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I will be posting a new fanfiction tomorrow. Do support that as well.
It's a Baehyunie ff.♥

"I will explain..."Lexi said as she walked into the hospital.
"Hyung calm down...This is the hospital."Chen said.
"Sis...sister?!"Lexi asked in shock.
"Neh~.She's my sister."Suho sighed.
"When she was saving me as I slipped and fell, a curtain on fire was falling on us and she pushed me out of the lab while she pushed herself back and when I called her she didn't reply signalling she's unconscious and she has hit her head on something."Lexi explained.
"I'm sorry...I didn't really want this to happen."Lexi apologized.
"Haven't you harm Eun Na enough?Yesterday you nearly killed her with 80% alcohol and today with fire?!"Suho exclaimed in anger.
"I'm sorry..."Lexi gasped.
"Hyung calm down. It was an accident."Luhan said.
Lexi silently staggered away and went to sit down on a chair while waiting patiently for the emergency room red light to be offed.
"Hey are you okay?"Chen asked as he walked up to Lexi.
"Oh ne."Lexi replied.
Chen sat down next to her and looked at her ankle.
"What happened to your ankle?"Chen asked concernly.
"Oh nothing."Lexi said while trying to hide the swollen ankle away from him.
"Don't hide it. Let me see."Chen said which shocked Lexi.
"Why are you so kind to me?Aren't you going to hate me like how Suho is right now."Lexi asked.
"Although you really harmed Eun Na many times but from what you did just now shows that you cared for Eun Na."Chen smiled.
"Jinjja?"She asked in shock and Then nodded.
"What happened to your ankle?"Chen asked, bringing back the topic.
"Oh em...I sprained my ankle while trying to evacuate the lab and when j realise Eun Na was trapped in there I guess I did get real worried and ran all the way to the field and here despite the pain."Lexi rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly.
"Since we're in the hospital, go get it treated arasseo."Chen said.
"Aniyo oppa, I want to wait for Eun Na until the doctor comes out of the emergency room."Lexi said.
Then, the door of the emergency room opened. The doctor came out.
"Who is Kim Eun Na's family?"The doctor asked and Suho ran up to him.
"Me, I'm her brother."Suho said.
"Eun Na, she breathed in too much smoke and also she hurt her head so now she's in coma..."The doctor explained.
"How long will she stay like this?"Suho asked.
"I can't confirm but now it's based on her will power now."The doctor said before leaving.
Suho clenched his fist as he was furious.
Chen helped Lexi up and brought her to look for a doctor but before they could leave Suho blocked their way.
"Happy now?!"Suho exclaimed in anger.
"I'm sorry...I didn't mean it."Lexi stuttered.
"Hyung enough let's get Lexi's ankle treated first."Chen said.
"Ye hyung let's go and see Eun Na first."Sehun tried to ease Suho.
"Fine."Suho sighed and went into the ward your in.
After getting Lexi's ankle treated, Chen went to join the rest.
"Hyung you have to understand."Chen sighed.
"About what?"Suho asked while sitting beside your bed.
"Lexi she didn't mean to make Eun Na like this. It's not all her fault!Can't you see despite the pain in her ankle she still ran to the field to fight with principal and to tell us about Eun Na."Chen said.
"So?"Suho mumbled.
"Don't you think if Lexi really wanted to harm Eun Na, she could have just left her in the burning Lab."Chen continued.
"Let's not talk about it now."Suho sighed as he turned towards you.
"Eun Na..."Suho said as he held onto one of your hand.
"Wake up...wake up, jebal."
"Eh? Didn't the doctor say Eun Na can hear us?"Baekhyun said.
"Jinjja?"Chanyeol's eyes widened.
"Eun Na...please wake up."Suho said.

