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Love can be powerful to break someone piece by piece but it also can heal someone.
Love has it's good and bad.
Love can make you forget your name but also brings you nightmares.

Enjoy. 😇♥

-Continuous of Suho's pov-
     "I...I..."Sehun stuttered.
"I...think I like Eun Na."He said and I was shocked.
So was Yixing.
"What?!"Yixing and I gasped.
"And...Chanyeol Hyung likes Eun Na as well..."He added.
I looked at Chanyeol but all he is doing is looking down.
I didn't know what to say...
My group members like my sister.
"Hyung I know it's wrong to like someone who is about to get married especially when it's with Chanyeol Hyung but I can't help it..."Sehun apologized.
I wasn't mad at all but shocked.
I sighed and said,"Even though you two like the same person I hope it wouldn't affect your friendship even more. We Are One, I wouldn't want you all to not be able to work with each other."
"We won't."Chanyeol said.
"We won't..."Sehun promised.
'What's happening...'I thought in frustration.
-End Of Suho's pov-

"Did you know love can even break our friendship?"Suho asked Lay who was walking beside him.
"First time."He replied.

-Time lapse to after lunch-
     There was classes after lunch and sadly for you, it was History. The most boring class in history.
Luckily, Nayeon was with you so you can annoy the crap out of her.😊

Or maybe the opposite...

"Eun Na, do you know there is a new kpop group?"Nayeon asked.
"Okay."You said with no emotions.
You didn't really care actually, your not a kpop fan.
"It's called Wanna One! Have you heard of it?"She asked.
"Not a clue."You replied and she pouted.
"Why? You like them."You asked.
"EXO more. Kekeke."She said.
Then, the teacher entered and behind them was EXO.
"Please quickly take a seat gentlemans I'm about to start."Mr. Jung said and they went to their seats.
Unfortunately, Chanyeol and Sehun was seating at the table beside us.
So me and Sehun was kind of like 'neighbors'.
Classes then began normally cause you wasn't sitting with Chanyeol but Sehun but he was acting pretty awkward.
     "Alright, now please do this few questions while I settle some things outside."Mr. Jung said before leaving.
You started with your work and as usual Nayeon didn't bother doing, she was looking at her nails. Typical girls.
Only Joshua can make her do her work, what powers does he have.
"Aish..."You cursed as you looked at the second question.
You was stuck.
You turned towards Nayeon and sighed,"Forget it."
The fact that Nayeon can't help you in question 2.
You didn't really want to ask Sehun cause it's awkward so you just sighed and leaned your head onto the table.
After five minutes, someone was tapping on your table. You slowly looked up to see Sehun tapping on your table.
"Yes?"You asked.
"Have you finished your work yet?"He asked and you shook your head.
"Wae?"He asked.
"Cause I didn't know how to do this question."You said while pointing at the question.
He looked at where your pointing and chuckled.
"You could have asked me."He said.
"I thought you didn't want to talk to me..."You said as you didn't look at him. He was a little bit shocked.
"Aniya, what makes you think about that."He said in disbelief.
"So we're cool..."You mumbled and he nodded.
"I will teach you."He said and started to explain.
After his explanation you understood the question and gave him a smile.
"Sehun, thank you."You thanked.
You quickly finished up the work and soon Mr.Jung came back.
"Alright, I hope you all have completed the work, now pass it to me on the way out. Class dismiss."He said and you started to pack up.
Nayeon on the other hand was flustered.
"Eun(a short form of your name they call you)! Help me."Nayeon exclaimed.
"The fact that your nails are so much important than work."You said as you placed your pencil case into your bag.
"Not helping..."She said and she snatched your work to copy.
"Faster would ya...I want to go home."You rushed.
The fact that even if Nayeon is rushing through her work, her handwriting is so nice.
Surprisingly, Sehun was waiting for you.
"Eh? Why aren't you leaving yet?"You asked.
"We're suppose to have dance practise today."He said while rubbing the back of his neck.
"What?"You asked.
He then leaned closer and whispered,"The school dance, trouble maker."
You then nodded finally remembering today there is dance practise.
"I'm done."Nayeon finally said and you grabbed your work and passed it to Mr. Jung.
"Bye Nayeon, see you tomorrow."You waved at her and she waved back.
"See you tomorrow Eun."

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