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     You being like a blind person was no difference. All around you was pitch black, no light no one around you but voices.
Those people who you really want to see but could only hear them.
"Eun Na..."It was Chanyeol!
"Please wake up...everyone's worried about you."Chanyeol said.
You felt tears on your skin.
'Is Chanyeol crying?'You thought.
You really want to wake up and comfort him but you just can't no matter how hard you tried.
You dislike people crying as it makes then look ugly.
     Then the door opened, it was Suho.
His face showned sadness.
"Hyung what did the doc say?"Sehun asked and Chanyeol looked up with teary eyes.
"The doctor said we have to encourage Eun Na...try to wake her up from her coma and if she does...those two weeks ahead will be critical. If those two weeks she has been either having bad headaches, coughing blood out...that means her life is still in danger but if those doesn't show...that means she's fine."Suho explained.
"But...but...what if she doesn't wake up..."Chanyeol voice cracked due to the crying.
"Then...I guess she's in even more danger than when she comes round."Suho said as he sat on the edge of the bed.
"My dear yeodongsaeng(little sister),please wake up from your nightmare. Your putting us through our own ones as well."Suho said as he held onto your hand.
'I'm trying oppa. I really am sorry.'You thought.

-1 month later-
     Suho has been visiting you whenever he could but sometimes his schedules just goes against it.
It was the end of February and you still haven't woken up yet.
"Eun Na...it's the end of February now going to March...when are you ever going to wake up."Suho said as he looked at you with sadness in his eyes.
With that, you had the strength and your eyes slowly opened showing a white ceiling.
"O..oppa."You whispered as you felt yourself being restless.
"Eun Na!"Suho gasped.
"I will go get the doctor."Suho said as he ran out if the ICU.
Soon, the doctor and nurses came running in along with my brother.
They did some checks on you when they entered.
"Ms.Kim do you know where are you."The doctor asked.
"Hospital."You said and the doctor nodded.
"Doctor how is she?"Suho asked anxiously.
"It's a good sign that she woke up but as I said this two weeks is critical for her."The doctor siad sternly.
"Okay Kamsahaminda."Suho thanked before returning back to you.
"Eun Na do you need anything?"He asked concernly.
"Wa..ter."You whispered.
He grabbed the bottle of water and placed a straw inside before passing it to you.
You sipped on the straw and slowly placed it onto the table.
"Eun Na...so you know how worried we were."Suho sighed.
"Mianhae oppa but can I ask how long have I been like this..."You asked.
"A month."
"When can I leave?"You asked.
"Not today Eun Na. At least two weeks."
But before you could say anything, the door flung open.
"Hyu–"Chanyeol stopped.
"Miss me?"You smiled.
"Yes..."Chanyeol gasped as he ran up to you bringing you into a hug.
Behind Chanyeol was the rest of the boys.
"I missed you."Chanyeol whispered to you.
You hugged him back,"Ye, I miss all of you."
"When did you wake up?"Baekhyun asked from behind.
You broke the hug and smiled at them,"Just."
"Oh my God, Eun Na we miss you."Sehun said giving you a hug.
From behind you could see Chanyeol's face expression changed, he doesn't look happy.
"I bet Chanyeol is now jealous."Sehun whispered into your ear making you giggle.
"True, he is."You whispered back.
We broke the hug and when Sehun was walking back to standing beside Kai he started to laugh.
"Eun Na how are you feeling?"D.O asked.
"I'm fine thank you for asking."You smiled.
"Are you hungry?"Chanyeol asked.
"Kind of..."You said as you touched your stomach.
"What do you feel like eating?"Luhan asked.
"Anything."You shrugged.
"Nothing too greasy."Suho replied and Luhan nodded.
"Arasseo. Sehun and I will go get the food."Luhan said before patting Sehun's shoulder.
"I will?"Sehun asked as he pointed to himself.
You started laughing at what he said.
"Yes you will."Luhan rolled his eyes as he walked out of the room.
"Eun Na I will go buy food for you and bubble tea for everyone."Sehun said.
"Does Eun Na like bubble tea?"Sehun suddenly asked.
"Me?Yes...I love Chocolate and Strawberry flavored."You said.
"No you can't drink, your still sick."Suho said worriedly.
"I'm so starving..."You said cutely as you looked at Suho.
"Let's wait for Luhan and Sehun to come back."He said as he ruffled your hair.
You smiled but soon it faded as you felt yourself in pain.
"Eun Na are you okay?"Baekhyun asked as he looked at how your reacting.
"I...I–"You couldn't finish what you were going to say and started coughing.
"Eun Na, here drink some water."Suho said as he passed you the bottle of water.
     Suddenly, blood started to come out from your mouth which was a bad sign.
"EUN NA!"Suho exclaimed in shock.
Chanyeol immediately ran to get the doctor as the rest helped you.
"Gosh."The doctor said as he ran into the room.
"Please get out for the doctor to do some checks on Mr.Kim."The nurse rushed the boys all out.
"Eun Na..."Suho sighed as the door closed in front of him.
     Soon, the doctor came out and first sighed before starting to talk.
"Is she okay?"Suho asked.
"Yes but if this happens often that means her life is still at risk."The doctor said.

-Suho's pov-
I can't believe one fire could make my sister fall so ill.
I ran in to see her lying on the bed. She was so pale.
"Eun Na..."I said as I ran to her side.
"Oppa..."She whispered.
Although she was so ill she still had that smile on her face which could brighten anyone lives.
"Why are you still smiling."I cried.
"Cause I know I won't die, I will try my own best to fight this illness, two weeks right...I will try very hard for this two weeks."She smiled and I smiled as well.
How can she be smiling when she's in this kind of state...
-End of Suho's pov-

     "Oppa."You murmurmed.
"Ne?"Suho replied.
"Can you call Luhan or Sehun to ask them where they are, I'm hungry."You pouted and he chuckled.
"Arasseo."He said before excusing himself and left the room.
"I will go help you get more clean water."Xiumin said and you looked at the bottle of water beside you, it was filled with blood.
He then took it and left the room.
Suddenly, you had the urge to leave the hospital.
"Chanyeol ah."You spoke and he turned towards you.
"Yes?"He asked kindly.
"The hospital is making me even more sick. Can we go out of the hospital please."You pleaded.
"But you just..."He hesitated.
"I'm fine now I promise."You said.
"Em...well."He looked at the others.
"Please...hospital is turning out like school right now."You said.
"Fine."Chen replied and you clapped your hands.
"What so funny?"Suho asked as he came back in.
Then Chen cursed under his breathe but it's still hearable(I'm sorry if there's no such word. If there ISNT then it will be found in Sherlynzzz's dictionary.)
"Eun Na wants to go out as she said the hospital is making her sick."Chen explained.
"Aniyo! Eun Na what if that happened again."Suho said worriedly.
"Please oppa please."You begged.
"Fine fine fine but only the hospital's garden."He emphasized and you smiled.
     Suho then texted Sehun to tell them to take their time with the food and then pushed you in a wheelchair towards the garden.
You was still weak and of course Suho forbids you to walk.
When you reached the fresh air greeted you and you breathed in the fresh air.
"It's so pretty."You said as you looked around the garden.
"Eun Na get well soon..."Suho said as he kneeled in front of you to get to your level.
"I will don't worry oppa."You smiled at him.

       THE END OF ||EIGHT||
Hope you all enjoyed it.😚😚😚

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