Risk It All

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Chapter 9

A/N - Heyyyy :). Things are starting to get more interesting (I hope), so enjoy!

Risk It All - The Vamps
"You just know, sometimes you feel in in your bones"

(Reece POV)

We walked out of class, Blake collecting his phone on the way out.

"You didn't tell me you could sing like that!" George said to me.

"Sing like what?" I asked with a bit of a laugh.

"That!" Blake said.

"Dude you're incredible." George told me.

Okay stay calm. He's just complimenting you, act normal.

"Thanks, you too."

Nailed it.

"Ah, I didn't sing." George clarified.

"I know, I mean in general." I said. Stop! Stop speaking now! "Both of you."

"You're quite incredible yourself Reece." Blake said with an odd look on his face.

"Come to mine after school? You and Blake can stay over, maybe sing a bit?" George asked.

"Sounds good." I said smiling as I started to walk off.

"You remember where my house is?" He asked.

"Yeah I remember. I think." I said, walking backwards slowly.

"Your hair looks good by the way." George said with a wink as he turned around, walking to class.

"Thanks." I said, with an uncontrollable grin on my face.

I got home and quickly threw in a few things I'd need tonight, – clothes for tomorrow, something to sleep in, toothbrush – in my backpack and left for George's house.

I was walking through the streets, hoping I was going the right way.

"Hey man wait up!" A voice said behind me. Blake.

I turned around to see Blake jogging up behind me.

"Hey." I said, smiling as he panted.

"Hi." He breathed out, leaning on my shoulder.

We made small talk for the three minutes it took to reach George's house. Blake opened the door and walked in without knocking. I stood there a little awkwardly, not knowing if I should walk in or wait.

"C'mon." Blake said a little impatiently.

As I walked in George came down the stairs smiling. He went over to Blake and hugged him, then came to me to me to give me a hug. He is shorter so my arms went over his shoulders. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. I wish I could hug him like this all day. It felt like forever, but not long enough.

"Hey, I see you remembered the way." George said to me.

"Yeah, I come here all the time?" Blake said sarcastically.

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