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Song is: Twenty-Four.
It's linked to this chapter title only.
It's a nice song!💙
Sorry for any errors up ahead.💝
A little bad language up ahead but it's not so bad.🙏

      As we all arrived to the principal office, Lucas immediately sat on the couch like a king, like he didn't do anything wrong. While we just stood there.
"Thanks a lot Eun Na."Lucas started and you looked at him without speaking a word.
'I wanna see what comes out of his dirty mouth.'You thought.

"Thanks for landing all of us here. If you didn't make my baby angry we all wouldn't be here."He smirked.
"Wipe that smirk off your ugly face before I do it for you."You said as you got off the wall your leaning on and was about to punch him again when Suho shouted," Eun Na!"
You looked at him and gulped before keeping your fist to yourself reluctantly.
'You hate it when he smirks cause his to blame! A cocky jerk.'You thought.

"Chill Eun, his just trying to agitated you."Joshua pulled you back.

You sneered at him before leaning on the wall again.
What's taking Principal Kim?!
You can't stand being in one room with that cocky idiot anymore.

     Then the door opened and Principal Kim and Mr. Wong came in.
"Oh great..."You cursed under your breath.
"Who started the fight yesterday?"Mr. Wong asked.
No one stepped out.
You rolled your eyes at how timid Lucas was when it comes to punishments. You laughed mentally.
You stepped out and admitted,"It's me."
"We know who you are but we want you to admit yourself. Who else?"Mr. Wong exclaimed.
No one...
"Lucas Newman step out!"Principal Kim shouted angrily.
"Did you know what you did yesterday was fighting?"Mr. Wong asked him and he nodded.
"Then why didn't you step out when I gave you a chance."Mr. Wong asked.
Lucas just kept quiet.
Who knew, the all mighty Lucas Newman turns out to be a timid weakling.
"Suho, Chanyeol, Sehun, my elite students, what happened?"Principal Kim questioned them three.
"They were just passing by Principal Kim."You said.
"Ani, I can't leave Eun Na there."Suho said.
"And why?"Mr. Wong asked.
"She's...She's my–"
"SUHO!"You shouted at him, cutting him off as well.
"She's my sister and as a brother, I couldn't just leave her there getting beaten up."Suho said and you sighed. Now, all eyes were on you except Sehun and Chanyeol who already knew.
"All of you detention after school today."Mr. Wong said.
"Now go to class, Eun Na and Junmyeon please stay behind." Principal Kim stated.
As they all left you stood next to Suho and looked at him.
There were many questions in your head that you wanted to ask him.
"What do you mean by that?"Principal Kim asked as he sat down on his chair.
"She's my sister and I'm her brother simple."Suho shrugged.
"I know Eun Na's parents are in America..."Principal Kim stated.
"So is Jumyeon's..."Principal Kim said and realization struck him.
The puzzle pieces fell in place, everything makes sense now.
"Oh..."Principal Kim gasped.
"Don't worry, your not the only one who knows this."You guaranteed him.
"You may leave for classes now."Principal Kim shooed us out and we nodded before bowing and taking our leave.
He probably need some time to digest the fact I'm an idol's sister. Tsk😒

      "Oppa have you lost your mind!"You asked him.
"It's the only way to get you out of that mess."He said.
"There could be other ways!"You objected.
"To change the topic is one way and I went for that and it worked."Suho said.
"What you did could get you expelled, luckily it was just detention."He said as we made our way to Dance class.

-Your pov-
Everyone in school is going to know. Cause Nayeon and Lucas knew already. They have mouths as big as elephants.
As you and Suho both stepped into class Mrs. Amy was furious. She hates latecomers and it's us.
Maybe because I was in the trouble maker dance and Suho was usually not late she wasn't mad.
"Why are you two late?"She asked calmly.
"We were in the principal's office."I replied.
She nodded and said,"Quickly get change and do your warm ups."
I scurried to a empty shelf and placed my bag on it before taking my hoodie and shorts out.
"Now everyone please practise the steps of our cherography I showed you all last well please."Mrs. Amy instructed.
All girls were excited for this dance cause it's a boy and girl thing.
The girls all scrambled around the dance room to find partners.
Of course, many were fighting for the exo boys.
I laughed at how confused and flustered the boys were.
I quickly changed into my hoodie and shorts before doing  Mrs. Amy's warm ups.

