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Sorry and and errors.😎

You were now the school's hottest topic. The 'relationship' between you and Sehun and your relationship with Suho.
No you have no 'relationship' with Sehun you two are just friends and Suho, I can't just disown him as his your biological brother.

~After school~
Since your secret was already exposed, you didn't care much now. You walked up to Suho and gave him a light smack on his arm.
"Oppa."You called out.
"Anneyong, Eun Na-shi."He greeted.
"Wh so formal? Aren't you always calling me Eun?"You asked.
"Yes but it's in school Eun."He said and you beamed.
When he realised his mistake, he face-palmed himself and you laughed.
"Oppa, I will go back home now. If you want to stay here and chit-chat with them go ahead."You said as you walked towards the school gates.
As you walked pass people, you could hear murmurs like,
"Now we can't offend her, if not Suho oppa won't like us."A girl whispered to her friend.

"God, what a lucky girl she is."

"Even if she's Suho's sister, she can't flirt with the others!"Another girl retorted.

'Excuse me but which eyes of yours has seen me 'flirting' with any of the EXO members.'You thought as you walked passed them.
"Utter rubbish!"You exclaimed the moment you stepped out of the school gates to city property, the familiar neighborhood pavement.

As you was walking down the street having several thoughts on your mind, someone bumped into you.
"Ouch."Your chains of thoughts broke as you came back to reality.
"Oops, sorry."The girl said insincerely as she smirked at you.
You wanted to kill her right away buy you refrain yourself from doing so.
Maybe that's her motive, wanting you to flare up and punch her?!
After several thinking, you came up with a conclusion. It's better to play safe.
You just smiled at her,"Arasseo."
She was stunned by your reaction, maybe she was trying to make you mad.
Then, you just walked away.
       "Listen."The girl exclaimed as she held you by the wrist.
You turned back and faced her with no signs of emotions on your face.
"I'm a huge fan of exo and my bias is Sehun, I just hate the fact that you get to flirt, talk with him. I hate it, so you better stop or your going to regret it."She threatened.
"YOU listen, which eyes of yours has seen me flirting with them. Which eyes of yours tells you I'm so interested in them."You threw her that question.
"You... You. Just stay away from them!"She exclaimed before walking away.

~Back at home~
      You threw your bag onto the ground and slumped down onto the couch. You fished out your phone and saw notifications.

-Your pov-
Did I tell you I have another good friend from another school apparently... She's the best and amazing!
She's my best friend, Samantha Johnson from New Zealand.
I liked her because of her personality, she's the school's badass girl.
I liked her, she has the courage to go against even the principals. She tends to get into trouble but who cares¿!
She's still a very caring friend.
I received her message.

2 new messages from Sam♥

~Yo bestie, I haven't seen you for long 2 years!

~When are you coming back to New Zealand...

I laughed as I read the messages. She's so cute.

Me: Why not come to Korea Sammy.
I sent the message.

Then, the door flung open, showing the 12 annoying mini trouble makers.

"Eun!"Suho exclaimed ad he placed his shoes on the shoe rack.
"Hey!"I greeted all of them.
"Who are you texting? You seem happy."Sehun asked.
"A guy?"Tao asked and then looked at Chanyeol. I laughed as I knew what his trying to do.
Chanyeol gave him a quick glare before turning towards me.
Well, Tao succeeded.👏👏
"Girl. My best friend from New Zealand."I said and immediately Suho came.
"Yes....?"I questioned doubtfully.
"You mean Samantha?"He asked and  I nodded.
"Didn't I tell you to stay away from her! She's bad influence!"Suho chided and I rolled my eyes.
"Don't diss my friends like this."I hissed.
"What's wrong with Samantha?"Kai asked.
"Samantha is a trouble maker."Now is Oppa's turn to roll his eyes.
"It's true, Samantha tends to get into trouble BUT She's a good friend. She's caring."I corrected.
"Tends? She literally gets into trouble for talking back to the teachers right."He asked.
"Yes... But it's funny!"I said.
"Whatever. I'm just happy she's now in New Zealand."Oppa said before walking into the kitchen.
Aish...oppa thinks Samantha is a 'bad influence' just because when I returned I was cold. I just changes a lot. Physically and mentally as well.
The main reason for my change was Austin...
Not Samantha!
-End of your pov-

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