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Chapter 59

A/N - Hey! Sorry I took so long to update!! This is 3.75k words, so I hope it makes up for it! Enjoy!😄

Memories - Shawn Mendes
"Take my hand and show me forevers heart, never will I ever let you go"

(George POV)

I walked up to Reece's door at four o'clock on the dot. What if he doesn't like what I've got planned? I'm sure he will, I need to stop stressing. I lifted my shaking hand up to the door and knocked. Jamie answered almost instantly.

"Hi, George." Jamie said with a smile.

"Hello." I said cheerfully.

Jamie's like an entirely different person. And he actually likes me. Life is great right now.

"Reece still isn't ready, he's struggling with finding something to wear." Jamie laughed.

"He doesn't need to try so hard, I'll love him no matter what he's wearing." I laughed.

Jamie laughed with me. "Reece, George is here." Jamie called out to Reece.

"Don't let him come up! I'm not ready!" Reece called out.

I laughed.

"Have a seat." Jamie said, gesturing to the couch.

I went and sat down where Lexi was playing with her Barbies.

"Hey, Lex!" I said.

"George!" Lexi yelled before jumping up and hugging me. "Do you want me to get Reece for you?" Lexi asked.

"I don't think he's ready yet, but you can tell him I said he will look good in anything." I smiled.

Lexi ran off with a smile on her face. Five minutes later Reece came down the stairs.

"I'm sorry I made you wait." Reece said with a nervous smile on his face.

"It's fine Reece." I said smiling at him. "You look beautiful."

I wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed him. Reece pulled back with a smile on his face.

"Ready to go?" I asked.


I took Reece's hand in mine and led him outside.

"We're going a bit out of town so I called an uber." I explained as we walked up to the car.

"So when are you going to tell me where we're going?" Reece asked.

"You'll find out when we're there." I said as we got in.

We made small conversation for about half an hour before Reece questioned where we were going again.

"We've been driving for ages, have we missed it?"

I laughed. "No Reece."

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