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Remember to not say things you are bound to regret in the future.

Quoting in this story means that's person's thoughts.😊

Sorry for any English mistakes.😙


     You explained to Nayeon and Joshua everything.
"That bitch!"Nayeon said in anger.
"Woah...calm down, it was an accident."You said trying to ease Nayeon's anger.
"Whatever, you still haven't told me what I saw that day."She said and you looked at her with questioning eyes.
"Why, was exo so shocked when they saw you drunkly walked towards the school entrance."She said and you showed an 'Oh'.
'I guess it's time to tell them the truth.'
"I need to tell you guys something."You started and Joshua who was on his phone previously turned his attention to you.
"Those words are frightening..."Joshua said.
"It always happens in dramas when that person falls in love with someone she or he shouldn't ORR she or he has uncured illness."Joshua added.

"Stop being so negative!" Nayeon wacked Joshua in the stomach.
"Chill! I have nothing of those."You said and they nodded.
You took a deep breathe and said,"Suho is my oppa."
And Nayeon gasped.

"What?How?" She was confused but Joshua surprisingly was chilled.
"I expected Nayeon to react like this but Josh your pretty chilled."You said.
"I...I...I...Well, I just can't believe my best friend is Suho of EXO's sister."He stuttered.
Then you felt someone standing beside you. "Have you told them yet?"
Nayeon gasped again. You look behind and jumped away from him.

"Omo, you scared me." You said.
"Have you?" He asked again and you nodded.
"Arasseo, quickly go to class, bell's going to ring any moment now." Suho said before walking away with the rest of exo members.
You looked at Joshua and Nayeon, they were both not talking.

"Are you guys okay? Can I get some replies please!"You said annoyingly.
Suddenly, Nayeon beamed and held onto your hands tightly.
"EEEEE! Why didn't you tell us earlier!"She exclaimed.
"Like you don't know my bias was Suho!"She exclaimed.

Joshua was there scratching his head in confusion. He was pretty cute doing that.
"YO, Joshua, how are you handling it?"You said getting his attention.
"Fine...I guess."He shrugged and you giggled.

           Then, the bell rang and you three made your way to English.
When you reached, all exo members were seated maybe because Suho made them do but Baekhyun on the other hand couldn't stay still and he started talking to Chanyeol who was sitting beside him.
You walked towards your seat and places your bag down and took out your headphones and put them on, listening to the sweet melody before falling asleep.

After sleeping for who knows how long, you felt someone taking off your headphones, yes you are very sensitive, but you didn't care as you wanted to sleep more.
"Wake up." The two words followed.
You groggily opened up your eyes and stirred up.
"Hm? What..."You groaned.
"Wake up sleepy head, class is starting soon."It was Chanyeol who woke you up.
You looked at him in shock.

"What's wrong?"He asked when he saw your reaction.
"Em...nothing."You answered and he walked back to his place which is the row behind you but his seated behind Suho while Suho is beside me and Baekhyun is sadly, behind me.
"Where's–"You got cut off by Suho.
"Your headphones? Chanyeol placed it back into your bag."He said which made you heave a sigh of relief.
           When class started it was boring as usual.




The day has finally gone by and you felt so tired but happy to leave school ending the sad part of the day.
When your walked out with Suho and the others someone held onto your wrist. It was Lexi.

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