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Sorry for any errors up ahead.😍

"Since Eun Na came late, Nathan can you please introduce yourself again."Mr. Song requested and Nathan obeyed.
"Anneyonghaseyo, again... I am Nathan Wong imnida."He bowed.
"I was transferred from Villa Academy and I am actually born in Hong Kong."He said and everyone was in awe.
Only you, wasn't surprise.
In the room, your the only one who knew him the best.
"Welcome Nathan, please take a seat."Mr. Song said and he nodded.
"Since Eun Na is kind enough, she will tour you around school after class."Mr. Song instructed and you nodded. You didn't mind actually.

-Time lapse-
The last bell of the day went off and you applaud as Mr. Song left the classroom. You packed your bag and when your about to walk to Nathan. You saw Nayeon talking to Nathan. More like 'flirting'. Aish...
"Nathan, why not I bring you on a school tour instead. Eun Na is no fun trust me."Nayeon said and you rolled your eyes at that statement.
'Nathan knows me well. We spent our childhood days together. Bish your don't stand a chance.'You thought.
"I can show you around, come on."Nayeon said.
"I'm sorry but I still prefer Eun Na, I know her since when I was young and I don't even know you, not even your name."He said and you chuckled silently.
"It's okay, you can take time to know me."She winked at him. You stood up and walked up to them and said,"I'm sorry but don't you already have a boyfriend."
"I'm pretty sure when your boyfriend finds out your flirting with someone else he will be mad."You added.
Then, someone came into the classroom and went to Nayeon's side.
"Babe, need help here?"Lucas asked as he stood beside Nayeon.
Nayeon's eyes widened.
"Oh Lucas, you wouldn't know how happy Nayeon was with-"You was cut off by Nayeon.
"B, don't talk to nerds like her."She exclamied.
You shrugged.
"Let's go."She pulled Lucas out of the classroom. When she walked pass you, she whispered,"You win."
You was satisfied that she will now leave your neighbour alone.
"Nathan, let's go."You said.
"You were amazing!"He exclaimed.
"This is how your suppose to act to survive in here."You said.
"I will first show you where your locker is."You told him.
"Here's the locker number the principal gave me."He passed me a peice of paper with numbers on it. You was shocked.
"Eh? That's the locker beside mine!"You exclaimed.
"Jinjja?"He widened his eyes.
You led him to the section where both of your lockers were held and pointed to the empty locker beside yours.
He opened it and places his books in.
"Now change your pin."You said and he nodded.
His pin was his birthday. Ahaha😏
"This locker needs a change. It's not my style."He said.
"You can paste your timetable, sticker inside. No one will stop you."You said before opening yours to show him, giving him an example.
"Wow..."He shrugged.
It's all black cause you like the colour.
There was your timetable and some pictures of you and Joshua, Nayeon and Suho. But the sibling picture is hidden properly so people won't notice it.

"Shall we start the tour proper?"You asked him.
You brought him to the cafeteria as your first stop.
"Here's the cafeteria where there's a lot of food!"You said excitedly.

The next stop, "Here's where all the labs are held."

The next stop,"Library."

....so on and so forth.....

"Last but not least, my favourite spot, the rooftop."You smiled as you sat down on the bench.
He sat beside you and said,"But it's so cold here."
"It's not always winter Nathan."You laughed.
"Why though?"He asked.
"Climate changes."You said.
"No I mean why is this your favourite place."He corrected.
"Oh...because it's peaceful."You said and he finally understood.

Suddenly, your phone rang.
Caller id: Josh💙

You picked it up immediately.

Me: What's up Joshie?!

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