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All good things have to come to an end.
I'm like so horrible at remembering names.
Sorry for any errors up ahead.♥

        "Eun Na, can you tell me how to answer this question?"Mrs. Kim asked.
Immediately you snapped out of your thoughts and looked up at the white board to look at the question.

"Em... Well..."You scratched the back of your neck as you didn't know how to answer the question.

"Stand up!"She exclaimed. You rolled your eyes and stood up.
"PMS much?!"You mumbled under your breathe when you saw her turn back around.

-Time lapse-

         As school ended, you made your way to the skate park.

-Austin's pov-
I followed Eun Na out of school to the place she was going.
I really want her back.
We arrived at the skate park and she was greeted by a gang.

Then, an idea came up and I ran towards them.
I stopped in front of them to receive shock impressions from all of them.
"Austin?"Eun sounded.
"I want to say something."I said.
"What are you doing here?"She asked.
I didn't reply her but continued,"I want to skateboard with you."
"I'm not actually here to skateboard..."She said but I was still determined.
"A competition. Whoever wins gets to tell the loser what they have to do."I said.

"Whose this, another dude coming to challenge us. Rude much?!"A girl beside Eun spoke.

"Jas chill. It's fine."

"Okay."Eun agreed.
"Jinjja?"I was a little taken aback.
"Yep."She said.

Why does she look so confident?
Does she know how to skateboard?
Surely not... She didn't tell me she does.

I walked towards the skateboarding rink.
"I need to warm up first."Eun told me.
"Oh... Oh go ahead."I stuttered. Argh, why.

Then she grabbed onto her skateboard and skated down.
She was just skating around which made me more confident I will win.

She doesn't do any stunts and I can do some stunts only so I will definitely win.

Then, I decided to rest and sat there at the edge to watch Eun and other skateboarders skate around.

I gasped when I saw her skate. I can't believe it.
I didn't know her that well...

Suddenly she came up to me and asked,"You want to start now?"

"Sure."I took a deep breathe.

Back in New Zealand I'm good at skate boarding I can say so I still have a chance to win.

Then she started first and damn she has skills.
She looks like a professional.


I lost...

She won.

"So what do you want from me?"I asked her.

She took a deep breathe and said,"You shouldn't have done that. If you didn't become like this I would have given you another chance but now... I want you to leave me alone forever!"

Those words sent knifes stabbing straight through my heart.

It hurts... A lot.

I lost the competition but most importantly, I lost Eun Na.
-End of Austin's pov-

       After the skating competition you felt tired so you went home.

Suddenly, someone grabbed your wrist.
It made you wince in pain, cause that person was grabbing onto the wrist that Austin grabbed yesterday and he left a bruise which hurts still.

You looked at that person with an irritated look.
"Eun, give me one more chance." Austin begged. You shook his hand away from your wrist and shouted for him to stop.

"If you keep doing this, it will just make me hate you more and I don't want that to happen!" You exclaimed.

"You promised me you won't ever love anyone else but me. Where did that promise go?"He said. It made you recall of that day. It hurts how you was crying over him but at the end, his right here, standing right in front of you, talking bullshit towards you.

As what oppa said, I used it on him.

"Some promises are meant to be broken."You said coldly.

"Eun, what have gotten into you. You are not the Eun Na I know previously."Austin said and those words struck you.

"I have always been like this. Austin, your the one who has changed." You said.

"Austin please! Leave me alone!" You sighed.

"No, I won't leave you al–" Before he could even finish his sentence, Chanyeol appeared our of nowhere and punched Austin sending him flying towards the ground.

"CHANYEOL!" You gasped at what he has just done.

"Stay away from my wife!" He hissed.

Wtf? Has gotten into him!

Austin stood up and rubbed his jaw which Chanyeol has punched.

From where your standing, you could see his side of his lips was bleeding. Chanyeol has punched him hard on the face.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" You pushed Chanyeol away and you stepped back from both of them.

He was shocked and furious at the same time.

"Oh so now your protecting him over your husband!" He shouted.

"NO, Your punch was unnecessary, Chanyeol." You denied.

"Why did you even punch him!" You shouted at him.

"What, you expect me to watch as my wife and another man start like having a fling!" He shouted and you immediately silenced.

This is another side of Chanyeol that you wouldn't want to play with.

He was so scary.

You gulped and looked at your shoes nervously.

"Why? Tongue-tied?" He sneered before grabbing onto your wrist.

"OUCH." You groaned in pain as he let go of your wrist and looked at the bruise on it.

Why must everyone grab onto my right wrist huh! I have a left hand but they all choose right. Seriously!.

"What happened?" He asked in shock.

You didn't reply but just looked down at your shoes.

Then, Chanyeol turned towards Austin and glared at him.

"Was it you?" Chanyeol asked leaving Austin flabbergasted.

"Me?! I wasn't the one holding onto her!" Austin denied.

Then you took a glance and saw Chanyeol's fist clenched tightly.

Oh shit.

           Immediately I grabbed onto his fist and massaged it hoping he could relax it.

He looked down at you and you gave him a signal of 'don't do it'.

He sighed and you felt him relax his fist and he intertwined his fingers with mine.

Austin saw and was shocked.

"You better not harm Eun ever again!" Chanyeol hissed before dragging me away.

Sorry for not updating.🙇

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