Wake Up

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Chapter 1

A/N - Hey guys! Here's the first chapter! Each chapter title will be a song name I think fits with the chapter. Hope you enjoy!

Wake Up - The Vamps

(George POV)

"Leave Me Alone." he groaned.

"Blake get up!" I yelled. When I didn't get a reply, I repeated, "Blake!"

"No." Blake groaned again.

I sighed. "Every time."

Every time Blake stays over, I'm late for school. One day I'll learn to tell him he's only allowed over on a weekend.

Blake's been my best friend since we were tiny, and I mean really tiny. We've grown up seeing each other almost every day since we were born. I don't think we've ever been apart longer than a week, even on family holidays we usually go with each other. He's a pain in the ass a lot of the time, but I don't know what I'd do without him. He's more than my best friend. He's my brother.

After Blake still didn't get up, I got my pillow and threw it at his head, causing him to yell and throw it back at me. He then proceeded to cover his head with the sheets.

"You're not making me late for the third time this week! Get. Out. Of. Bed!"

"I hate school!" Blake mumbled from underneath the sheets.

"Get up or you don't get breakfast."

He made an unrecognisable noise as I pulled the sheets off him.

Rolling off the bed and onto the floor, Blake sat up looking startled. "I thought I was on the other side of the bed."

I laughed and threw his shirt at him, "Here. Breakfasts ready."

He sighed and started putting his shirt on as I walked out of my room.


"I hate you," Blake said as he walked into the kitchen.

I laughed and shook my head at him. "We're leaving in ten."

"What? I haven't even done my hair!"

"You should've woken up earlier to allow for the twenty minutes it takes to do your hair!"

Blake chewed mouthfuls of toast, heading for the stairs."I'm not a morning person." he said, moving faster than I'd ever seen him move.

I heard his footsteps going up the staircase as I said, "You don't look like much of a person at all right now."

"What?" Blake yelled from the top of the stairs.

"Nothing!" I called back, laughing.

Yeah, we're definitely going to be late.

A/N - And that's the first chapter! It's a short one to get you started but don't worry, the next chapter is a lot longer! Reece will be making an appearance soon, don't worry. Hope you enjoyed!

Lots of love,

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