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Sorry for any errors up ahead.😖
I'm so tired these days...😴

"Alright class, we will have a class test on Friday."Mr. Song said and everyone groaned.
"I'm sorry but it's a compulsory thing. Now class dismiss."He said when the bell went off.
You waited for the class to leave and then take your time to leave after. Your handicap so it's a little hard for you to move around.
Then, you made your way to your locker. You entered the pin and placed your books inside and grabbed your water bottle before closing it shut.
It's dance period which your excused from but you still have to turn up. It's annoying to watch people dance but you can't.
You also wanted to see who was being a substitute for you as Sehun's partner.

As you made your way to the dance room, the bell rang and eeveyone ran into their classrooms. Banging into you.
You lost your balance in the crowd and fell to the ground with your crutches being kicked far away from where you laid.
Sickening students. They all only had one thing in their mind and it is, going to class.
As you looked at your crutches helplessly. You couldn't reach it. It was too far away and your hands aren't long enough.
You slowly crawled towards it but before you can grab it, someone have already did.
It was Nayeon. Wow.
"Let me help you."She offered as she picked up your crutches for you.
"You don't have to be kind to me just because if my ankle."You said coldly.
"We... We're once friends."She said as she helped you up from the ground.
"I thought you were embarrassed to be seen with me or Josh?"You asked her.
She didn't reply but bit her lips.

You rolled your eyes at her and made your way to the dance room.
As you entered, you saw everyone doing their warm ups so you walked pass them and sat down on the couch.
"Eun Na... I can't believe my eyes. It's true."Mrs. Amy gasped as she came running towards you.
"I guess I really do need to find someone to substitute you..."She started to bite her nails cause if she doesn't find anyone who can be Sehun's partner the event will be a totally fail.

She's screwed for sure...

Then she made her way to the front of the dance room and said,"I need everyone's attention! As you can see Eun Na's ankle is injured and she can't dance so I will need another girl to substitute Eun Na for the school event that is on the upcoming Friday."
Then, all girls in class shot up from their slouching positions, their lifeless eyes were now filled with life again.
"I will pick the girl who I feel can pick things up quick and able to dance."Mrs. Amy said and immediately, the girls started whispering to each other.

"With Sehun Oppa!"

"I want that role!"

"We should all thank Eun Na for this."

"I want to be Sehun oppa's partner"

"I will get that position!"

"No I will!"

"STOP!"Mrs. Amy shouted to get their attention.

"I will be showing you all a new cherograghy and whoever can learn by the end of this lesson will get the position."Mrs. Amy said and played it.
Some girls sat down and watched while some were dancing along but failing miserably as it's their first time seeing it.

For you, you prefer to watch and learn.
So, you sat silently on the couch was observing every move they did.


"Alright now go practise. If you all need guidance do ask me."Mrs. Amy said once the video ended.
Then, the girls all went to practise while you sat there and allowed the choreography to replay itself mentally.

"Eun Na!"Mrs. Amy shouted and you looked at her with wide eyes.
"Yes?"You answered, breaking the chains of thoughts.
"Do your ankle perhaps have any chance to heal before the event?"Mrs. Amy asked hoping to get at least a 1% hope from you.
"Yes. If I get plenty of rest."You said and she smiled.
"THAT'S GREAT NEWS!"She exclaimed.
"Get well soon, Eun Na. That event is very important to the school and if the dance goes wrong, I will have to answer to the principal."Mrs. Amy broke out of cold sweat just by mentioning 'she will get into trouble with principal'.
"It's that serious?"You asked in shock and Mrs. Amy nodded.
"Arasseo. I won't let you down Mrs. Amy!"You said and she smiled.
Then she stood up and started to check on the girls moves.

"Nayeon it's the other way..."She instructed.
"Other way..."
"WRONG. It's the other move first then comes the kick."She sighed.

~Time lapse~
         "Alright, so I have picked out the person who will take part in the event if Eun Na's ankle doesn't heal in time."Mrs. Amy gathered everyone in front and spoke.
"But what if Eun Na recovers in time for the dance?"Sehun asked and everyone looked at him.

Some girls were looking at him with worried eyes while some just rolled their eyes at him, cause they don't want that to ever happen.

"Then, Eun Na will do it."Mrs. Amy smiled brightly.
"Now, for the person I chose is... Lexi but you can't pick up cherograghy up so well so I hope that can be improved."Mrs. Amy said and Lexi jumped in joy. She wanted that role so badly, her eyes we're filled with competitions.

The rest of the girls sulked as they didn't get chosen.

"Then why did you pick Lexi?"A girl voiced out, sounding a little annoyed.
Then Lexi shot her a glare before turning away.
"Cause Lexi is good at dancing. All her moves are fine unlike the rest of you.
NO ENERGY PUT IN IN ANY OF YOUR MOVES."Mrs. Amy scolded. She hates it when people mess up or do badly for her cherography.

"Now Lexi, I will need you to train extra hard so please meet me after dance lessons. You will be excused for the day as I will train you for this Friday."Mrs. Amy said and she nodded.
"Now class dismiss."She said. Those words finally came out from her mouth. Everyone dashed out of the dance room towards the cafeteria.
As you were grabbing your crutches, you saw Nayeon looking at you.
You smiled back but immediately she turned away as Lucas came up to her.
Then, Lucas pulled her out of the dance room.
Your smile immediately turned into a lopsided one. Then you slowly stood up with the help of your crutches before making your way out of the dance room.
As you walked out, you suddenly felt a hand on your waist and another supporting your arm.
You looked up and saw who he was.
You smiled at him.

"Let me help you."He offered.
"Gumawo Sehunnie."You teased and both of you laughed.

But, behind the two laughing figures was a jealousy aura.



'I will get that position no matter what it takes.'Lexi sneered inside of her as she saw you two laughing away.

"I don't care if your ankle has healed Kim Eun Na but that position is mine no matter what."She smirked before walking away.

What happened to kind Lexi?!
Has she gone bad again.
What in da world can she do if your ankle heals!

Thank you for reading!😙😙😙

I don't really do any authors note by using one part it's just weird.
I'm going to do it on the next chapter.

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