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-At school-
         We arrived in school just in time before the first bell rang.
Everyone was already in class getting reading before the teacher comes in.
You and Chanyeol walked towards our lockers to take the books for first period.
"What's your first class?"You asked him as you took your Science textbook out.
"Physics."He replied and you nodded.
"Then lets go, I have physics as well."You said and he smiled.
You two walked side by side down the hallway and towards class.
      When you two entered, we acted like strangers.
You saw Suho grinning in his seat and you rolled your eyes at him before taking your seat next to Baekhyun and Chanyeol took his seat next to Sehun.
Baekhyun was grinning away as well.
You found it weird and creepy at the same time.
Soon, the teacher came in.

"Okay class before we start, I would like to introduce a new transfer student."

You groaned as you hated how somehow every transfer student will end up getting related to you. It's either later or now they will be in your life.

"Is it a guy?"A girl asked.

"Indeed."Mr. Ong replied and all the girls started to get hyped up except Nayeon and you.

Then, a tall guy walked in. He has his hair coloured black.

You gasped when he stepped in.

Why did I have to say those words...

"Hello, I'm Austin Hillson and I'm from New Zealand."He bowed and all boys looked towards you but you burried your face in your hands.


"You all will get to know Austin after class. Now, Austin please take the empty seat beside Lexi, Lexi please raise your hand."Mr. Ong said and Lexi raised her hand up.

Then Austin came walking in your direction. The path in between you and Chanyeol.
The back of his hand brushed against your arm making you shiver right on your seat.

I can't believe it. His here standing right in front of me.
Is my eyes playing tricks on me.


      "What did you do?!"Austin's mum shouted at you.
"I didn't do anything! It was the driver's fault!"You cried.
"Mum, it's not her fault. Brother was involved in a car accident!"Emma tried to comfort her.
"If you didn't agree on that date, Austin wouldn't been hit by the car!"His mum started to push the blame onto you.
"IT WASN'T MY FAULT!"You shouted. You couldn't take it anymore.

Then, the doctor came out from the operation room.
We ran towards him surrounding the doctor with our questions.
"Doctor, how's my son?"

"I'm sorry but we tried our best. We can't save him cause he wasn't brought in when he still could be saved."The doctor apologized.

Austin's father was utterly quiet.

You fell onto your knees. How could this happen.

Million thoughts were running through your mind.

'Was it really my fault...'

'Austin's mother might be right.'


When the doctor left, his mother looked at you with a deadly glare.
"It's your fault, are you happy now that Austin's dead?!"She grabbed onto your collar pulling you up from the floor.
You didn't look at her but stare down into the floor.

Forbidden Love : pcy ffWhere stories live. Discover now