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"Eun, get some rest, I will follow the others back to our dorm."Suho said to you before leaving you in the house alone.

You nodded as you walked upstairs towards the bathroom.
You quickly had a shower before tucking yourself into your bed.
Soon, drifting off to dreamland.

-EXO's dorm-
"OH SEHUN, COME OUT NOW!"Chanyeol shouted immediately when they all stepped inside.

"Yes hyung?"Sehun said as he came out of his room.
"How could you!"Suho spoke.
"Mwo?!"Sehun was utterly confused about how they were all acting.
"You mistakened Eun Na."Lay, the calm one, said.
"Is that why you all are screaming at me?"Sehun asked and the rest kept quiet.
"IT'S HER FAULT, why are you all coming to scold ME!"Sehun was furious.
"Sehunnie think! You would rather believe Lexi than go believe Eun Na?!"Kris tried to reason with him.
"Why are you all siding her! She ditched me!"Sehun exclaimed.
"She must have had her reason!"Luhan shouted back.

Everyone was agitated, especially Sehun and Chanyeol.
The whole dorm was only filled with their shouting.


Then, it hit Sehun. He didn't give you the chance to explain.

"You didn't right..."Chanyeol said.
"You know Lexi... Her words can't be trusted."Chanyeol added.

Those words made Sehun regret what he did to you.
Finally, some senses went into him.

"Hear Eun Na out... Don't just listen to one side of the story then jump to conclusions."Suho spoke.

Sehun kept quiet.
"I... I... Will be in my room."Sehun stuttered and went into his room.
"Get some rest guys. I will get going now."Suho said and bid them all goodnight before heading back to the house.

-Suho's pov-
As I walked into the house, the lights we're offed leaving the kitchen lights on.
I located the light switch on the wall and turned it on.
I need light to see.
It was quiet. Very quiet...

I walked upstairs and quietly opened Eun Na's door and slipped myself through the small gap I made for myself.
I closed the door behind me before walking towards her bed.
She was sound asleep. How cute.
The only time where I see innocence on her.
"Sadly, I'm your brother. If I could choose, I wouldn't want you to suffer as my sister."I said softly to her sleeping self.

I feel that, because she's my sister and gets to hang out with me and the others really made the others hate her. Haiz...

Then, I left the room and returned to mine, to get some rest.
-End of Suho's pov-

~The next day~
*BEEP BEEP BEEP* Your alarm went off and yes you changed your alarm.
You stirred up from your sleep and offed it.
Then, you slowly sat up and rubbed your sleepy eyes before getting up and going into the bathroom.

Those words that Suho said yesterday really got you thinking in your sleep.
No... You was awake the whole time when he was there.
You did your morning routines and got dressed before heading downstairs to find Oppa. You wanted so badly to tell him never to say those kind of things ever again. You hated it.
It made you feel guilty.
"Good morning Eun."You found him in the kitchen as usual.
"Oppa..."You called out, sounding a little whiny.
"Yes?"He asked. Then you gave him a side hug and said,"Please don't say that ever again."
He looked at you with a confused expression,"Say what?"
"If I could choose, I would still want to be your sister."You said while hugging him, lowkey trying to let him remember.
He was stunned alittle but soon recovered.
"You heard?"He asked and you nodded.

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