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I knew this story will pass twenty-six chapters.😎
Sorry for any errors up ahead🙏
I'm not planning to do editing just yet😇

"So how did it go?"Joshua asked as you came back to the table.
"Great."You smiled.
"Now we really have to get an outfit for ourselves. Let's go shopping today?!"He asked and you nodded.
"I guess I could get a new off-shoulder top..."You said and he nodded.
"I need you to help me pick out clothes."He said.
"My taste is always the best am I right."You laughed and he nodded.
You we're not actually looking forward to the party cause the fact that Nayeon is going to be there instead as your friend but as an enemy.
Friendship problems...

~Time lapse~
After getting released from school you and Joshua went on a shopping spree.

At the end, he managed to get a new pair of jeans, belt, leather jacket, and a top.

While you,
You got yourself a white, off shoulder top.
The party was 5pm tomorrow night evening.

-The next day-


Definitely the party will last till midnight.
Joshua went there first and since your reluctant to go. You decided to go at 7.


You took a long hot shower.
You then changed into your off-shoulder top along with your black coloured shorts
You curled your hair a little and walked downstairs.
"Your going to wear like this to the party?"Suho asked as he looked at you from head to toe.
"Yes."You replied.
"Em... Your not allowed to drink that much at the party okay?"Suho warned and you nodded.
"Fine... When are the guys coming?"You asked as you started to get impatient.
"Soon..." The moment Suho said that, the bell rang.
You went to open the door and saw the boys. They were all dressed casually.
Pretty weird...days usually you see them in their uniforms.
"Where's Suho hyung?"Luhan asked and you pointed inside.
"No need,lets just go now."He said and we all nodded.
On the car, Suho was going through 'procedures' as he is like this...

1)NO having a lot of drinks.

2)NO doing inappropriate stuff.
(As their idols, they have a reputation that they can't tarnish...)

3)We all have to leave Lexi's place BEFORE midnight.

The rules were a little ridiculous but if anyone disagrees, we all can't go. Simple as that...
Number 3 was easy to follow as you don't plan to spend 4h there but you were planning to drink all your sorrows down...
Drinking allows yourself to escape from reality...

-Your pov-
As we all arrived, Kris parked the car in the driveway of Lexi's and we all hopped off. Instead of receiving a normal greeting, we were all greeted by the loud music playing, keeping the party alive.
Well, my first destination was towards the kitchen to get yourself a drink. As Lexi's parents were rich, they had a house as big as a mansion.
I tried to relocate where the kitchen was but failed miserably.
I arrived at their laundry room. Oops...
Many people were making out. Gosh my eyes... This is what you usually see in parties?!

Soon, you found it! The kitchen, filled with drinks. Beer... Wine... IT'S HEAVEN!
I squealed in delight cause this is my world.
My property!
Since many people were at the dance floor located further away from the kitchen, there were lesser people and the song was hardly hear able.
I walked to the counter and damaged through.
Until, your eyes caught one.
I grabbed the bottle and poured it into a cup and gulped it down.
One shot...
I craved more and poured myself some more of course.
Suddenly, someone from behind patted on my shoulder.
I turned around annoyingly but soon it turned into a smile cause it's Joshua.
His forgiven.
"Josh!"I exclaimed.
"Helping yourself to the drinks eh."He teased and you laughed.
"Tell me, how many drinks have you had already..."He asked.
"1 cup, Josh, Just one..."I said.
"Oh..."He managed.
Probably shocked.
"Don't worry I will definitely drink more."I assured him and he swayed his hands in the air happily.
"Dude, the dance floor is just there..."I pointed out of the kitchen.
"Aish, this is a party chill. Get me my shots please."He ordered.
"Do I look like I'm on shift today?"I asked him.
"Please... I love the drinks you make."He pleaded with puppy eyes.
"Fine."I was defeated by my best friend cuteness.
I started to ramage through Lexi's kitchen and pulled some fruits from the fridge out and started to cut them into slices.
Then, mixing the drinks together while adding a lemon on the side.
"Here."I passed it to him.
"NICE!"He praised when he drank the wine down.
I had an interest I'm mixing drinks so I'm kind of a unemployed bartender. Huehue.
I make drinks myself. Amount of alcohol, I can choose how much I want. The flavour...
That's my 'job'.
Suddenly, Joshua pulled you out of the kitchen.
"Come on let's go dance."He pulled me but I shook my head.
"No, it's okay Joshua."I shook my head but he denied. He still continued.
-End of Your pov-

He dragged you towards the living room which was used as a dance floor.
"No No."You sighed.
"Oh come on."He was dancing.
You moved a little and when Joshua wasn't looking you immediately ran away.
You reached their balcony and sat at the bench.
There was flowers around the balcony and it was peaceful.
The door was closed thats why.
Suddenly, the door swung open and you turned around to see who it was.
It was Lionel Yu.
He was drunk as he stumbled towards you.
'Gosh dang it...'You thought.
     Then, he sat beside you unsteadily cause his drunk.
"Hello Eun Na."He smiled as he placed his arm around your shoulder.
"Move it."You pushed his hands away.
"You thirsty?"He asked as he passed you a cup of alcohol.
It's a whiskey.
"No thanks. I think I'm done for today."You said as you recalled Oppa's warnings.
"Oh it's just Whiskey. No big deal."He said sheepishly.
"Unless you can't drink."He tried to anger you buy you endured it.
"You can't drink?"He asked and that irritated you.
'Screw the rules and regulations! My pride right now...'You thought as you swiftly grabbed the cup of whiskey from him.
"Lionel, you better take back those words you said."You glared at him.
"After you drink the whiskey."He grinned.
There was something about that grin which made you worry.
With a little hesitation, you gulped geh liquor down.
"Now! TAKE... THOSE... WORDS BACK!"You exclaimed and he nodded.
"Of course." He smirked. He doesn't look as drunk as just now though...

      As you stood up and was about to leave the balcony you felt your head getting a little heavier, a little too heavy...
Your vision started to blur.
What's happening...
Your legs weakened.

-Your pov-
My legs felt like it has just ran a 3km run as it was about to give up on me. What's happening...
Then, I heard laughter coming from behind. I fell onto the floor, my hands were hugging my head as it hurts a lot.
"Ah..."I groaned in pain as I fell to the floor.
"What's happening."I asked myself.

Then, it struck me.
Why was I sooooo stupid!
Kim Eun Na, you fell for Lionel's trap!

"You...You...drugged me..."I stammered as I looked up and looked at Lionel.
He was smirking while he watched me.
"The...The whiskey..."I added.

Then those were the last words until I felt my head reach the cold hard ground.
I was freezing, I didn't have the energy.
Then, my eyes closed and that's when I fell into a deep sleep.
-End of your pov-

Also the end of this chapter. Huehue.
Hope you liked it.
What will happen?
Find out in the morning on the next chapter😊.


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