomit and also drunk at the same time.Then you ran towards the nearest bin and started to vomit.


- Suho's pov -


After class,we were all waiting for Eun Na.
Aish,where is she.She's making us wait upon her.
I dialled her number but no one answered.
I started to get worried while the others got impatient.
"Where's that girl?!"Luhan asked in frustration.
"Let's wait about more Luhan."Chanyeol said trying to ease Luhan.
Suddenly,I heard someone shouting out names.
It was Eun Na.Nayeon was helping her walk.Why?!
Then,Lexi and her gang was behind them but when they saw us they ran away.
-End of Suho's pov-

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