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Sorry for any errors up ahead😽

As you two walked home, he was drinking his bubble tea happily.
"Oh I forgot my manners."He suddenly spoke.
"Ye did you leave them dancing in the dance room."You joked.
"Kamsahaminda Eun Na-shi."He bowed.
"Your welcome."You replied.
"Suho Hyung definitely won't allow me to drink bubble tea."Sehun pouted.
"Wae?"You asked.
"Cause he says drinking too much bubble tea is bad."He said like a little kid.
"Awww, do you know your acting like a little kiddo now."You smiled.
"Am I cute for you?!"He teased.
"Kawaii!"You exclaimed and Sehun laughed.
Soon, you reached home and bid goodbye to Sehun before entering the house.
"Oppa I'm home!"You exclaimed as you placed your shoes nicely on the shoe rack.
"Have you showered?"He asked and you nodded.
"Good, come and eat."He said.
As you entered you was shocked to see who was seating at the dining table.
"Chanyeol?!"You gasped.
"Hey."He flashed a smile.
"What are you doing here?"You asked as you threw your bag onto the floor.
"Yah Eun, don't throw your bag."Suho scolded.
"Mianhae oppa."You apologized.
"Put all your dirty clothes in the laundry room."Suho said and you nodded before making your way to the laundry room.
You placed them in the washing machine and walked upstairs into your room.
You took a quick cold shower and walked out of your room, wearing a set of new pajamas.

"So, why are you doing here?"You asked Chanyeol.
"Cause Suho called me over."He simply said and you looked at him. He smiled at you and you rolled your eyes at him as you knew his motive.

-Time lapse-
As dinner was quick, Chanyeol left the house around 7.30pm.
Immediately when you closed the door you glared at Suho.
"You will thank me later."He said.
"Why will I?"You asked.
"Cause you two should really spend some time together and get to know more about each other. So when you two get married it will be less awkward."He said.
"Oppa, I will never develop any feelings for Chanyeol. NOT EVEN A SINGLE BIT! I promised Austin and I plan to keep that promise."You said confidently.
"Promise are meant to be broken while some are meant to me kept. That was just one of the foolish things you did when your young and dumb."Suho said with no emotions.
Is he like heartless or something how can he say this kind of things so easily?!
"I wasn't dumb, I was determined and determination pulls me through life till now."You raised your tone a little.
"I don't want to fight with you. Go to sleep, tomorrow you have another day ahead."Suho sighed as he walked upstairs.
"Ye... Do what you do best. Running away from reality."You murmurmed under your breath.

