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Sorry for any errors up ahead.🙏
Enjoy as always.🍒

-Sehun's pov-
      As I was walking back home after running some errands for mum. I found a hand phone on the floor. Like who leaves them on the floor?!
Then I saw the phone cover, it was familiar...where did I see it before?!
That's right it's EUN NA'S.
I turned the phone on and saw the lock screen wallpaper, it's the same as what Eun Na's phone has. To be confirmed, I tried to unlock her phone by using her birthday cause that's her password.
It unlocked! It is Eun Na's phone.
The wallpaper... It is her with Suho hyung.
But where is she?
She couldn't possibly leave her phone on the floor in the middle of nowhere. Where is she?
Suddenly, I heard someone shout. Immediately, I linked it to Eun Na.
"Eun Na?"I shouted.
Then I caught sight of two people at a alley.
"EUN NA!"I was shocked to see the guy in front if her has a knife.
I ran towards them and immediately, I pushed the guy away from Eun Na.
She was shocked.
-End if Sehun's pov-

In a split second, Sehun appeared and pushed the guy away making him land on the floor.
You was shocked.
"Eun Na quickly let's go."Sehun exclaimed.
"You little rascal..."The drunkened guy stood up and started to attack Sehun with his knife.
Then, you kicked his knife out of his hands making it land onto the ground.
He wanted to reach for it but you kicked it further into the alley.
He ran after it and this is the chance for and Sehun to make a run for.
He held onto your hand and pulled you after him.
Since your place is the nearest we ran down the street.
Then, you turned around and saw the man chasing after you.
"COME BACK HERE!"He shouted while running, he was catching up.
You spotted the sight of your house getting nearer and nearer and you ran ahead of Sehun. You typed in the pin when you reached and when Sehun ran in you immediately slammed the door shut and locked it.
Those who chases after you straight to your doorstep are called phsycos.
"What happened here?"Suho suddenly came out of the kitchen.
"Oppa!" You ran to give him a hug.
"Eun Na! What happened? The call cut off and I was so worried."He stroked your hair.
"Sehun?"He turned towards him.
"Hyung."He bowed as a greeting.
"What happened?"Suho asked.
"On the way home I saw a guy harassing Eun Na and when I pushed him away he wasn't happy and started chasing after us."He explained briefly.
"I think you should go home tomorrow morning it's too dangerous Sehunnie."Suho said and he nodded.
"Here, I made dinner. Call your parents to tell them your staying here for yw night before eating."He said.
"And you Miss, go and shower before eating."Suho instructed and you ran upstairs to shower.
You changed into another oversized T with your pajamas pants before coming down to eat.

-The next day-
     You was sleeping soundly when your alarm went off and today's alarm was pretty loud.
"AH!"You shrieked as you fell off your bed.
"Ouch..."You groaned as you was on the floor tangled in your blanket.
"What happened?"Sehun rushed in.
"Did an earthquake happen?"He looked at you while standing at the door.
"What now?"Suho, who was having a 'morning mood' came in.
"My alarm scared me."You answered.
"Oops, my bad, it was me who ones it to the Max."He said and you glared at him.
"OPPA!" You exclaimed.
"Mian."He laughed.
"Get up from the floor now, breakfast is ready."He said and you huffed.
Sehun helped you up onto the bed and walked out of your room.
You shrugged and walked into your bathroom to do your morning routine.
You changed into your school uniform and wore a beanie cause it's called outside.
As you came downstairs you walked to the dining table and sat down opposite of Sehun.
"You look cute with a beanie on."Sehun spoke and you didn't know how to react.
'Was it a compliment or an offend?'You thought.
"Sehun, do remember today we are suppose to practise the dance for the upcoming event."You reminded him.
"Oh right..."He recalled.

~Time lapse~
       As you three arrived at the school gates, you parted ways with Sehun and Suho cause if you don't you will receive remarks and also create rumours.
As you walked towards your locker to grab your textbook for the day, someone banged into you making all your books fall from your hand to the ground.
You looked at the culprit and was shocked to see who it was.
"Nayeon?"You questioned.
"Watch where your going nerd, you bumped into Nayeon."A girl behind her said.
"Ye and I think you should apologize."Another girl behind her followed.
"Shut up Dollan twins."Nayeon sneered and you felt disgusted.
'What the hell... How can she say that.'You thought.
"But she should apologize."The girl pointed at you.
"I said SHUT UP Star. I'm running this show here!"She shouted.
You suddenly felt disgusted by how Nayeon acted.
"I don't even know you anymore."You said.
"Whatever. Listen... Nerd, I don't care how we used to be friends but from now onwards, you have to listen to me."Nayeon said proudly like she has owned the entire world.
"Kaja."She rolled her eyes and walked away and the two of the girls followed behind her.
Then, you bent down and picked up the textbooks you have dropped on the floor.
As you was about to reach for your history textbook, someone went ahead. You looked up to see Sehun helping you.
"What are you doing?"Your eyes widened in shock.
"I'm helping you pick up your books."He said.
"I don't need your help."You said.
"You do."He replied back.
"People might wonder why we're this close. I don't want people to know."You whispered to him earning a chuckle.
"It's normal for kind people like me to help out you know. It's not just because we're idols we don't have a kind heart."He said and this time it was you who laughed.
"Ye sure, it's very 'kind' of you."You said with a sacarstic tone.
He gave you back your books and you accepted them and places them back into the locket where it belongs. Locked up in there, a jail for books.
"I heard."He changed the topic.
"Heard what?"You asked.
"Just now... You and Nayeon, were fighting, she acting as a total bitch."Sehun said.
"Oh." Is all you could say.
"What happened? I thought you two are like best friends."Sehun questioned.
"Was."You corrected.
"She started acting like a total stuck up queen after she started dating the school's playboy, Lucas. She's blinded by fame."You said in annoyance.
"Blinded by love or fame."Sehun shrugged.
"Both."You stated.
"Thanks for helping me yesterday and previously."You smiled.
"No worries."
"By the way, please don't spread the Nayeon thing around. I don't want my friend to be a gossip."You said.
"Wait, you still treat her as a friend after she did that to you?!"Sehun was surprised.
"She's just not in her right mind. I believe she isn't doing this intentionally."You said confidently.
"I wish I was like you."He sighed.
"Sehunnie, there's nothing good about me to make you want to be like me."You said and when the bell went off you walked towards class.

-In class-
     Of course, you didn't want to sit with Nayeon and she doesn't want to sit with you. Then, you took the seat next to Joshua.
"Good morning."You smiled at him totally ignoring Nayeon's presence.
She was seating right at the back with her two followers, Lucas was in another class.
"Morning."He smiled. You could tell it was forced out.
"Don't force out a smile, it's ugly. If you don't want to smile just don't."You said.
Then, as exo entered the whole class was filled with fangirls excitement.
Then, you heard Nayeon squeel in delight.
It use to not bother you but now it does.
The fact that her bias is your brother, Suho got you a little grumpy.
Nayeon is slowly turning into those bitchy fangirls.

As they stood in front of the classroom, they were talking to each of themselves.
Are they seriously choosing whose going to sit where?!
You fixed your bangs as to distract yourself.
Suddenly, someone took the seat next to you and you turned to see Chanyeol and his seatmate was none other than Byun Baekhyun. Baekhyun's eyes were filled with mischief and that wasn't a good sign while Chanyeol was just there smiling at you.
Immediately, you turned away from them and focused at the whiteboard.
Behind you sat, Sehun and his seatmate was Suho. What's up with this arrangement...

How's class going to be like?
Baekhyun's going to get himself into sooooo much trouble.
Thank you for reading💜

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