Lucky Strike

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 Chapter 87

A/N - Hey y'all! I have been planning this chapter since almost the start so I hope you all like it!!

Lucky Strike - Troye Sivan
"Oh, I wanna tiptoe through your bliss, boy, get lost the more I find ya, don't wanna miss a second of this, boy, hold tight and love me longer"

(George POV)

"Babe, babe wake up." I said, shaking Reece slightly.

Reece had been sleeping well lately so I didn't need to feel too bad for waking him up early. He just groaned and rolled away from me. This tactic wasn't working, so I had to try something else. I rolled him back over. I placed my hand in the middle of his chest and kissed his collarbone, leaving open mouthed kisses along his neck and jaw. As I went to kiss his lips, Reece put one hand on the back of my neck and the other on my waist, pulling me so I was on top of him as he kissed me. Reece moved his hands down to my waist and rolled his hips up against mine. I pulled away from him. 

"That's not what I woke you up for." I giggled.

Reece looked a little disoriented, god he looked cute like that.

"What's the time? And why did you wake me up?" Reece asked, his voice croaky and his eyebrows furrowed.

"Six. Now get dressed, I'm taking you on a date." I said as I climbed off him and out of bed.

"Why the hell are we going on a date at six in the morning on a Sunday?" Reece asked, more bewildered than anything else.

"You'll see."

I looked through the stuff that I had left here until I found a nice shirt. I heard the sheets moving behind me, Reece was getting out of bed. That was actually easier than I thought it would be. Reece and I got dressed and as Reece went to the bathroom, I got everything I needed for the date. I grabbed a black jacket with black faux shearling from Reece's closet and put it on. Reece came back into his room and I grabbed his hand and pulled him back out, heading downstairs and outside. 

"You ever going to tell me where we're going?" Reece asked.

"You'll figure it out soon enough."

It was still dark outside. We walked along hand in hand, the cold air biting at our exposed skin. We had been walking for ten minutes when I saw a little smile appear on Reece's face.

"What?" I asked.

"I know where we're going." Reece said, his smile growing.

"I told you you would figure it out."

Reece laughed. 

"Shit, I forgot! Are you okay?" I rushed out.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Reece asked.

"It's dark. I should've checked with you, I'm such an idiot." I said, mentally yelling at myself.

"Baby, it's fine. I'm okay. I can see how excited you are for this date and things slip your mind easily when you're excited." Reece assured, smiling slightly.

"Why are you smiling?" There wasn't really anything worth smiling at.

"You. It's quite cute how easily you forget things because you're excited." Reece smiled fondly.

I blushed and looked at the ground. Excited certainly isn't the only thing I'm feeling right now, that's for sure. 

As a cold gust of wind blew, I let go of Reece's hand and put my arm around his waist instead, letting his body heat keep me warm. After a little bit more walking, we made it to the top of the hill. I let go of Reece and took my backpack off, rummaging through it until I found a blanket. I spread it out on the grass. The wind started to blow it away but Reece quickly sat down on it to stop it from flying away. I laughed and joined him, pulling another blanket over us. Reece put his arm around me and pulled me in so my head was on his chest.

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