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Woopwoop finally, CHAPTER 30.
I feel so proud.💜
Sorry for any errors up ahead.😇

       "Where's Eun Na?"Suho questioned as they didn't see you for 2h now.

"She went upstairs."Kris replied.
"She couldn't possibly take 2h to change right? Like even girls are troublesome, they won't take 2h to get ready..."Luhan said.
"I will go find her."Chanyeol said and Suho nodded.

-Chanyeol's pov-
As I walked up the stairs, I knocked on her door but there was no answer so I knocked again.
After knocking her door for the fourth time, I walked in. Upon seeing her lying in her bed sound asleep. I smiled to myself.
Suddenly, I had an idea. Sweet sweet revenge.

I tiptoed to her bed and whispered into her ear,"Wake up Eun. If not I will kiss you."
Immediately she shot up from bed while saying,"IM AWAKE."

Her eyes were still closed while she was seating right up. I started to laugh.
Soon, her eyelids parted open a little and saw me. She rolled her eyes at me before falling back onto the bed and covered her face with her blanket.
"Wake up. We're leaving soon."I shouted.
"Bye have fun!"She shouted under the blanket.
"No your going with us."I said while I pulled her blanket away from her face.
"But I want to sleep!"She whined.

I had no choice, she might hate me I'm the future but I'm willing to risk it.

I leaned forward and placed a kiss on her cheek.

Suddenly, she stumbled out off bed and looked at me.
-End of Chanyeol's pov-

      "What the hell did you do?"You asked. You was in complete shock.
"As I said, if you don't wake up I will kiss you."Chanyeol shrugged like, kissing you was what he did everyday, nothing special at all.
"I'm a man of my words."He added.
Your cheeks were hot and that'd when you know your blushing.
Then, you ran inside the bathroom and locked the door behind you.
You could hear Chanyeol's laughter coming from the outside.
You went to the sink and washed your face.
Washing away the sleepiness which was present on your face.

As you got out of the bathroom, Chanyeol was nowhere to be seen which was a good sign.
You sent to your closet and took out a black turtle-neck along with a pair of dark blue jeans.

Your going to wear that cause why not?!

After getting dressed, you went downstairs to see all the boys watching tv.
"Finally, the queen has arrived after 1 million years."Luhan exaggerated.
Luhan has always been this impatient but you got used to all his remarks.
"Thanks."You faked a smile.
"Ahjussi, you need to have same patients you know."You said.
"You did not just call me an uncle."Luhan shot me a glare.
Before you could even reply, Suho came in.
"Alright enough you two."

"She started it."
"He started it."

We both said it at the same time.

~At the theme park~
        We finally arrived and as usual the boys were having their caps and masks on.
While some had their earpeices on as well.
"I will go buy the tickets."Suho said and we all nodded.

There was a lot of people as it's a Sunday, duh.
"There's so many people."You sighed.
"What do you expect, we book the whole place?!"Luhan mocked.
"That's a good idea. Why didn't you be a genius like 24h ago."You exclaimed.
"I was being sarcastic and I don't have the money to."Luhan said bluntly.
"Ye I kinda knew. Next time don't talk if you can't do it."You suggested.
"Will you two just stop fighting already. You two aren't annoyed I am!"Kris said annoyingly.
"But hyung it's her fault. Why are you scolding me."Luhan whined in front of Kris making you feel disgusted.
"ARGH!"He exclaimed before walking away from Luhan.

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