-15 minutes later-
I'm finally done and oppa was as well.
We went up to Mrs. Amy and told her.
"Suho go practise the steps last week."She said and Suho nodded.
It wasn't hard for him to find a partner.
"I will call Sehun, you two can start practising trouble maker in the other dance room."Mrs. Amy said and I nodded.
I turned around to look for Sehun and I saw him dancing with a girl in our class, Leslie. The schools filled with alot of people like her. She's a spoilt brat. She thinks she can get whatever she wants. Tsktsktsk.
Mrs. Amy walked up to them and told Sehun,"Sehun, I need you to practise for the event. Eun Na is already in the other dance room."
Sehun nodded and walked towards me.
"Wait but Mrs. Amy, how about me?"Leslie asked.
"Well, Leslie you can take a break or practise by yourself."Mrs. Amy said.
"I refuse to be a loner!"She exclaimed.
What a brat. She thinks at home her parents gives her what she wants doesn't mean in school the teachers have to.

"Then sit there and rest."Mrs. Amy said and walked away.
Leslie was furious, I can tell.
-End of Your pov-

      "Kaja."Sehun said and you nodded before following him to the other dance room which is just beside each other.

"How are you?"Sehun asked, starting a conversation.
"What?"You asked.
"Your bruises, aren't you suppose to rest?"He asked concernly. You just laughed.
"It's fine."You replied.
"We should probably start now."You cut Sehun off cause you didn't want him to speak further.
"Sure."He smiled.
You went to the playlist and played trouble maker and quickly ran back to your starting position.

~Time lapse~

      *RINGGGGG* The bell signalling the end of dance class went off.
Everyone stopped dancing and was all excited to leave the dance room as afterwards was lunch.
"Alright class dismiss. Do shower of you need to."Mrs. Amy said and everyone dashed out of the dance room.
As Mrs. Amy packed up and left the dance room she was curious why her pupils were still crowdomf around the dance room number 2.
'Oh right, Eun Na and Sehun, I forgot to dismiss them!'That struck Mrs. Amy as she squeezed through the crowd.
"Students why aren't you all not at the cafeteria?"Mrs. Amy asked while standing in front if the door, hoping she could block the view inside.
"Mrs. Amy, Eun Na and Sehun are dancing inside and that dance looks so close! Is that dance for the upcoming school event?"Leslie asked.
"If you all don't want to have lunch I will be happy to take that 1h to teach you all new dance steps which I was planning for next weeks lesson, would you all what that?"Mrs. Amy asked totally ignoring Leslie.
Everyone shook their head, of course they wanted lunch.
"Then?"Mrs. Amy eyed each and every one of them.
Everyone then scurried downstairs towards the cafeteria and Mrs. Amy smiled at herself.
Then, she opened the door to the dance room and took quiet steps in.
She looked at you two dancing together in perfect harmony, striking each and every pose at the correct timing, not losing a beat.
The ending pose had to be Sehun, holding onto your waist while you two are starring at each other.

      "WELL DONE!"Mrs. Amy exclaimed while clapping when the song ended.
You two broke the eye contact and looked at Mrs. Amy who was smiling at us.
"Kamsahaminda."We bowed.
"You two did a great job, now go for your lunch."She said and you bowed again before taking your bag and left.
You went to the girls bathroom and took a quick cold shower before changing back into your uniform.
As you stepped out of the bathroom you walked towards your locker and threw your hoodie and shorts inside.
"I will retrieve you two after school."You reminded yourself before closing the locker door.
You walked intk the cafeteria with your hair still let down cause it's wet.
Everyone was looking at you, wae?
You walked towards Joshua and said,"Hey."
"Eun Na, your now the school's hot topic!"Joshua shouted immediately when you sat down.
"Why?"You asked.
"Now, everyone knows your brother is Suho AND also when you were dancing with Sehun, damnnn you two look so close."He said and you gasped.
You didn't want to be popular, you never even thought about it.
"Your now officially much more popular than Nayeon now."Joshua said.
"Josh, you know I don't want to be popular." You told him.
"I know but it's already exposed. I saw you and Sehun dancing with my very own eyes. You two really look close. I ship you guys."He pushed me lightly on the shoulder.
"Cause that's part of the choreography gosh dang it!"You huffed.
"Hm...Kay."He teased.

Thankiew for reading.
Love Love Love😍
Lots of love, LOL😁😁😁

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