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       You walked out of the bathroom after doing your morning routines and saw Chanyeol lying on your bed.
You didn't actually mind cause you weren't a cleanist freak so you just walked towards your closet and picked out a long sleeve and shorts before going back into the bathroom to change.
As you walked out Chanyeol has already fallen asleep. You laughed softly.
You threw your pajamas into the cupboard before turning towards him.
He looks pretty cute when he sleeps.
Kekeke. He looks like an innocent child.

But Suho shouted,"Breakfast is ready."
Instantly, you knew you had to wake him up but how?!
Are you going for the normal ways or your own ways.😏

Own ways...
Let the fun begin.

You didn't want to go so extreme so you just pushed him off the bed, making him land onto your woodened floor.
"Ouch!"He groaned and you started laughing on the bed.
"What the hell!"He exclaimed.
You continued to laugh.
All of a sudden, Chanyeol grabbed you by your wrist and pulled you down from the bed making you lie on top of him.
You gasped as you saw him smirking.
You was speechless.
"Eun Na, watch me make you fall in love with me."He whispered.
"I will love to see how your going to do that." It was very awkward but you still had your right mind.
"I already have."He then closed the gap in between you two and whispered into your ears.
You was stunned by the action.
His child like was no longer there...
But you was so wrong.

He then grinning like a little child again when he moved you away from him and he stood up and walked downstairs.
Wasn't that weird for him? Like it was for you but why did he walk out of that door so casually.
'I'm probably going to stumble down the stairs.'You thought.
"What just happened..."You asked yourself as you slowly stood up form the ground.
You felt your legs was trying to jelly.
Actually, it already was.
You slowly made your way downstairs and as expected, you stumbled down the stairs.
Luckily, you grabbed hold onto the railings just before you would land face flat onto the ground.
"Woah there Eun Na..."Suho said as he ran over to help you.
"I'm fine."You said.
He helped you toward a the dining table and you saw the rest just looking at you, eyes wide but Chanyeol.
He was laughing, cause he knew what was the cause of my 'stumbling incident' which occurred a few seconds ago.
"Sit down."Suho settled you down on the empty chair in between Chanyeol and Kris.
That made you kind of short actually it's very.
You pouted and sulk like a little kid in between them.
Then Chanyeol noticed and asked,"What's wrong?"
"It's just that, well I'm seated in between two tall guys and it makes me feel short."You said and everyone laughed.
"So cute my dear sister."Suho said as he placed the breakfast in front of me.
"Especially when you pout."Baekhyun grinned.
"Thanks."You said.
"Well I'm flattered."Kris said.
"Baekhyun, why not you try to seat in between them. Let's see how you feel."You looked at him.
"Are you saying I'm short?!"He annoyingly said that.
You shrugged,"Slightly taller than me only."
Then, the dining table was filled with laughters, the dining room has never been this lively actually.
When you saw everyone laughing you simply smiled.
      "Quickly eat we still have to go to SM."Suho laughed while saying. Everyone nodded.
Then, your smile turned into a frown.
You quickly ate and left the dining table leaving the boys there.

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