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Reality is bound to hurt most of you so cheer up♡.
ENJOY this happy chapter I prepared for you guys.♡

~3 Weeks later~
You finally got discharged.
"Oppa can I go to school tomorrow?"You asked nicely.
"Well..."He started to think.
"Fine, you already missed 3 weeks of lessons and I think Naeyeon and Joshua are probably worried."He said and you squealed.
"Wait, didn't you tell them I was hospitalized?"You asked.
"Ani, it will be weird if I did."He explained and you nodded.
"Then I better get calling."You giggled, as you ran upstairs.

Suho smile faded and sighed."When would I tell her the truth...she's going to be so mad."

-The next day-
You woke up 1h before your alarm could ring and smiled at today's weird behavior and went into the bathroom to do your morning routines.
You checked your phone and saw many miss calls and texts from Nayeon and Joshua.
Suho didn't allow you yo use your phone for the past 3 weeks that's why :/
You scrolled through the messages and laughed and decided to not reply them.
"Eun Na?!"Suho gasped as he stood at the staircase.
"Good morning oppa."You greeted.
He stumbled down the stairs and ran towards you.
"Eun Na, are you okay?"He asked in shock.
"Why wouldn't I be?"You asked.
"You usually don't wake up this early but today..."He said and you laughed.
You moved his hands away from your face and replied,"I'm fine."
"You made breakfast for yourself...wow that's a first."He said.
"Not only for me but I made it for you too."You said as you jumped off the high stools infront of the counter.
(Yes, you have a kitchen counter and a mini bar for Suho and you.)
You ran inside the kitchen to grab the plate of breakfast and placed it in front of him."Eat."
"Kamsahamnida..."He thanked awkwardly.
"You wouldn't want to be late for school oppa."You reminded him and went upstairs to change.
"Eun Na are you done!"Suho shouted and you ran down.
"Chill..."You said while tying your hair.
"We're going to be late."He said.
You quickly wore your socks and shoes before stumbling out of the house.
When you walked out, you accidentally banged into someone.
"Oh sorry."You bowed and slowly looked up.
"What are you guys doing here?"Suho asked in shock.
"Chanyeol wanted to go to school together."Baekhyun said while rolling his eyes.
"So...we're all dragged here by him when we could have been in school by now."Kai added.
"Then why didn't you all come in but stand here."Suho asked.
"Cause apparently Chanyeol didn't want to go in."Chen said with a little sarcasm.
"Am I that scary?"You asked.
"Ani."He shook his head while the rest of them were nodding behind Chanyeol.
"Fine."You shrugged and left them.
"Have you told her yet?"Chanyeol asked nervously.
"If I did, she wouldn't have talked to you just now."Suho answered and Chanyeol sighed.
"But is that marriage necessary?"Kris asked.
"It's for the best of Eun Na. From the marriage I really want her to be the old Eun Na I knew before she went to New Zealand."Suho said with sadness.
"Let's just catch up if Eun Na."Chanyeol said before running after you.

Suho has a little 'meeting' with the rest of EXO members in their dorm's living room.
"Why do we always have this kind of meetings."Baekhyun huffed.
"You should stop being whiny before I make you wear a suit for this future meetings."Suho said sternly making Baekhyun keep quiet.
"It's because we're the closest I want to ask any of you for a favour."Suho started and everyone looked at him.
"It depends on what favour your asking us."Kris replied.
"I want an arrange marriage for Eun Na..."He said and everyone was shocked.
"And you want one of us to be her arranged husband?"Sehun asked in shock and Suho nodded.
"I hope to get the old Eun Na back and I think this is the only way..."Suho replied.
"Well not me, I only treat her as a sister."Kris answered.
"Wait, aren't we not allowed to date..."Luhan said.
"I asked SM and they agreed to my request but the wedding will be a private one."Suho said.
"Won't our fans find it weird that we are wearing a ring on our ring finger."Kai stated.
"The fact that Chanyeol is wearing one on his ring finger right now..."Suho said and everyone directed their attention to Chanyeol.
"Well, besides that does that mean it's going to be a secret and if it screws up the media will know."D.O said uneasily.
"True but if we all are careful the media won't find out."Suho said.
"Hyung there's a chinese saying 'ni man de liao yi shì, man bu liao yi shî'(你满得了一时满不了一世)."Lay spoke in Chinese and the people who doesn't understand looked at him.
"Can I get some translation here please."Suho requested as he looked at Luhan, Tao and Kris.
"It means you can hide the truth for awhile but not forever."Luhan translated.
"At least for now the media won't know."Suho said.
"Don't care about the media now. How about Eun Na! She's the main person here."Tao said.
"I will tell her as soon as I find out who here is willing to be in this arranged marriage."Suho said and looked around.
Everyone had their heads down, thinking hard.
"Not going to happen."Kris said as he stood up and went back to his room.
"Okay...How about 10 of you guys?"Suho asked.
"Sorry hyung but I don't want to get married...count me out."Kai apologized before going back to his room.
"9 of you quickly think."Suho rushed.
Soon, it was left with Sehun and Chanyeol.
"Well..."Sehun said.
"I will do it."Chanyeol stood up shocking the people in the living room.
"Jinjja?"Suho asked and Chanyeol nodded.
"Okay great everyone get some rest."Suho said.
-Back to reality-

You finally reached school and went to find Nayeon and Joshua. Although a few days ago your friendship fell through, you still hope to make it right.
You caught a glance at Nayeon and Joshua standing at the usual place and ran up to them.
"Nayeon, Josh!"You shouted and they turned towards you and smiled.
"Eun Na where were you? You had been absent for 3 weeks and you didn't reply our messages."Joshua said worriedly.
"Sorry I was hospitalized."You admitted and they was shocked.

I know ending here is kinda stupid but I'm like this.
Go check out Chapter 10 okie?!🙆

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