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Welcome back.🙆


~1h later~
      Dance lesson finally ended and you and Sehun made your way to the school gates.
"Sehun, where are you going now?"You asked.
"To SM Entertainment."He replied.
"Wait does that mean Oppa is going to be there too?"You asked and he nodded.
Since Suho is going to be there as well, your going to be bored at home alone.
"Mind if I go and watch you guys practise?"You asked.
You saw him hesitate,"Don't worry, I will practise the trouble maker myself. I won't disrupt you guys."You added.
"Aniya, that wasn't what I meant. I guess you can come."He said and you smiled.
"But if Suho hyung scold I guess it's going to be your fault."He joked and you laughed.

~At SM Entertainment~
As you and Sehun walked pass the building you was shocked by how many fangirls there were outside.
Luckily, Sehun was wearing a mask and a cap so no one was actually looking at us.
We made our way to the back of the building and the security let us through as he could recognise Sehun.
"Thank you."You bowed at them before entering.
"Wow..."You awed when you saw how hugs the place was and it was only the first floor.
"Is this your first time here?"He asked.
"Yep. Oppa never let's me here as he doesn't want your fans to see me."You replied.
We then entered the lift and and he pressed the 11 floor.
When the lift stopped on the 11 floor. There was many rooms and each has labels on them.
The first room was with a label saying Girls Generation's Dance Room. Like the girl group?!
We slowly walked pass a few more doors before Sehun opened one and entered.
The door was labeled, EXO's Dance Room. Yep, that's their room.
You entered slowly behind Sehun.
"Oppa!"You shouted, catching his attention. He turned around and was shocked.
"Eun Na, why are you here?"He asked as he ran up to you.
You gave him a hug before replying,"Cause I'm bored at home that's why I made Sehun bring me here."
"Aiyo, did any fans recognise you?"He asked.
"We will be training for 2h. What are you going to do for 2h?"He asked as he broke the hug.
"Homework?"You shrugged.
"Who does Maths for 2h?"He eyed you.
"Me."You giggled and he rolled his eyes.
"Fine. Go sit at the couch."He said.
You nodded and sat on it. You took the homework out and started doing it.
Apparently, they have to play music to practise and so to respect their comeback you plugged in your earpeice and started to listen to your own music.
      It started to feel cold so you untied Sehun's jacket from your waist and wore it.
After finishing your homework, you realised it was only pass 15 minutes.
Why does time pass so slow..
So you decided to play some games on your phone hoping to pass time quickly.
You didn't really want to practise trouble maker just yet as you just practised it for 3h:/
You couldn't hear anything which is a good sign so you just looked at them dance.
Then you just realized some of them had their hair dyed to a different colours.
'Since did they dye them?'You thought.
After finishing like a couple of rounds, it was only 4.30. Seriously?!
They then had their break.
You unplugged your earpeice to hear the vocal line members to be practising their singing and Sehun and Kai still dancing although there wasn't any music.
While the rest are resting.
'They are so hardworking. Is this why people like them?'You thought.
Kai and Sehun's dancing are so on point.
Then, Suho came up to you and sat beside you.
"Done with your homework?"He asked and you nodded.
"Didn't you have to practise for the school dance as well."He asked.
"I don't know what your dancing but at least go practise to make it perfect."He added.
You didn't really want to dance Trouble Maker in front of the boys cause the moves are just too weird to be danced in front of guys.
But you know your oppa. If you don't at least practise or do something he would be annoying you until you do something instead of wasting time.
Instead of dancing Trouble Maker you can dance others.
"Arasseo."You replied and he finally left you alone.
You then started to play your own music again.
You then went to a side of the dance room and started to do stretches.
You could feel they boys who are rating and singing are watching you but you didn't really care.
Then as you was stretching, someone stood in front of you. You looked up to see it was Tao.
You had actually a little difficulties with the stretches Mrs. Amy taught but you still had to do it before dancing. It's kind of embarrassing to let either Joshua or Nayeon to correct you.
From the stretching position, you fell onto the floor.
"Aish..."You cursed as you looked up at Tao.
"Need anything?!"You asked him.
"You was doing the strectchibg wrongly."He said innocently.
"I kind of knew it."You replied.
"Then why didn't you correct it?"Kris added.
"Do it correctly then."Kris said.
"Fine, I don't know how to."You sighed as you got up from the floor.
"We will correct it for you."Tao smiled.
As you was getting into the position you saw Sehun and Kai stop dancing and was looking at you.

~After stretching~
     You was finally done with stretches and the boys were all dancing again.
You sat down to scroll through your phone messages and saw Nayeon texts.

From the message you can imagine Nayeon screaming.
How good can this Wanna One group be?!

You went onto YouTube and typed in Wanna One and their mv came out.
You got curious and played some of their mvs.
     "They are good in dancing...Damn.."You as impressed.
'I wouldn't say I am a fan of them just yet.'You thought and offed your phone.
You then didn't want to dnace anymore. I guess the stretches were useless.
You kind of wanted something easier and went for singing.😋
Then, Night Changes by One direction started playing.(It's one of my favourite songs💜)
'Although they disbanded I'm still liking their songs.'You thought.

Going out tonight, changes into something her mother doesn't like that kind of dress. Everything she never had she's showing off.

You was singing softly so only you can hear it. You didn't want to disrupt them.

Driving to fast, moon is breaking through her hair, she said it was something tahg she won't forget.
Having no regrets is all that she really wants.

You looked towards the boys again. Okay, no one is staring.

We're only getting older baby, I've been thinking about you lately does it ever drives you crazy just how fast the night changes.

Everything that you ever dreamed of, disappearing when you wake up but there is nothing to be afraid of even when the night changes, it will never change me and you.


Chasing her tonight, doubts running round her head. His waiting, hiding behind his cigarette heart is beating loud, she doesn't want it to stop.

Moving too fast, moon is lighting through her skin, she's falling and doesn't even know it yet. Having no regrets is all that she really wants.

Knowing that, the boys aren't going to hear you closed your eyes safely.

We're only getting older baby, I've been thinking about you lately, does it ever drives you crazy, just how fast the night changes.

Everything you ever dreamed off, disappearing when you wake up but there is nothing to be afraid of even when the night changes it will never change me and you.


Going out tonight changes into something red her mother doesn't like that kind of dress. Reminds her of the missing piece of innocence she lost.

I'm only getting older baby and I've been thinking about you lately, does it ever drives you crazy just how fast the night changes.

Everything that you ever dreamed off, dissapearing when you wake up but there is nothing to be afraid of, even when the night changes.

It will never change, baby.
It will never change, baby.
It will never change me and you.

When you finished singing the song.
You opened your eyes to see the boys all taking another break.

"Let's practise one last time."Their dance instructor said.

They quickly got into place and I quickly plugged my earpeices in and wore it.

You felt tired and it was a little inappropriate to just sleep on the couch so you just leaned against the couch and used Sehun's jacket as a blanket and soon drifted into dreamland.

The end of this chapter.😊

Thank you for reading.💜

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