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It's gonna be the 50th chapter soon.
I'm a little shocked at how long this book can last.

Sorry for not updating.

I apologize for any errors up ahead.
Enjoy! 😇

~After School~[Chanyeol's pov]

            I was putting my things back into my locker when Lexi came up to me.

"Oppa." She smiled at me but I ignored her and continued to put my books into my locker.

"May I ask?! Are you and Eun Na a thing?" She asked which left me in shock.

I slammed my locker door shut and starred at her coldly.

She flinched a little but recovered and put on her smug look.

"No matter how good you and Eun Na are liars, every secret  will be exposed one day." She smirked.

"We're not a thing. Don't spout nonsense." I gave her a cold glare.

"Whatever you say. I can see through you and Eun Na. You guys ARE a thing." She flipped her ponytail like those cheerleaders like to do.

"You guys married?" She asked and my eyes widened.

"NO WAY!" I denied and she laughed.

"That's kind of true. SM has a 'no dating rule'. Then perhaps are you two secretly dating?" She eyed me suspiciously.

"Who are you to question about my private life. Lexi you better not go around and telling people fake news!" I warned her but she only rolled her eyes.

"Arasseo. I came here to show you something." She said and this time I eyed her suspiciously.

"What is it."

"This." She took a picture out of her bag and passed it to me.

I took a look at it and my eyes widened.

It was a picture of Eun Na and Austin in the park.

They were so close to each other. She was being hugged by Austin as she rested her head on his chest.

" ... "

I was speechless.

"Here's another one." She gave me another picture and this picture made my blood boil even more.

"It looks like Eun Na is kissing Austin in this picture." She smirked.

"No... Their childhood friends." I told her.

"I didn't know friends kiss each other." She said. She's right...

No friends kiss each other.

"This was taken last week." She winked at me.

Last week?!

We were already married. That means she... Eun cheated on me.

I was furious yet sad.

I made my way up to the rooftop and waited for Eun there.

The more I look at the pictures the more mad I got.

Slowly, the picture was crumpled.

When the door to the rooftop opened I immediately kept the evidence and when I saw Eun Na walk through that door I got even more mad.

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