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Welcome back.

-Suho's pov-

          After playing all the rides, the theme park was about to close but Eun Na and Chanyeol was nowhere to be found.
Where in the world are they? I tried calling Chanyeol but his not picking up and Eun Na's phone is offed.
Aish... Their such a worry.
"Could they still be inside?"Baekhyun said but I shook my head.
"We searched every where and their close already."I said.
"Hyung, waiting here won't be a way. Let's go back first while we wait."Sehun said and we all nodded.

Where are you Eun Na and Chanyeol...
-End of Suho's pov-

-At the hospital-
"Okay miss, your ankle should heal after 1 week of rest. No vigorous activities for you."The doctor said.
"Now the question is, would you want to use the crutches or wheelchair?"He asked and you immediately replied with 'crutches'. People will think I'm half paralyzed like no I'm not!

"Arasseo. The nurse will pass it to you later.  Also Remember to be careful cause you have already hurt your ankle."The doctor scribbled something on a paper.
"Thank you doctor."You bowed and Chanyeol helped you out.
"Sit here. I will go pay."Chanyeol said and you nodded.

Soon, he came back.
"Kaja."He smiled and passed you your crutches.
"Gumawo."You thanked him and grabbed your crutches from him and used them.


"Do you think Suho will get mad?"Chanyeol asked.
"Oh no. Chanyeol please don't tell him we went to the skate park. He hates it when I go there."You pleaded and he nodded.
"I didn't know Suho hates a lot of things you like..."Chanyeol said and you frowned.
"Ye..."You sighed.
"Why though..."Chanyeol asked.
"You are full of questions I see."You joked.
"Aniya. It's okay if you don't want to answer my question."He scratched the back of his head.
"Nahh, I'm joking. What I like is those vigorous sports like skateboarding... And the people over there well you see it. They swear their just bad company but I don't think so. Their like my another family where I can feel happy with."You said.
"Don't you ever try to tell Suho hyung your thoughts?"Chanyeol asked.
"Does he listen?! He always goes his way and you see. I'm injured how will he believe me now."You felt tears build up in your eyes.

Aish... I'm crying..

"True...Suho hyung is a little protective sometimes."Chanyeol said.
"We're here."
You looked up and sighed.
"I'm going to get scolded."You muttered.
"His probably going to scold me."Chanyeol assured you.
You keyed in the pin,"Alright, here goes nothing."

Then, you opened the door and slowly trudged in.

Your crutches makes all the noise.
The boys were seating in the living room looking at you.
"What happened to you?"Suho immediately stood up from the couch and looked at you.
"What happened to your ankle?"He asked.
"Well... I fell and hurt my ankle."You said.
"Chanyeol, what happened?"Suho turned to ask him. He was a little shock when he for questioned.
"She did fall and injured her ankle."Chanyeol nodded.
"And where did you guys go?"Suho asked.
"Would you stop interrogating us."You exclaimed.
"You came back with a broken ankle Eun!"He scolded.
You made your way pass him and sat onto the couch to rest.
"We went to the park hyung."Chanyeol replied.
"Lies... Your ears are turning red."Suho replied casually and Chanyeol's cheeks flushed a deep red colour, signalling his embarrassed.
You mentally face-palmed yourself.
"Would you just stop for awhile. We just came back."You was so angry that you stood up and you felt a sharp pain coning from your ankle and you fell back onto the couch.
"Eun..."Suho ran over to inspect your ankle.
"I'm sorry. Arasseo I believe you."He said and you heaved a sigh of relief.
"Then... What about the dance for the next week event?"Sehun spoke.
'Oh shiats... I forgot. How am I suppose to dance when I have a broken ankle.'You thought.
"I guess Teacher Amy has to find another girl to replace Eun Na."Kris said.
You looked towards Sehun and you saw him frowning. You suddenly, felt guilty.
"But the doctor said that my ankle will heal when I just have plenty of rest for my ankle, within a week."You told them and Sehun smiled a little.
"Well... You will get home schooled then."Suho suggested.
"How?"You asked.
"This week, the whole exo is given a week off and I shall be your teacher for the week."Suho said.
"Then I rather go to school."You pouted and everyone laughed.
"Class will start once I finish my lunch everyday after school."Suho said sternly.
"Then eat slower."You murmurmed.
"You will finish the homework given by your teachers and I will pass them up tomorrow."Suho said.
It's like he has already created a plan.
"Now use the lift to go up."Suho said and you nodded.
"Of course I will use the lift."You muttered under your breathe.


Today, D.O was cooking. This was an special occasion.
You was laying in bed while playing with your games on the phone. It was boring being in bed all day.
Another thing to make you regret skateboarding.
Then, a call from Jasmine came.

You picked it up immediately.


Jasmine💛: Yah! How's your ankle.

Me: The doctor said I need 1 week of full rest to heal.

Jasmine 💛: Awww get well soon, babe.

Me: Ahaha thankiew.

Jasmine💛: Anywayz I don't remember you having such tall friends and damn he was well built.

Me: You like him?

Jasmine💛: I don't even know who that is pulease~ What's his name?

You was stunned and hesitated for awhile.

Jasmine💛: So? What's his name?

Me: Em...Em...C-

You started to mix random words together hoping to form a name.

Me: Em... Carrrot...Lim... CarrotLim...THATS HIS NAME... CarrotLim!

You was already breaking out in cold sweat.

Jasmine💛: Carrold Lim? What kind of name is that...

Me:  His name... His from New Zealand that's why.

Jasmine💛: Oh I see... Well good to know your safe. Now goodbye see you soon.

Me: Ye soon...

       We all study at different schools that's why we seldom meet.
Then, as you hung up. Again you was bored.
Then, someone knocked on your door.
"Come in."You shouted and the door opened. It was Sehun.
"Oh anneyong."You smiled.
He then bowed before entering.

"How's your ankle? Does it still hurt?"He asked as he sat by your bed.
"Ye, it's fine."You said.

"I have talked with Mrs. Amy over the phone and she will find another replacement for your part."Sehun frowned.
"You don't like it?"You asked when you saw his frown.
"No... I hate it."He pouted.
"Wae?"You sounded.
"It's just weird. We have practised so long I guess I got used to dancing that choreography with you."He blushed a little.
"I see..."You nodded.
"By the way... Do you mind if I ask what really happened to your ankle?"Sehun asked and you starred at him.
"What?"You looked at him, wide eyes.
"I spent almost everyday with Chanyeol Hyung, I know when his lying and when his not."Sehun spoke.
"Come on, I won't tell Suho Hyung."He assured you with that smile of his and you nodded. Giving in.
"Skateboarding."You started.


"That girl kicked you off your skateboard!"Sehun was shocked.
"Yep."You nodded.
"She's totally jealous!"Sehun exclaimed and you laughed.
"Why aren't you mad with her?"He asked.
"What's done is already done. Even if I get mad I doubt my ankle will recover."You replied.
"Your so cool about it."He said.
"I guess?!"You shrugged.
"I will go downstairs now."Sehun stood up from your bed and you nodded in acknowledgement.

As he opened the door, he was stunned by the sight of Suho standing there fuming with anger.
"I doubt your going anywhere before Eun Na tells me the TRUTH."He was furious, his face says it all.

"Oh geez..."You muttered under your breathe as you saw him walking in and Sehun backing back into your room.

Great just great. OPPA WILL KNOW EVERYTHING. Nothing can be hidden from him.


An 🍎 a day kepps the doctor away.Huehue.  Stay healthy my fellow readers.


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