-Your pov-
I can hear oppa calling me, it's all darkness around me. I want to wake up from this horrible nightmare but I can't...I'm too tired to.The fact that I can't wake up from this dark nightmare is really scaring me and I started to cry alone...
-End of your pov-

"Hyung!"Chanyeol exclaimed.
"Wae?"Suho asked.
"Look! Eun Na she's crying!There's tears rolling down!"Chanyeol exclaimed shocking Suho.
"Mwo?"Suho shot up from his chair.
"Eun Na!"Suho started shouting.
"Doctor!"D.O shouted.
Soon, the doctor came and checked on you.
"How is she?"Chanyeol asked.
"This is how she's reacting to what you say to her proving that she can actually hear you guys but there's no sign of her waking up from her coma so far..."The doctor sighed.
"Kansahaminda."Suho bowed.
"Hyung we have to go back now."Chen said as he looked at his watch.
"Can you guys just go to Japan without me?"Suho asked.
"What no way!You have to come, your out leader and SM wouldn't agree."Luhan objected.
"Ye hyung...Luhan's right. We should go to Japan without Eun Na and be back after the award showcase."Sehun said receiving a sigh from Suho.

~1 week later~
EXO landed in Korea and they were held back by the fans in the airport. The airport was chaotic and they were lack of security guards.
"Aish...I hate fame."Suho mumbled in frustration.

Lexi was pacing around your ward hoping you to recover when suddenly, there was a 'beep' and the machine that is showing the heartbeat was a flat line.
"Eun Na!"Lexi started to panick.
Soon, the doctor and nurses ran in and asked Lexi to go out.
On the way, Lexi quickly grabbed your phone before leaving the room.
'Should I call?'Lexi thought as she looked at the phone.
'His the brother.'Lexi made a decision and quickly scrolled your contacts and found oppa💞.
She clicked on it and it started dialling.
~At the airport~
     EXO got through the fangirls and jumped into the van. They took their sunglasses and mask off and Sehun sighed,"What a day..."
Suddenly, Suho's phone started to ring.
Suho looked at the caller id and was shocked.Caller id:My Dear Sister💞
"Eun Na..."Suho gasped.
"Mwo?"Baekhyun asked.
"Eun Na is calling me."Suho said catching everyone's attention.
"Answer it then."Chanyeol rushed.

-Suho's pov-
     "Yobuseyo?"Suho answered hesitantly. Is Eun Na really awake?!
I am pretty excited to hear Eun Na's voice again after a week.
"Em...Is this Suho."The voice was not Eun Na's which broke my heart in some way.
"Y..es?!"I answered.
"I'm Lexi oppa."The other line said.
I started to feel anger inside of me,
"Why do you have Eun Na's phone."I asked.
"Something happened to Eun Na!"Lexi started to sound anxious.
The anger inside of me subsided and was worried.
"What...what do you mean."I stammered.
"Eun Na she...her heartbeat stopped and now the doctor is in there saving her."She cried.
The phone dropped from my hands and onto the floor.
"What happened?Whose that?"Chanyeol asked.
"Forget the dorm!QUICK go to the hospital."I shouted towards the driver.
'Eun Na please wait for oppa.Jebal.'
-End of Suho's pov-

When the van stopped, Suho immediately ran in.
"LEXI!"Suho shouted while running towards your ward.
"How's Eun Na?"Suho asked anxiously.
"They are still saving her."Lexi spoke.
"What...what happen."Kai panted behind Suho.
"Lexi...why are the blinds closed?"Chanyeol asked in shock.
"Eun Na's heart stopped beating and now the doctors are saving her."Lexi explained.
Soon, the doctors came out of the ward.
"Doctor, how is she."Suho ran up to him and asked.
"Her condition is stable for now."The doctor said.
"What do you mean for now?"Chanyeol asked.
"I can't confirm that she wont have this attack again in the future."The doctor said.
"What must she do to make her safe..."Suho asked.
"Best is that she wakes up but even after she does the first two weeks are still critical for her."The doctor startes to explain.
"Thank you doctor."Lexi bowed.
"No problem em...Mr.Kim may you follow me to my office as I wan to explain to you about Eun Na."The doctor said and Suho sighed before following.
"Help me take care of Eun Na."Suho nods.
"You don't have to tell me to do that."Chanyeol said before walking into the ICU.
"Eun Na..."Chanyeol started to sob a little as he sat beside the ICU bed.
"Please wake up, everyone's worried about you."He added.

The love and attention Chanyeol gives you, is it friends or lovers kind.
Chapter 8 out as well.🔜🔜🔜


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