-The next day-
You wasn't a fan of weekday mornings. You groaned as you drowsily stirred up from sleep.
You walked into the bathroom to do your morning routines and didn't bother changing into your school uniform just yet.
You made your way downstairs and saw that Suho was already up making breakfast.
"Good morning Eun."He noticed you.
You ignored him as you was too tired to care.
Then, you fell asleep on the couch while waiting for breakfast to be served.
'I am Oppa's princess.'You thought.
Jkjk I wasn't.
You just let him express himself in the kitchen. Cause if you decided to help out inside there, you will sure be a "great help".
Soon, you was awoken by his shouting,"Eun Na time breakfast is ready."
And you stumbled down the couch landing on the cold marble ground.
"Ouch..."You groaned.
"Your such an accident prone."He laughed.
You got off the floor and said,"Yes but I'm still your sister."
"Yes yes..."He said.
You sat down and saw that breakfast today was bacon and eggs.
You started digging in.
After finishing up your breakfast you placed the plate and utensils into the sink and went upstairs to change.
You changed into your school uniform and tied up your hair into a ponytail before making your way downstairs.
"Oppa, why aren't you dressed yet?"You asked.
"Cause today exo will have a schedule and we will skip school."He said.
"Oh..."You was a little sad. Having the boys around was a little more fun but today is boring I guess?!
Then, the bell rang and you went to open it. "Oh Good morning Eun Na."Baekhyun smiled.
"Morning."You said softly.
Slowly the boys all walked in.
"Hyung we have to go soon."Chen reminded.
"I remember I remember."Suho replied.
"Since you all have to go I will go as well."You said.
"But won't it be too early for you?"Sehun asked.
"It's fine."You said as you grabbed your bag.
As you was about to leave, Suho gave you a hug.
While hugging you, he said,"Do not get into trouble in school arasseo?! I won't be around."
You nodded in his embrace. He finally broke the hug and you left the house.
As you was walking towards school, you had your headphones on.
Suddenly, someone from behind pulled your bag making you fall backwards.
"Ah!"You exclaimed as you landed on the floor.
You looked up and was shocked to see who it was. You took off your headphone and asked,"Why did you do that for?"
"Cause you deserve it!"Nayeon shouted.
You got up form the ground and looked at her.
"What's wrong with you! You think you got a little more fame in school you can use that to bully people?"You exclaimed.
"Popularity isn't an excuse to bully people you know!"You shouted at them.
"Shut your mouth before I shut it for you!"she threatened.
"Nayeon what in the world is your problem! You know your acting like an attention seeker right now!"You shouted at her.
"Jealous much?!"She said in a sassy tone.
"And why would I be?"You folded your arms as you asked.
"Cause I'm much more popular than you now."She smirked.
"Let's see if you still are in the future."You didn't want to harm her but she forced you to do it.
She was furious.
Suddenly, she grabbed onto your ponytail and yanked it.
"Let go Song Nayeon!"You shouted in pain.
She pulled your rubber band down and thats when you finally got free.
Tears stared to form in your eyes due to the pain.
"You will get a worser fate than this."She said and threw your rubber band onto the ground.
"Nayeon what happened to you."You started to sob a little.
"People change, Eun Na."She said.
"Watch me rise to the top."She said.
"Don't worry, I will watch you fall back to where you were previously as well."You said.
"Don't be so cocky."She pushed you.
"Says the one."You mumbled but she still could hear.
She was again furious as she clenched her fist tightly together.
She kicked your bag and all your books scattered around the pavement. You was mad but you didn't show. You just calmly stared at her, waiting for her to be done.
When she was finally done, she smirked and walked away.
You sighed as you kneeled down to grab all your books up. Then, someone came up to you and helped you.
You looked up to be surprised by who it was. It was your neighbour, Nathan.
"Eh? Nathan?"You was shocked to see him. You two were from different schools and we end at different timings and also leave house at different timings so it's hard to see each other.
"Hey Eun Na."He smiled as he picked up your books.
"I didn't see you for quite some time now."You said as you slowly stood up.
"Indeed."He passed back your books.
"Oh gumawo."You thanked him.
"No problem, just now was she bullying you?"He asked and you immediately shook your head.
"No, it's just a misunderstanding."You lied.
"Please don't tell oppa about it."You pleaded. You wouldn't want him to worry.
"I won't tell Suho unless next time I see you get bullied again."He said and you thanked him again.
"I got to go for school now, catch up with you soon."He said and bid goodbye to you before running off.
You quickly grabbed your hair band from the floor and places all your books nicely back into your bag and ran to school.

-At school-
You arrived and the halls were empty already. Everyone must be in their classrooms already.
Your late!
You ran to Mathematics class and as you pushed open the door all eyes were on you.
And... Nathan was standing in front.
What?! Isn't he suppose to be from another school. Why us he here?
"Ms. Kim why are you late."The teacher, Mr. Song asked angrily.
"Mianhae."You bowed.
"Sorry won't make you come on time. I want reasons!"He shouted.
"I...I..."You stuttered. You couldn't say it was because of Nayeon. So now you have no excuse.
When you knew your going to get detention, Nathan saved you.
"Hey aren't you the one just now?"He asked and you looked up at him confused.
"Oh! I'm sorry Mr. Song but the reason why she's late is because I held her back as I didn't know my way around here."Nathan lied and you smiled at him.
"Oh really? Okay then, Eun Na please take a seat." He said and you made your way to the empty desk beside Joshua.

Nathan is a lifesaver.
Have you ever had this kind of friend before?
Thank you for reading!🙆🙆🙆
Heart Heart~

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