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Hope I did spell eleventh correctly.⤴

Does Sehun have feelings for you?
Cause the way he thinks about you shows he does but I dunno so I guess let's find out in this chapter.💖


-The next day-
You slowly stirred up from bed as you didn't sleep last night.
You went into the bathroom and did your morning routines before coming out and changed into your uniform.
Since today your going to have dance lessons, you packed your hoodie and shorts into your bag before leaving the room.
When you went downstairs you saw the boys and was shocked.
"Why are you guys doing here wearing pajamas?"You asked as you placed your bag down.
"Cause we slept over yesterday."Chen answered.
"Don't you guys have a dorm?"You asked.
"Cause when we brought you home it was late already so hyung asked us to stay over."Sehun said as he took a bite on his sand which.
"Eun Na, here's your breakfast."D.O said as he placed a plate at a empty seat in between Chanyeol and Suho.
You nodded and thanked him before sitting down to eat.
"Eun Na remember to bring your outfit for dance today."Suho reminded.
"I packed my hoodie already."You said.

~Time lapse~
Since today is Thursday, it's when we have dance lessons for the whole day.
Our class best dancers are of course EXO. You are not that bad but not as good as them.
"Okay, class today we will pick two best dancers to dance this song so please dance your best today."Mrs. Amy, our dance instructor said.
We all got up and since it's freestyle, when Mrs. Amy played the music we started to dance.
Mrs. Amy then walked around.
When the song ended everyone was panting except for the girls who didn't even bother dancing. For the entire song they just watched exo dance.
"Okay, everyone catch your breathes and go drink some water please before gathering here."Mrs. Amy shouted across the room. You immediately dropped your water bottle as when Mrs. Amy adds a "please" in her sentence means she wants us to be quicker.
You sat down beside Joshua and Nayeon cause why not.
"Okay, I have picked two dancers and for this dance I have picked a boy and a girl."She said and there were talking.
"So I picked Sehun for the guy role."She pointed towards him and he stood up. Then the fangirls started squealing.
'Gosh, grow up...'You thought.
"Eun Na."Mrs. Amy called out and you stood up.
"Yes?"You replied.
"You get the girl role for this dance."She said which shocked you.
"What!"You exclaimed.
"Alright class dismiss, Sehun, Eun Na please stay back after class and I will explain things."Mrs. Amy said.
     After everyone left the dance room, Mrs.Amy started to explain.
"You two will be dancing trouble maker together."She said and you was shocked.
"You mean...trouble maker's trouble maker?"You wanted to confirm and she nodded.
"You two will have to perform the original cherography in front of the whole school and that day is going to be during September."She said.

-Your pov-
No way, I can't dance trouble maker with Sehun. The original cherography is too touchy.
"But, Mrs.Amy the cherography between the guy and the girl there will be a lot of well touching."I said.
"So? No more arguments, I will let you all see the cherography and start teaching you all and for practises, find some time in your schedules."Mrs. Amy said.
I'm pretty mad that now it's March and we had to perform it during September and I have to use some of my time on practice.
-End of Your pov-

"You two are not allowed to tell anyone even your closest friends cause it will be a secret."Mrs. Amy added and you groaned.

(If you don't know how trouble maker chero goes it doesn't matter cause I will have the video at the end of this chapter but if you do, good for you😊
So after you see it, you will understand why I made you and Sehun dance it.😏)

-Sehun's pov-
When I realised I had to dance with Eun Na trouble maker I really didn't mind cause I love dancing.
The truth is I have never heard of trouble maker or seen their chero so I wasn't making a big fuss unlike Eun Na.
Luckily, Mrs. Amy will let us view the cherography.
"But Mrs. Amy the cherography between the guy and the girl there will be a lot of well touching."She said.
"Really?"I thought.
I was behind them rubbing my neck awkwardly.
     After like who knows how long of their argument, Mrs. Amy finally showed us the cherography and I was shocked. It is indeed touchy.
'This is going to be so awkward.'I thought as it is true.
She's getting engaged with hyung and I have to dance this dance with her. I mean...em...Hyung is going to be mad.
-End of Sehun's pov-
(Sehun's loyalty to his hyungs.)

"Alright you all are dismissed."Mrs. Amy said and you walked out of the room.
     "Eun Na, what did teacher say?"Nayeon asked as she climbed her hand around your arm.
"Stuff."You said.
"Where's Joshua?"You asked.
"He went on a date with this girl."Nayeon said.
"Are you jealous?"You asked in disbelief.
"Who? Me...hahahah, no way."She stuttered.
"Lies."You sticked your tongue out at her.
"Tsk, Eun Na, I am not jealous!"She said and you nodded.
We reached the school gates and we bid goodbye as she lives at the opposite side of the neighborhood.
     As you were walking back home you felt someone backhug you.
"What the..."You mumbled.
"Guess who is this."He said.
"Oh me gosh, James back off."You said as you struggled to break free.
"Why are you so smart."He said before breaking the hug.
"I'm not smart but your dumb."You said.
"Ouch..."He said with sarcasm.
"Can you not hug me next time, we're not even close."You said coldly.
"I know you for 2 years, Eun Na."He said.
"But I don't."You said bluntly before quickening your steps.
"Hey wait up."He said as he grabbed hold on your wrist.
"Let go it's daylight you better flip off."You told him but he didn't let go.
"Let go!"You shouted at him but all he did was to tighten the grip.
Suddenly, from behind him, Suho and the boys appeared.
"Oppa!"You exclaimed as you continued to try to break free but to no avail.
"What do you want?"James asked.
"Let her go!"Sehun exclaimed.
"And who are you to tell me what to do."He said.
"He doesn't but I do."Suho said with a firm tone.
"I'm her brother."Suho said which shocked James.
He started to loosen up and I took this chance to run towards them.
You ran and hid behind Sehun.
"Leave now James and stop pestering Eun Na anymore."Suho said and James nodded before running away.
"Eun Na did he hurt you?"Sehun asked concerned.
"Yes I am, Gumawo."You thanked.
"Let's go home now."Chanyeol said in an annoyed tone.
Then, Chanyeol pulled you away from Sehun making you stand beside him.
'What's his problem?'You thought.

Jealousy is starting to take action in Chanyeol.

Here's the cherograhy:

Sehun is a gentleman.😇

The end of this chapter🙆

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