Taking You

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Chapter 51

Taking You - Why Don't We
"I only say it 'cause I really mean it, I ain't afraid of how you got me feeling"

(George POV)

I've been awake for about an hour now, just watching Reece. He looked so peaceful when he was sleeping. I just wish he was always peaceful. Reece had his head on my chest and his leg on top of mine. He made a sleepy noise before stirring a little. I moved my hand that was on his lower back up to his hair and started playing with it. Reece looked up at me and smiled.

"Morning beautiful." I smiled back.

"Morning." Reece said as he leaned up and kissed me softly.

Reece rolled onto his back and stretched his arms back, waking himself up. I lent down and kissed him again.

"Did I dream last night?" Reece said smiling. He was still sleepy, so he looked extremely adorable in this moment.

"What part?" I asked. I knew what he was talking about.

"You telling me you love me." Reece said with a massive grin on his face.

"I- what?" I said giving him a confused look.

"Wait, I did dream that didn't I? I'm such an idiot." Reece said putting his hands over his face.

"I'm joking Reece," I laughed. "I love you I love you." I added as I lent down and started making out with him.

"I love you too." Reece said in between kisses.

I pulled back smiling.

"You know how cruel that was, right?" Reece asked.

"It was worth it to see your eyes light up again like that."

Reece smiled. He may be smiling, but I can see he's not one hundred percent happy. He's clearly happy that I love him, but he's exhausted and panicky from the nightmare. I wish I could make everything better.

There was a knock at the door, making Reece jump a little. A second later Lyndsey walked in. "Morning boys, don't forget you need to leave for school soon."

"Can I stay home? I had another nightmare last night, it was pretty bad and I'm still not feeling well." Reece explained.

"Of course. Dad and I both have work today, so you'll be on your own. Do you know what time to leave George?" Lyndsey asked.

I looked at Reece. He didn't look like he could be left alone for long.

"I'm not going either. I don't want Reece to be alone."

"Was it that bad?" Lyndsey asked looking upset.

"George I'll be fine, go to school." Reece insisted. His eyes were telling me he wasn't 'fine'.

"I'm staying." I replied.

"As long as your parents are okay with it." Lyndsey said.

"Yeah, yeah, all good." I said.

I hadn't told them, but I'm sure they'd be fine with it.

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