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(A little strong language but not too bad.)

"Eh?Where's Eun Na?She's been gone for so long."Kris asked Chanyeol who is still not drunk.
"Not sure.I will go check."Chanyeol said as he spunned himself on the bar chair and got up.

-Chanyeol's pov-
Eun Na haven't been back since forever.Kris and I started getting worried and I offered to go look for her.If she gets hurt or anything hyung will be so mad at us.As one,she's his sister.Two,he warned us to not bring her to the bar but em...we still did.
I walked towards the bathroom and on the way I heard Eun Na.

"Don't touch me!"
I peeked from the corner and saw a drunkened man cornering Eun Na.
"Oh come on.Let's have some fun."He said as he slides his hand to her waist.
I raged at the sight and clenched my hands into a fist.
"BACK OFF!"She said as she tried to push him away.
"What else do you possibly want in a bar."He said and started leaning into her.Don't he dare kiss her!
She was so frightened.
I clenched my fist tighter and walked up to him and pulled him away from her before he could kiss her.
"Back off."I glared at him.

"Who are you?!"He asked annoyed.

"Back off from Eun Na."

"Why should I?!Who are you even."He asked again.
I took my mask off and said,"Chanyeol,Park Chanyeol.Also Eun Na's brother best friend."
His eyes widened,"EXO?!"
And I smirked at him,I grabbed Eun Na's wrist and pulled her with me.
"We are getting out of here."I said as we reached the bar.
-End of Chanyeol's pov-

"Wae?!"Kris asked.
"I will explain later,come on."Chanyeol said.He was still holding onto your wrist.
"A little help here?!"Kris said.
You and Chanyeol turned around and looked at the bar.9 of the boys were drunk and sleeping.(If I did my maths right.)You giggled at the sight and went to help Sehun as you can only help one.
"Hmm....I want to sleep."He spoke drunkly.
"Come on..."Chanyeol said as he helped Baekhyun and Chen.
"Mwo?!Am I suppose to carry 6 of them?!"Kris said sarcastically.
"Oppa I think I can carry one more."You said and helped D.O up.
"That's it."You said.
"Okay that's 5 for me,it's still a lot."Kris stated.
"I think some of them can walk..."You said and suddenly,Kai shot up from his bar stool and shouted,"I'm not drunk!"
"A lot of help of you Kai."Kris said.
"Should we ask..."You got cut off by Kris."Aniyo!He can't find out,he will kill us if we do.We already went against what he said."
"Okay then let's help them,those who can walk just let them walk."You said and helped Sehun who is unconscious.
"Yah,how many shots did you drink oppa."You asked.
"Like a lot hahaha."He mumbled.
"Aish."You cursed.
Suddenly,Luhan tripped and was about to fall you saw it and quickly ran to support Luhan.
"LUHAN OPPA,Watch your step."You said.
"Are we almost there yet?"You asked.
"Almost."Kris answered.
Suddenly your phone started vibrating.Caller id:Oppa💞
"Shit."You cursed as you looked at the phone screen.
"Whose that?!"Kris asked.
"Oppa."You answered and he looked at you.
"Answer it!"Kris hurried.
You quickly accepted the call.

"Yah!Eun Na what took you so long to answer my call.Do you know how worried I was."He shouted over the phone.
"Mianhae oppa I didn't hear my phone buz."
"Where are you now?"He asked.

"I'm...I'm...on the way back home."You said.

"Okay I'm on the way home too.Anneyong."He said and ended the call.

"Are we there yet?!"You whined.

"Yes we are.Let me just key in the pin."Kris said.

He keyed in the pin and the door opened.

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