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"What is it?" I asked after eyeing them suspiciously. Why are they even staring at me like this, it's very creepy.

"Were you always this cold?" Chanyeol asked and I stopped eating as memories flooded back into my mind.



In New Zealand, on valentines day.
Austin, my boyfriend was meeting you at the park.
I arrived early so I decided to call him as I wanted to tell him where I was.


"Austin,where are you?" I asked over the phone.
"I'm on my way." He answered.

"Okay. Take your time." I smiled and hung up.

Austin and I were inseparable. I counted myself a lucky girl to have Austin as my boyfriend who loves me whole heartedly.

In your campus he was popular with girls but he gave no attention to any of them but me.(How deep the love was)


Suddenly there was a 'BANG'.

I turned around to see a crowd at the road near the park.
I was overwhelmed with curiosity so I stood up and made myway to the crowd.
I squeezed through the crowd and was shocked by what I saw.

I fell onto my knees when I saw who was the one lying on the ground with blood surrounding him.
Quickly, I made my way to his side and tears started rolling down my cheeks.

"AUSTIN!" I cried.
"QUICK CALL THE AMBULANCE!" I shouted to the passer bys.
"Austin..." I sobbed.

Suddenly, he started mumbling.
I lowered my head to hear what he was saying.
"Yes Austin..."
"I won't be able to make it..." He stuttered.
"No your going to make it! Hang in there." I sobbed.
"Promise me one thing..." He said.
"Promise...me...that...that you will only love me for your rest of your life..." He requested.

You nodded in agreement and with that he replied,"Good..."
He smiled faintly and fell unconscious that's when my heart sank and shattered.
"AUSTIN! No wake up...please." I cried.





                 Those were his last few words and also his last request and I tend to keep that promise.

"Eun Na?!" Chanyeol waved his hands in front of me.
"Huh what?!" I snapped back to reality.
"You're crying..." Suho added.
I quickly touched your cheeks and it was damp.
"OH!" I exclaimed.
"What's wrong?!" Suho asked concernly.
"Oh nothing..." I lied. I stood up silently and made my way to my room, locking the door behind me.

Forbidden Love : pcy ffWhere stories live. Discover now