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"Nayeon we are your friends it's just that..."You was cut off by Nayeon.
"Just that I will be more popular in campus than you two and you can't accept it!"Nayeon exclaimed.
"Nayeon your going too far!"Joshua shouted.
"No Joshua you and Eun Na are going too far! Your jealousy is just too much!"Nayeon said.
"Nayeon you will regret it!"Joshua said.
"No Joshua, I won't. I believe that me and Lucas are truly in love!"She said and walked away.
"Nayeon!"You shouted but she carried in walking.
"Gosh...what's happening to our friendship."You sighed as you leaned against the lockers.
"Nayeon will regret it for sure."Joshua said.
"Josh I'm skipping classes today and I doubt I can go shopping with you."You sighed. He patted you on the back and said,"I understand, I'm not either."
Then the bell rang and the hallway was empty leaving you and Joshua alone sitting on the floor, leaning against locker.

~Lunch Time~(Your pov)
Both Joshua and I sat at our usual table and starred blankly at the table.
"Are you hungry?"I asked and he shook his head.
"Are you?"He fired the question back and I shook my head.
I swear I'm forgetting something but now I'm to cropped up about Nayeon.

Suddenly, there was muffles and whispers around us and I looked up along with Joshua. We was shocked at the sight. We detested it.
"After she dated him she changed."I said.
"Ye, into a bitch."Joshua said feeling disgusted.
"I don't know her anymore, she still said we're jealous..."I said.
"Clearly it's either she's blinded my fame or love."Joshua said.
Nayeon and Lucas was walking down the cafeteria holding hands like it's their runway.
I turned back around as I couldn't stand the sight anymore.
"I don't know her anymore."Joshua said before lowering his head.
Then, someone knocked on our table. We looked up to see Nayeon.
"Yeon, what are you doing at this loser table?"Lucas asked.
I rolled my eyes.

'Lucas was every girls dream guy cause he has the looks and his family is rich but definitely not mine. I'm just surprised Nayeon would actually be so shallow to date him. Does she know his a player and in this world there is NO true love!'I thought.
"Yeon?"Joshua was flabbergasted.

"It's okay Lucas I will join you later."Nayeon assured him and the 'couple' parted.
"What do you want?"I asked coldly.
"Would you two quit acting so jealous and all! I'm her trying to save our friendship when it still can be saved but your not!"She exclaimed and I was in disbelief. "How is it our fault! Nayeon it's clearly you! YOU ditched us and became one of Lucas toys who he plays and dumps away after being bored of. YOU are the one who is utterly hopeless!"I scolded.
I had it with her stupidity and stubborness.
Nayeon and Joshua was both stunned because of what I have said.

"Eun, calm down."Joshua held onto my wrist tightly asking me to calm down.
I couldn't let this slight pass cause if I do, Nayeon will be so high and mighty and at the end she will just suffer from a hard fall.
"Nayeon! The world doesn't revolve around you, not everything goes your way."I shouted.
"What do you mean?"She asked.
"I'm your friend so I'm warning you. It's either you believe me or not. Nayeon, your blinded by either fame or love. You are not choosing decisions correctly. Please head my advise." I said. It hurts seeing Nayeon going down a wrong path.
"What on earth are you talking about? It's you and Joshua who are blinded with jealousy."Nayeon said angrily.
"I guess this is the last time we will be talking. Don't say I was ruthless."Nayeon said coldly before walking away to join the popular kids. After she started dating Lucas, she of course became popular.
-End of Your pov-

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