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Sorry for any errors up ahead but I will try to refrain any typo.😊
Last but not least ENJOY.🍓

     As class started when Mr. Kim came in.
We were told to take our textbooks out and the also the first few students were sent to detention.
"Those who did not being your textbooks stand and make your way to the detention room now."Mr. Kim instructed.
Then, a bunch of students stood up and made their way to the detention room.
Now, it was left with, you, Joshua, Nayeon and her 'gang', EXO.
"Wow, left you guys... Okay."Mr. Kim sighed.
"Not we will see who else will be there."He said sternly before starting his lesson proper.

     After an hour of lessons, Mr. Kim excused himself as he had to settle some important things leaving us to do our notes.
When he left, immediately Nayeon and her gang started chattering at the back.
You as a good student just read your notes.
Then, Nayeon spoke,"Eww, I think Eun Na has turned into a typical nerd."
And her gang laughed.
While reading your notes you talked back," Maybe you should care about yourself first before sticking into someone's business."

     Silence then followed... You can tell she was angry. You used the silence to finish reading your notes.
Finally, when your done you felt something being thrown at you and giggles followed.
You turned around and saw a paper ball on the floor beside your chair.
You simply picked it up and threw it into the bin.
"Don't litter Nayeon, the environment is bad enough because of you."You faked a smile at her and went back to your seat.
The class started to be filled with laughter and Nayeon shouted,"Shut up!"

-Suho's pov-
     As we were studying Eun Na got hit by a paper ball. Why and how can someone change so much.
Nayeon is too much! I use to like her but not anymore. She irritates my eyes.
Eun then got up and threw the paper ball into the dustbin.
"Don't litter Nayeon, the environment is bad enough because of you."She said and I started to laugh. What a savage my sister can be. The members also laughed along.
"Shut up!"Nayeon shouted and her followers kept quiet while we just continued to laugh internally.
Then, we continued to study our notes.
'Argh, where is Mr. Kim.' I thought.
I turned towards Eun Na and saw she was reading a book. Maybe she's done?!
-End of Suho's pov-

Coming from the back was murmurings and it was kind of annoying.
"Omg look at her legs, their so fake."Nayeon hissed. You glanced to the back to see Nayeona and her crew to be using their phones.
'Their going to get their phones confiscated.'You thought.
"Let's take a selca, Nayeon."One of her followers said.
Then the clicking of cameras went off.
All the noise. Aish...
"Do you mind to quiet down a little. Your contributing to sound pollution."You said.
"And you litter everyday."She replied.
"I do not."You said calmly.
"Hope that makes you sleep at night Eun Na."She said.
"Oh don't worry, I always sleep well."You smirked.
"I guess your beyond guilty. Your not even scared."Nayeon said.
"Can you two just stop shouting across the classroom for a moment!"Joshua suddenly shouted.
"What happened... You two were best friends."Joshua was furious. Nayeon rolled her eyes at him.
"Josh, keyword WERE."You emphasized.
"Josh shut up! You don't know how I felt being despised by you two."Nayeon started.
You turned around and looked at her.
Nayeon slowly stood up and said,"I can't drink but you two can, I'm not smart but you two are. I'm not popular in school but you two are!"
You and Joshua was shocked.
"Thanks to Lexi I can finally have all this, popularity, enable to drink and intelligence." Nayeon said.
"What?! You can't thank Lexi for all those stuff." You replied.
"Intelligence?!"Joshua was curious.
"You mean by copying people's homework makes you smart?"You asked her.
Before she could answer, Mr. Kim walked in.
"What going on here!"He exclaimed.
"Nayeon, Eun Na and Joshua, each of you explain something you have learned form the notes."Mr. Kim asked.
Joshua explained first.
"Very good, now Eun Na."He turned to you.
But before you could answer, he stopped you.
"I see you decided to read your book instead of my notes. Why don't you share with us how interesting your book can be then my history notes."Mr. Kim said.
You stood up and spoke coldly," I read about how dead people tell no tales."
Your voice and the subject could send shivers down anyone's spines. Maybe Mr. Kim felt that and so he stuttered," Em...okay. S...it....Sit."
"Na...Nayeon?"He stuttered.
"Em...I.... I."Nayeon couldn't answer as she didn't even take a look at the notes.
That made Mr. Kim angry.
"Detention after school for you Nayeon."He scolded.
Then the bell went off signalling the end of History.
You packed your things and walked up to Sehun's desk.
"Sehun we have to go practise, you remember right?"You asked and he nodded whole packing his things.
"I'm done. Kaja."He smiled and walked out of the door. You followed behind him and we reached Dance Room 2.
"Hello my dancers." Mrs.Amy greeted us.
"Anneyong."We bowed as a greeting.
"Come in, we have no time to lose. The event is just in a few weeks time."She rushed us in.
When we went in you took put the black colored hoodie and shorts out to change into.
While Sehun on the other hand, was wearing a sleeveless along with long baggy pants.
You quickly changed into it and when you came back into the dance room Sehun was already wearing his cap, as usual and doing warmups.
You quickly grabbed your hat out of your bag as well and wore it and did warmups.
Mrs. Amy will be there to correct us.
     After you and Sehun both finished the warmups Mrs. Amy showed us the finalized cherography.
"Mrs. Amy must it be that touchy..."You asked.
"I'm sorry dear but the fact that you all are teenagers and you all have a liking of these so the school wanted it but it's not as touchy ad the original cherography."Mrs. Amy explained.
You nodded in understanding.

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