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            We're currently on the rooftop.

-Your pov-

           As I sat down on the bench quietly admiring the view from the school building Joshua took the seat beside me.

I breathed in the fresh air, if there is and sighed.

"You wanna tell me now?" He asked calmly.

"You will never leave me alone will you..."

"Nope." He answered.

"Ara. I will tell you, I'm... Avoiding Chanyeol." I said making him gasp.

"Why? He cheated on you?" Joshua guessed.


"You cheated on him?!" He gasped.


"Would you just listen?" I scolded and he nodded before shutting his mouth.



I explained everything to him.

Finally, he got it.

"Well he deserved it. I respect Chanyeol Hyung." He said and I wacked him on the stomach.

"Okay... Sorry." He raised both of his hands up in the air.

"It's just complicated." I said in frustration.

"Well married couples sometimes will fight but it only makes your relationship stronger, so cheer up Eun, your stronger than this." He spoke and I smiled at his encouragement.

"Anyways, you need to loosen up, today Nayeon will have a party so you go there and have fun." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Ye sure, and you go there to pick girls up."

"Nope, I'm going to be with you for the entire time." He said and I thanked him.

-End of your pov-



         As you wore a simple black coloured dress which lands right above your knee, seated right in front of your makeup table.

You was curling your hair when someone knocked on your door.

It was probably Chanyeol. Who else?!

"Come in." You called out and he opened the door and let himself in.

"You going to Nayeon's party today?" He asked and you shrugged in reply.

You still didn't want to talk to him so maybe he will get this signal and leave you alone!

He sighed before sitting down on your bed while looking at you curl the bottom of your hair.

"Eun don't ignore me please." He spoke and you sighed before placing the curler down onto the table.

You turned around and looked at him who had a sad expression on him.

"I'm sorry. I over reacted a little." He apologized and you shook your head.

"It was my fault who didn't speak the truth. A happy marriage is to have no secret and I kept one." You said and he smiled before standing up from your bed and walking towards you.

He knelt down beside you and you looked at him curiously.

"Your so pretty." He smiled and you blushed. "Thanks."

You gave in. He was a cutie.

You couldn't help yourself but falling deeper into him. Every moment you are with him, you feel happiness.

You liked him and that's something you won't regret.

We leaned in closer and our noses were touching.

"I love you Eun Na." He whispered.

"Same." You whispered back before he made the first move.

We kissed.

More like, he kissed you.

You smiled into the kiss.

What a short chapter.😏

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