For You

637 31 16

Chapter 77

A/N - Yo, sorry for the late update, I have had no internet for the past week almost so I couldn't update :(. I don't have anything else to say so enjoy the chapter!

For You - The Vamps
"You're the spark that makes my heart burn brighter, I would walk through fire, for you"

(George POV)

I sighed when the alarm went off, but still opened my eyes and turned it off. I looked down at the boy lying half on my stomach to see he was already looking up at me with a smile on his face. The sparkle was back in his eyes, making them shine like stars. He jumped up when he saw me looking at him, he was now straddling my hips.

"Two nights! I haven't had a nightmare in two nights!" Reece said excitedly.

"I'm so happy for you, baby!" I said, replicating his smile and enthusiasm before pulling him down for a kiss. "You didn't wake up during the night, did you?" I asked, pulling away from the kiss.

Reece shook his head, the smile still present.

"How about I take you on a date tonight to celebrate?" I suggested. "We haven't been on a date in awhile."

"We haven't have we?" Reece said, frowning slightly. The sparkle returned to his eyes as he smiled again. A genuine smile. "I'd love that."

"Wanna skip the shower, stay in bed and make out for a little longer?" I smirked.

Reece perked up at that, immediately going in die the kiss without answering. I kissed back without a second thought. These last few days I wouldn't've suggested this, not while he was in the mindset he was in. He would've just been using the make out as a distraction and regret it, soon not wanting to kiss me at all because of the bad memories it brought up. But I could tell that that wasn't the case this time. Everything down to his posture was all telling me one thing: He was happy. So I was happy to make out with him, I wouldn't've minded it going further than this because it wasn't just a distraction to him. It was everything we'd both missed, so we took in every moment of the kiss. Our tongues explored every millimetre of the others mouth. Reece's hand trailed up my torso and into my hair, running his fingers through my hair and messing it up. He then moved it back down to softly caress my cheek. I had one hand on his waist and one hand on his upper back. The kiss was heated, but not overly sexual. All of a sudden, Lyndsey opened Reece's door.

"Boys are you awake? You need to leave soon- oh! Sorry boys!" Lyndsey quickly apologised as soon as she saw us.

"Mum, please knock." Reece said calmly, making no move to get off of me.

I nudged Reece's side, letting him know I wasn't comfortable being in the position we are in in front of his mother. Reece smiled at me softly before moving.

"We'll get up in a minute, mum." Reece said. Lyndsey nodded and left us, shutting the door behind her. I started to sit up, but Reece pushed me back down. "A little longer." He said before bringing his lips back down to mine.

"Last time you said that we were here for four hours." I said, raising an eyebrow.

Reece giggled. "Well unfortunately we don't have four hours, so it'll have to stay at the few minutes."

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