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I'm nowadays addicted to ikon.


       "Your here just in time!"Jasmine said and you looked at her.
"What do you mean?"
"There's this other group who keeps on challenging us like. We're here to just enjoy but their there starring at us."Jung So pointed out the group opposite us, they were starring. Their stares filled with competitiveness and hatred.

Hatred?! Their 'leader' you guess has them all.

"Gosh it's creeping me out."Jasmine whispered.
"I got this."You told them and walked up to them.
"What do you guys want?"You asked.
"We want to challenge you all."The leader simply said.
"We're sorry but if your looking for a competitor, this isn't the right place."You told them.
"Why? Scared we might win and you all loses the champion name."The leader smirked.
You calmed yourself down and smiled,"I'm sorry but there is no competition here."
"Your the competition."He said.
"Excuse me?!"You was a little confused.
"We heard that your the queen of skateboarding here and that guy is the king of skateboarding."He said. You looked at who he was pointing at and it was Mason.
"We're totally flattered, I MEAN NO, NO we're not."You immediately changed.

"Pfft like we will ever believe you."A girl beside him said. She was dressed like a slut. Basically, wearing revealing clothes probably to seduce guys.
"It's none of your business so I really suggest you just keep that mouth of your's shut."You told on her.
"Leave her alone. She's not part of this."The leader said.
"Oh so she's not skateboarding. Then that gives her more reason to shut up."You glared at her.
Then, you saw her mouth 'bitch'.
Your about to rip her mouth off you swear.

"It's on. We accept your challenge."
"If we win, you have to leave here and forever not come back."The leader said.
"Don't be so cocky who knows you might lose."You said.

"Alright. Mason shall versus me."The guy said.
"May I know my competitors name?"Mason spoke.
"I'm Cody."He smirked.
"And I am Vanessa." A girl walked towards the front with a cocky expression.
"It's on."You and Mason said together.

Then, they made their way to the skateboarding bowl.
Then they both skated down.

The bowl, just makes them go up and down.

"GOOD ONE Mason."Jung So shouted when he did the first stunt.

Then, Cody did as well.
"GOOD JOB!"His teamates cheered.

-Chanyeol's pov-
         When I finally got it. I could skate on normal roads now but not on the slopes yet.

Then, something caught my attention.
There was a huge crowd at the pros area.
I walked towards the crowd and saw two guys skating inside the huge skating bowl.
"Are they competiting?"I asked the person beside me.
"Yes! That's Mason Andrews, the king of skateboarding around here."He stated.


"Then that's just one other group looking for trouble. How can they not know they will never beat the king and queen of skateboarding."The guy laughed.

Queen?! There's a queen as well?

"Whose the queen?"I asked.

"I guess your a newbie. The queen is Kim Eun Na. OH LOOK! MASON WON THE COMPETITION."The guy immediately got excited.

Everyone started to cheer cause Mason won.

"There's the queen! She's so cool when she skates."The guy said and then, I saw Eun Na skating in the bowl already.

-End of Chanyeol's pov-

"Mason won with his new stunt!"Jasmine exclaimed excitedly.
"This round, Mason wins!"The judge says and we all cheered.

He smirked at Cody.
"Awww where did your cocky smile go to?"Jasmine teased.

"It's now up to you now Vanessa."Cody was embarrassed cause he lost.

Both of us then made it to the starting point.
"I will flip this game upside down."Vanessa said.
"Okay, I will be waiting."You said and then skated down leaving Vanessa up there.

Soon, Vanessa came down as well. Like finally!

As you skated pass her you heard her say,"Good luck winning."

You ignored her and did your stunts.


Vanessa did her's as well and one unexpected thing was, she kicked you and you fell off your skateboard.

Once a skater stops skating or falls off their skateboard you immediately loses.

You lost!

Everyone gasped while Vanessa already skated out of the bowl and starred down at you while smirking.

"Ah..."You groaned in pain as you slowly got up from the ground.

"EUN NA!"Jung So and Mason both skated down to help you.

"THAT'S CHEATING!"Jasmine retorted.
"No rules mentioned means there wasn't any."Vanessa smirked and Jasmine raged.
She ignored what Vanessa said and went down to help you as well.

"I shall... Em... Mention the winner and IT IS STILL MASON'S TEAM."The judge said and Vanessa's jaw dropped.


"Cause based on the first round, Mason was the winner and the second round wasn't counted so they win and as a skater you should know the rules very well."The judge scolded them.

You made your way up with the help from them.
"Now, Eun Na please tell us what you want them to do as a forfeit."The judge said.
"I would gladly murder them."Jasmine folded her arms in front of her.
"Fine we will leave and disappear forever."Vanessa said unwillingly and walked away.
"STOP. I never said that was your forfeit."You called out.
"What your going to humiliate us?"Cody shrugged.
"No... You all don't have to leave. It's everyone's skate park. Everyone is welcomed but just don't ever play dirty."You said and they gasped.

"Why are you being so kind when I made you break your leg..."Vanessa gasped.
"I twisted my ankle only. It's fine."

"We're sorry."They bowed.
"Arasseo. Let's go."You smiled at them before leaving.

Then, you caught sight of Chanyeol. He was waiting with his mask on.
"Guys I can go back myself."You said trying to make an excuse so you can make them go away.
"Seriously?! Your leg is injured."Mason said.
"I'm fine."You smiled.
"Yah right. I can make it home myself. Trust me."You assured them but they shook their heads.
"We will go back with you."Mason and Jasmine agreed.
"My friends here to pick me up."You said and pointed towards Chanyeol.
"Who is he?"Mason asked.
"He looks suspicious, why does he need to cover his face with a mask, what does she think his a kpop star?"Jasmine asked.
"Plus, it's in the middle of April. The wheather is getting hotter day by day."Mason added.
You laughed at all their questions.
"He is my friend chill guys."You laughed.

"I don't trust him."
"Me either."
Then, they both high fived each other.
"But I do. Just."You told them.
"Fine, just this once."Jasmine sighed and you nodded.
Then they left. Their heartless enough so before Chanyeol could walk up to us they left me there.
You had no one to hold onto so you fell due to your ankle.
Just nice, Chanyeol was in front of you and he supported you before you could fall and reach the floor.
"Just in time."He smiled when he caught you.
"Thanks."You smiled at him.
"Let's get you to the hospital so they can check your broken ankle."He said and you nodded.

Thank you for reading.😻

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