Talk Me Down

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Chapter 72

A/N - Yo I totally forgot I was supposed to update today (I was so sure it was Sunday) so it's a little later than usual but here it is lol. Enjoy! (maybe lol)

Talk Me Down - Troye Sivan
"I wanna sleep next to you, but that's all I want to do right now, so come over now and talk me down"

(George POV)

"I need to explain some things." Reece said to Blake as we walked into his room.

"Why?" Blake asked confused.

"'Cause lately I've been a shitty friend."

"You've been a little distant, but I know you've got a lot going on at the moment." Blake said as we all sat on his bed.

"I lied, I lied to everyone, I was just pushing you all away. I haven't really been in the greatest headspace lately but I should've talked to you instead of lying. I'm sorry for being such a terrible friend." Reece said, his eyes glossing over with tears.

I pulled Reece in tighter than I already was to try comfort him. He gave me a soft smile before blinking the tears away.

"Reece, you don't have to apologise. Ever. Look, I don't know what you've been through or you're going through. I don't know how hard it's been for you, but I understand what it's like to try keep everything inside. It's hard and it never ends well. I'm always, always here if you need to talk. I'll never judge you, ever. I love ya, Reecey." Blake said, emphasising all his words to get his point across.

Reece pulled Blake into a tight hug. I kept my hand on his back.

"Thank you, Blake. Thank you so much, you have no idea how much this means to me." Reece said, his voice muffled from Blake's shoulder and the soft sobs occasionally escaping his mouth.

Reece pulled back and smiled at Blake. He wiped underneath his eyes before speaking again.

"I'm going to the bathroom." He said, giving my hand that he was holding a squeeze.

I continued to hold his hand until he was out of reach. It was silent until Reece had left the room.

"You're being very protective over Reece." Blake stated.

"You didn't see him the other night, Blake. He was bad. It broke my heart seeing him like that, I never want to see him in that much pain ever again. I don't know how he managed to stay strong for this long." I said, my eyes now tearing up slightly.

"He will be okay, he's strong." Blake comforted, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I know he is." I said with a small smile.

Blake dropped his hand as I blinked away my tears. Reece walked in, his eyes rimmed red.

"Sorry, I just needed a minute." He said, sitting back down next to me.

"Don't apologise, babe." I said, kissing his jaw as I wrapped my arm around his waist.

He smiled softly and cuddled into me.

"I wasn't finished explaining. I need to tell you everything- well, most of it. There's some parts that I'm not ready to talk about yet." Reece said.Reece then explained everything to Blake. He explained the nightmares, not what they're about, but everything else about them, and then he explained everything that had happened in the last couple of weeks. There were points where he stopped and looked to me for the confidence to keep going, but he stayed strong until the end where he let out a few sobs, relived to get everything off of his chest. Hailey arrived just as Reece had calmed down. He also apologised to her and gave her a brief explanation of what had been going on. Like us, Hailey also told him he didn't need to apologise and that she was there for him. We then played some board games to try lighten the mood. Soon enough, Hailey and Blake had to leave for their date so we started to head back to Reece's. Blake had told us about their special night he had planned. His parents were away so they had the night to themselves. They were going out for a romantic dinner and walk, then going back to Blake's for the night. Blake was nervous, he kept worrying he had forgotten something. Reece and I had calmed him down a bit before we left, but I could tell he was still very nervous. On our way home, the sun had set, it was completely dark. I could feel Reece tense up slightly and his breathing speed up. I wrapped my arm a little tighter around his waist and talked about random things to try distract him from the panic attack that was rising. Reece was quite quiet, but he was trying to focus on my words and distract himself too. We walked another two blocks before Reece collapsed to the ground, clutching his chest.

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