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Happy June holidays people.💖
I'm going to post a lot a lot.🔥🔥🔥
SORRY for any eorrs up ahead.

Austin Hillson or Park Chanyeol?!

As you looked at the items you was having that thought.
Then, you picked up the photos in the frames.
It was pictures of you and Austin.
His smile...
'I will never get to see that smile ever again.'You thought as you let your tears fall freely.
You placed the photo frames down and picked up the letters, Amanda said which was love letters.

You looked at them and took one out from the envelope.

Dear Eun Na,

It was a pleasure to be friends with you. Gosh...I just can't forget about you...
Your smile, literally brightened up my day.
You made me so excited for school nowadays when I know you will be there.
But today, you wasn't around. It made me kind of sad and for the whole day I didn't even pay attention...

Gosh this is so cringy.

Austin Hillson.

You smiled at the letter.
It was written on the day we met. You laughed at how foolish you didn't know he already liked you since then.

You picked up another letter but this time your smile turned upside down.

Dear Eun,

We have been dating for so long already but something happened back in my household.
If your reading this, I'm probably nowhere near you but remember this... I will always love you no matter what happens.

I'm sorry for leaving you just like that, their coming for me and I'm not sure how they will try to murder me.

Eun, listen to me, please..

I can't live without you... I'm begging you to not leave me. I will be back, I promise.
That's a promise I will keep.
Just wait for me.
I will be back.
Austin Hillson.

You gasped at what you just read.
You read it again and again.

Their coming for me...

Whose after Austin?!
What do you mean by murdering you?!
You will be back?!
Aren't you dead?!
Car... Car... Crash?!
Does it not mean anything?!

Your mind was flooded with so many questions.

Austin don't leave me cliff hanging!
You was so worked up over the letter you didn't even know the door opened and the boys were back.

-Suho's pov-
It was 3pm in the afternoon and we were so happy to be released from practise.
"Hyung, shall we go eat?"Tao asked but I shook my head.
"Eun Na is still at home, let's just eat in."I suggested and everyone nodded in agreement.

When we arrived back home I was shocked to see Eun Na seating all alone in the living room while holding onto a paper.
The glass table was messy as well.
What happened?!

"Eun..."I called out but she didn't reply.
I walked up to her and the boys followed.
We crowded around the living room and then I shook her.
"EUN!"I called out a little louder.
This time, she jumped and was shocked.
She immediately threw all the stuff into the box and closed it.
"Oh you all are home..."She panicked.
"What's inside the box?"I asked her.
"Nothing."She answered.
"Open it, Eun, we saw everything."I told her and she sighed.

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