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Since my exams are over, 23 and 24 is out as well. Do check them out.💘
Sorry for and errors.♡

      "Isn't it weird that we took their car."Joshua whispered cautiously.
You laughed when you heard him.
"Not really."You said honestly.
"Thanks Eun Na."Joshua smiled.
"What for?"You asked.
"I feel so bad when I'm the boy and your the girl in this friendship, you have to protect me."Joshua said.
"It's best to not know how to fight Joshua. Trust me on this."You told him.
"Later, you have to go see the doctor as well."Suho came up to us.
"It's okay, just Joshua."You said.
"You should go and see the doctor as well, look your lips are bleeding still."He said.
You gave him a face and said,"Fine."
He walked away.

-Suho's pov-
      I know Eun Na, I doubt she wants to hide our relationship from Joshua already so I just acted like her brother in front of him.
"It's okay, just Joshua."She said.
Aish...as expected.
"You go as well, look your lips are still bleeding."I gave her a quick glare.
"Fine."She rolled her eyes.
-End of Suho's pov-

Soon, the doctor called us in and you and Joshua in.
"His more urgent, check him first."You quickly said and the doctor nodded.
When you walked in, the doctor gave a glance at you two.
"What happened?"He asked. You bet he already knew but he wants the answer from you.
"I was in a fight and he got hurt because he was being a busybody."You lied and he nodded.
Joshua was shocked but you assured him.
This might lead to being expelled or suspension, you didn't want to drag him in.
"Alright, he just receieved some bruises, he would be fine, let me see you."He said and you sat in front of him.
He cleaned the wound beside your lip first and applied medication.
"You received bruises as well but yours are more serious, you will need more time to heal." The doctor said and you nodded.

"Joshua can you go home yourself?"You asked and he nodded.
"I'm not paralyzed Eun Na."He joked.
"If he did paralyzed you, I will make sure he doesn't even make it through a day."You said and he laughed.

"Bye Eun Na, I will get going."He bid goodbye and you turned towards Suho, Chanyeol and Sehun.
Chanyeol and Sehun both had worried expressions on their face while Suho had an angry expression.
"I'm in trouble aren't I..."You asked.
"Yes. A very big one."He stood up form the bench and walked pass you towards the car.
"Are you okay Eun Na?"Sehun asked nicely.
"Ye I'm fine."You sighed as you walked towards the car as well and the two of them followed.

~At home~
      As you stepped into the house, Suho started shouting.
He probably held it in for awhile now.
"WHY! WHY! WHY MUST YOU CREATE TROUBLE EVERYTIME!"He shouted as he threw the car keys onto the dining table.
"You don't know what happened so why not listen to me first!"You reasoned with him.
"Okay."He calmed down.
"Nathan, our neighbour, Nayeon was flirting with him and I saved him from her and who knows! Nayeon got mad and they used Joshua to threaten me and oppa, you know my weakness was my friends, the people around me."You explained.
"Does that mean you can punch people just like that!"He stood up angrily from the couch.
"It's called self defence, if I didn't punch him back I will receive more than these and also HE WILL THINK HIGHLY OF HIMSELF."You exclaimed.
"Aish, Eun Na, your getting out of hand. I guess the wedding is a must now."He said and you gasped.
"What?" You exclaimed.
"I arranged this marriage hoping to change you and I guess it's now really needed."Suho sighed.
"What makes you so sure, I will change?"You questioned him.
"I just am."He said and when his about to walk upstairs you grabbed his wrist. This is the first time your stopping him actually.
"Excuse me Ms but have you lose you manners during the fight."He eyed you.
"You can run away from me but not reality. I won't change at all even after the wedding. I will still be today's Kim Eun Na!"You said with determination.
"And I didn't lose that fight." You added.
He just chuckled and went upstairs leaving you dumbfounded.
"What?!"You questioned yourself.

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