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Sorry for any errors.🔥

-Chanyeol's pov-
      I went to shop on my own cause Eun Na hasn't arrived yet. After probably like 1h Eun Na hasn't arrived yet...
Awkward... We didn't see her in school and now she's late?! So weird, very.
Then, I found myself in a coffee shop and I bought myself a coffee.
Thanks to my disguise no one really recognises me.
I went to sit down and took my phone out.

Suddenly, there was someone standing in front of me.
'Please don't be a fan..'I thought.
I slowly looked up and was shocked. It was Eun Na! She's fully drenched. What?!
"Eun Na, what happened?"I asked.
"I'm sorry to make you wait for 2h."She apologized totally ignoring my question.
Why is she even dressed like this when it's so cold in Korea. Oversize T with shorts?! Is she trying to freeze to death.
"Seat down."I said and she slowly sat down.
"Did you run all the way here?"I asked as I saw a little sweat trickling down her forehead and also rainwater.
Then she nodded and I sighed.
"Wae?"I asked concernly.
"Cause...Cause...you have already...waited...waited for me for 2h."She stammered. She must be cold.
"I will go buy you a cup of coffee. Stay here."I offered and stood up.
As I stood up, I looked around and saw some people were looking at Eun Na. Maybe because she's drenched.
I looked towards her and saw her white T was slightly transparent due to the rain.
'Those perverts...'I thought.
Immediately, I took of my jacket and placed it above her wet T-shirt.
She looked up and I just smiled at her.
"Use it to cover yourself, your white t-shirt is see through." I said and she immediately understood me and her cheeks flushed red from embarrassment.
'Aww...she's too cute.' I thought.
As I turned around to walk towards the counter to buy her a coffee I could see their guys who was eyeing Eun Na just now glaring at me.
'I'm so tempted to dig your eyes out so better stop glaring. You all mentally undressing Eun Na isn't cool.'I thought while sending death glares back at them.
-End of Chanyeol's pov-

     "Here."Chanyeol placed a cup of coffee on the table. You grabbed it and sipped on it to be surprised.
"Mocha?"Your eyes widened.
"Yep."He said.
"Aren't we suppose to shop for the wedding?"You asked nervously.

You could tell Chanyeol knew you was forced into this marriage and dislike every bit of this wedding preparation.
"We still have some time."He answered.
"Thank you Chanyeol."You flashed him a smile before drinking your coffee.
"It's just a cup of coffee, no worries."He assured.
"Ani, it's not about the coffee. I want to thank you for being understanding."You said.
He kept quiet and so you continued.
"You gave me the space I needed and didn't really rush me in this engagement."You continued.
"I understand, this is all a sudden thing and you and I, we both need time to handle our stuff."He said.
"It's difficult for two different people to suddenly have to combine their lifes into one but I hope it is possible."He said.
"You have your life and I have mine. It will be difficult to manage it but I know we can do it."He smiled.
"And what makes you so confident?"You asked.
He sighed before saying,"I have my idol life and my private life while you have your private life."
"Wait...does your fans know your getting married?"You asked curiously.
"No."He shook his head.
"Then what if our relationship get exposed!"You was shocked.
"We just have to be more careful."He shrugged.
"But I think it won't be found out cause we will both return home at different timings."Chanyeol said.
"What do you mean by return home at different timings?"You asked.
"We will be living in the same house."He answered.
"Didn't Suho tell you?"He asked.
"No... Aish oppa is.."You was furious that Suho didn't tell you.
"But we will live in different rooms of course but under one roof."He said.
"That still can't work!"You exclaimed.
"Why? What's wrong?"He asked.
"It's just weird... Can we not..."You whined a little.
"You don't see your mum and dad living in different houses do you?"He asked.
"Dude, their still happily married!"You said.
"Exactly. That's my point and you said it."He said and you realised what he meant.
"Oh..."You sighed.
"Cheer up. Mark my words, I'm going to make you like me till you can't spend a day without me."Chanyeol said confidently.

You looked at him and soon the side of your lips curved up,"I will be waiting for that day."
Then, you stood up and walked out of the coffee shop.
Chanyeol followed behind.
"It's coming."He grinned.

You shook your head,"Good luck trying."

'I can't like anyone, Austin I made a promise to you. Sorry Chanyeol...'You thought.

     "Kaja, before you arrived I walked around and I saw a few shops we can buy stuff there."He said and you followed him to the the third floor.
On the third floor was all the boutiques and jewellery stores.
"This way."He said excitedly.
You followed behind him and soon reached a shop that sells jewelleries.
"Why are we here?"You asked.
"To get matching rings."He said and you didn't really mind.
You looked at Chanyeol's right hand and saw a few rings on it.
"You seem engaged to many exo-l's eh."You joked.
"Mwo?"He turned towards you.
"Your right hand."You signalled.
He looked at his big right hand.
"Oh...This are just simple assesories."He said and you nodded.
"I know, I was just joking."You chuckled as you walked pass him and went to see the other rings on display.
You caught your eyes on one pair.
It was silver, and it has a patterned band.
"Can I take a look at that?"You pointed out.
The saleslady took out the pair of rings and you looked at it.
Although it's a simple, classic design, you liked it.
"Found something you like?"Chanyeol asked out of nowhere.
"Take a look."You pointed.
"It's so simple though..."He said.
"I like simple designs just like human hearts. The simpler the better."You said.
(Hope you all understand what I mean)
"You two couples are match made in heaven, mdm and sir."The saleslady complimented out of nowhere.
Before you can correct her Chanyeol answered,"How so?"
"Like how mdm corrected you sir. It's true, the simpler the heart of a human is, less scheming plots the person might put up in the future."She said.
"Thank you."He smiled.
"We will have this ring then."He said.
"Okay, I will wrap it up for you."She said and walked to the back.
"What wrong with you!"You wacked him on the chest.
"Ow..."He groaned.
"You see even people call us match made in heaven."He said.
You couldn't argue further as the sales lady came back.
"Here."She passed it to us and you thanked her.
"Kamsahaminda."Chanyeol thanked later on before leaving the store.

"So what now?"You asked.
"I think it's too early for wedding dresses and suits right..."He said.
You nodded in agreement. It was a little too early and you wasn't ready for it as well.
Since the wedding is still months away...
"How about the venue?"You asked.
"Suho hyung was kind enough to book a place for us in a five star hotel."He said.
"Wow, so rich. I don't remember him giving me money."You frowned and Chanyeol laughed.
"Since it's a private wedding, only the entire exo will be there along with our family members."Chanyeol said.
"Appa and Eomma will be in Korea?"You was surprised.
"Of course, their precious daughter is getting married, of course they should be here."Chanyeol said.
"They are in America and ditched both oppa and I in Korea. Only sending money back to us every month like that's what we want."You said.
"Okay...okay...cheer up."He said.
"You can treate my eomma and noona as your own eomma and unnie."Chanyeol said.
"Thanks."You smiled at him.
"They are very kind don't worry."He assured.
"I doubt we still need anything for now."You said.
"Then you want to go home?"He asked and you shook your head.
"It's still pouring outside. Even if we took a cab back there would be a traffic jam so let's stay here."You said.
"And do what?"He asked.
"Follow me."You smiled as you know where your going to spend your next 2h at.
You pulled him by his hand and went to the top floor.

Thank you for reading!😍
Any part you don't know, do comment at that part and I will get to you soon.😊
Good night peepz.💕

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