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Nice !!!
Sorry for any errors up ahead.

-Your pov-

           "Nayeon I'm sorry." I started off.

"What for?" She asked.

"For leaving things off with you when you started dating Lucas."

"Aniya, it was my fault. I guess I was being unreasonable..." She said.

"So... We're still friends?" I asked and she nodded, bringing a smile to both of our faces.



"Correct!" I laughed and Nayeon giggled.

We really missed out a lot of things in both of our lives.

Now she knows about mine and I know about hers.

"So how are you and Chanyeol now?" She suddenly asked out of the blue.

"It's complicated." I said.

"Did something happened?" She asked and in her tone, she sounded uneasy.

I shook my head. She doesn't need to know just yet.

"It's just that we got into a little argument that's all." I faked a smile.

"I see... Even Eomma and Appa fights sometimes but at the end they forgive each other because they love each other." Nayeon said which made myself smile.

Divorse <- this word should be kept hidden deep down in a married couple.

"Nayeon Kamsahaminda." I stood up as I was prepared to leave her house.

"Arasseo. See you tomorrow in class. Good luck with you and Chanyeol! Fighting!" She said as she escorted me out of her house.

"See you tomorrow."


              "Oppa I'm home!" I shouted as I arrived back home.

As I walked into the kitchen as his always there cooking, I saw him holding a ladle.

His making soup.

"Oppa." I called out and he turned around.
"Ah, Eun is home." He smiled as he wiped his hands on his apron.

"Why do I not see you with Chanyeol nowadays?" He asked.

"Erm... We actually did hang out after school." I scratched my head at how horrible I am at lying.

"Go shower and come and eat dinner." He said as he ran back into the kitchen. I nodded and walked upstairs.

-End Of Your Pov-

~The next day~

              "EUN NA WAKE UP!" Suho shouted causing me to get alarmed and falling off my bed.

"Not cool..." I groaned in pain as I pulled the comforters off and threw them back onto my bed.

Then, I staggered into the bathroom to do my morning routines.

Then, I walked down with my hair tied into a high ponytail along with my school uniform.

"Good morning Oppa." I yawned as I took a seat at the dining table.

"Aiyo Aiyo. You didn't sleep enough?" He asked as he placed my breakfast in front of me.

"No one can ever get enough sleep Oppa." I said.

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