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I'm sorry for any errors.
I know I haven't updated for awhile.😧


            As we reached Nayeon's house, immediately we parted ways and walked to different parts of the house.

You walked to the living room where Joshua was.

Chanyeol walked into the kitchen where the others were.


That's how the night went before hells broke loose.


"What drink do you want?" Joshua asked and you shook your head.

"Not too much Josh." You said and he frowned.

"Are you even the Eun Na I know?" He eyed you suspiciously.

"Fine, give me a tequila and I'm done." You said and he shrugged.

He was a little drunk but not as drunk as those who are dancing like there's no tomorrow on the dance floor.

-Your pov-

I sighed as I looked around.

The messy place.

I scanned the crowd but to no avail I didn't find Chanyeol anywhere.

Suddenly, someone took over Joshua's place on the couch and was now lying his head on my shoulder.

He reeked!

I looked at who it was to see, Luhan.


"Luhan Oppa. Get off me!" I tried to push him away but he clinged onto me.

"Sehunnie didn't get me my drink." He whined with his eyes closed.

"Wise choice of him." I shouted over the loud music.

"NO! I want my drinks!" He shouted.

"Do you know who I am?! I'M LUHAN!" He shouted and I nodded.

"Mhm... Whatever you say." This time, I pushed him off me and now his sleeping on the couch.


"Here's your tequila." Joshua presented it to me.

"About time." I grabbed it from him and drank it down.

The alcohol stung my throat but it keeps me alive and hyped.

"Josh, did you see Chanyeol?" I started to get worried all of a sudden.

"No..." He replied.

Then, I stood up and started to walk around Nayeon's house.

Joshua on the other hand followed me but was kind of a useless being.


"YEOL!" I shouted as I walked down the second floor's hallway.

It was so much quiter and cleaner than downstairs.

As I turned to a corner, I immediately took back my words.

There was a couple making out in the hallway.

"Get a room." Joshua spoke as we walked pass them.

Suddenly, Joshua lost his balance and fell into a room which it's door was not locked.

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