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This book can go on forever.💛
Jkjk. It's not my turn to even predict the future.😊

Sorry for any errors up ahead.💘

-Suho's pov-
After assuring by kitchen will be I'm safe hands with D.O I left the kitchen to check on Eun Na.
As I was outside I overheard her conversation with Sehun.

"That girl kicked you off your skateboard!"Sehun exclaimed.

Skateboard?! WHAT?!

"Yep."She replied.
"She's totally jealous."Sehun said.
"Why aren't you mad with her?"Sehun asked.

Cause what's done was already done duhh.

"Cause what's done is already done, even if I got angry I doubt my ankle will recover."Eun Na replied.

This is why we're siblings. We have brains that think around the problem.😁
"Your so cool about it."Sehun said.
"I guess?!"Eun Na replied.

Personally, I'm actually more disappointed than upset with Eun. She shouldn't lie to me and the more she shouldn't go to the skate park, she never listens!
"I will go downstairs now."
And before I could react the door opened and Sehun's face showed.

"I doubt you will be going anywhere before I get the TRUTH."I stepped into the room while Sehun timidly stepped back.
"I need an explanation."I looked at Eun Na who was seating on her bed looking else where but not me.
"Eun Na, talk!"I shouted and I saw her jump from her head.
"Chill. I will talk."She exclaimed.


I looked at her furiously. How could she put her life on a thread.
"That's very dangerous you know!"I scolded.
"It's not like my ankle won't heal."She rolled her eyes at me.
"I don't really care. You stay in bed until your ankle heals."I said.
"Fine. Now please get out. I want to rest."She replied coldly.
I left the to along with Sehun.
"Hyung cheer up. Eun Na is always like this."Sehun smiled and I nodded.
-End of Suho's pov-

-Time lapse-
You were so engrossed in your sleep you didn't know what was happening outside the cruel world.
Now it's just you and your dreamland.
Where everything is how you want it to be.

"Eun Na..." Someone called out.
You slowly stirred up from your sleep and looked at the person. It was Suho.
"It's time for dinner."He smiled.
You sat up and looked at him,"Oppa."
"Here."He placed a tray of food in front of you.
"Gumawo."You thanked him before digging in.

~After dinner~
Suho took your tray out and you leaned against the headbored to surf instagram.
Then, your phone vibated.
It was a dm from oohsehun.

You opened it.

Did suho hyung scold you again?

No. He brought me dinner.

Ooh... I see. Good night, see you tomorrow then.


-The next day-
        You woke up to your alarm.
You grabbed your crutches leaning against your bed and walked to the bathroom.
After finishing your morning routine, you walked out of the bathroom towards your cupboard and grabbed a fresh set of uniform.
Then, you changed into it.
Soon before you changed into it, someone knocked on your door.

"Come in."You said.

Then, your door flung opened showing your brother. He had a angry expression on him.
What's up with him...
"Why are you out of bed?"He furrowed his eyebrows.
"Cause I need to get changed and get ready for school?"You said.
"Aish... Please be careful."He sighed and you nodded.
"Let me help you, downstairs."He offered and you couldn't possibly reject him cause his already mad with you.

"Eat up."He told you and you nodded before digging into the breakfast he made.
Then, the doorbell rang and you kind of knew who was there.
"I will go grab it."Suho stood up from the dining table and walked towards the door.
"1...2...3"You counted down and Suho opened the door.
The boys ran in especially Tao and Baekhyun.
They always create a rackus.
"HYUNG, BAEKHYUN bullied me on the way here..."Tao complained.
"It was your fault. You stole my seat."Baekhyun sticked his tongue out at him.

ou laughed quietly while seeing them fighting against each other.
"Stop Stop Stop Stop."Sehun tried to hush them probably because he saw you.
"Would you all just stop!"Sehun exclaimed.
They stopped, you looked up, everyone has their eyes on him.
"Chill maknae."Baekhyun said.
"Arasseo."Tao held his hands up like he surrended to a battle that never existed.
"Have you all have breakfast?"Suho laughed while asking.
"Yep."Chanyeol replied.
Shows over, you went back to your breakfast.
"Quit fighting, Tao and Baek, later you wake the neighbours up how?"Suho said.
"Mian."Baekhyun and Tao apologized.
Since the boys were all busy with their conversation, you decided to walk to the kitchen yourself to wash the plates.
As you stood up to walk towards the kitchen, your injured ankle got hooked to one of the chair's legs making you fall onto the ground along with your plate.
They paused their conversations and rushed to your aid.
Aish... Your ankle is starting to annoy you.
"Ah..."You groaned in pain.
Immediately, Chanyeol was the first to run towards you and helped you up onto the chair.
"Eun!"Suho exclaimed.
"I'm fine."You said.
"Does she need to see the doctor again?"Xiumin asked and you shook your head.
"NO!"You denied.
"Let's not waste money and time."You told them.
"Money is not a problem, I think we should bring you to the doctors."Suho said.
"But we have school and my ankle seems fine."You said.
"Since when do you care about school."Sehun looked at you with cocky grin.
"Right..."You muttered.
"WAIT... NO. I care a lot!"You faked a smile. They didn't believe it cause OF COURSE, who will believe someone who goes detention every time.
"We will take you to the doctors after school."Chanyeol suggested and you hesitated for awhile before nodding.
Guess he knows you very well.

-In school-
       As you stepped into school grounds with Suho by your side which your now grateful of, everyone was looking at you. Probably asking what happened to your ankle.

"OMO, Eun WHAT HAPPENED!"Joshua ran up to you.
"I just sprained my ankle nothing more Josh."You tried to calm your best friend down.
"No, she fell off her skateboard while skateboarding."Suho commented.

GREAT JOB. He just had to didn't he.

"I thought you never fall off your skateboard... Your that pro!"Josh was flabbergasted.
"Apparently, someone kicked her off her skateboard during a competition."He added and you immediately shot him a glare.
'You know Josh, the caring guy best friend.'

"WHO DARES TO DO THAT!"He was furious.
"We made up, calm down Josh."You said.
"Made up with that person who made you like this."He was in disbelief.
"It wasn't serious Josh!"You exclaimed.
"Oh it's that serious. What about your dance with Sehun for the school's event?!"He exclaimed.
"I guess... Someone has to take over my place but if it heals before this Friday then I guess I can perform."You smiled and Joshua face-palmed himself.
"Why are you the innocent one who knows how to fight..."He sighed and you laughed.

Then, the bell rang signalling the start of another school day.
"I'm leaving Eun Na in your care."Suho entrusted you to Joshua since your in the same class as Joshua but different as the boys.
"Kaja."He said and you slowly walked towards class with the help of your crutches.
      As you entered, many people were looking at you.
Even Nayeon. Which was surprising. Who knew her eyes would actually carry sadness and curiosity when she looks at you.
"Eun Na what happened to your ankle?"Mr. Song asked comcernly.
"I injured my ankle..."You stated the obvious.
"How did it happen?"He asked when he slowly inspected your ankle.
"I fell off my skateboard."You said.
"Oh no."He sighed and you moved away from him and walked to your seat.

Then, Nayeon who was seated right across you, at the other side of the room, she glanced towards you with a worried expression on her face.
You didn't seem to notice as you want spaying attention in class.

Thank you for reading.💞

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