Hands To Myself

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Chapter 35

A/N - Sorry I took so long to update, I was at work for 11 1/2 hours yesterday then slept in today and went back to work. Hopefully the wait was worth it! Enjoy😄

Hands To Myself - Selena Gomez
"Can't keep my hands to myself,
No matter how hard I'm trying to"

(Reece POV)

"I win!" George yelled, throwing his left hand up in the air, his right hand still holding on tight to mine.

"No! I was so close!" I said.

Little Lexi was giggling. I picked up one of the monopoly houses and threw it at George playfully. He flinched back so it wouldn't get him. I lifted the hand I was holding and tried to stop him from falling, but then I realised Lexi could see we had been holding hands so I let go, dropping George on the floor. George and Lexi couldn't stop laughing.

"Sorry." I laughed.

"All good." George said still laughing as he got up and sat back on his chair.

"I already knew you were holding hands." Lexi giggled.

George looked down smiling.

"Hey Reece, are you ready for dinner? Dads almost home." Lyndsey asked.

"Yeah, just let me pack this up and I'll come help." I said.

"Shi- ver me timbers!" George exclaimed. "I've got to go, I was supposed to be home ten minutes ago."

George leaned in slightly before standing up. I think he was about to kiss me, but realised we weren't alone.

"See you tomorrow." George smiled.

"I'll walk you out." I said standing up.

I opened the door and let George through first.

"Thank you." George said as I closed the door behind us.

"Shiver me timbers?" I laughed.

"I couldn't swear in front of Lexi." George laughed back, sliding his arms around my neck.

I put my arms around his waist. "Can you come over later?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'll come over after dinner?" George asked hopeful.

"Sounds good." I smiled.

George pulled me down and kissed me multiple times before pulling back smiling.

"See you soon." George said winking before turning around.

Oh. Dad was walking up the driveway. I couldn't see George's face, but I knew he was blushing.

"Hi, Mr. Bibby." George said awkwardly.

"Hello." Dad said emotionless.

Once Dad had walked passed George he raised his eyebrows. I gave him the 'not now' look. As I turned to walk back I saw Lexi peering through the window. She quickly ran off. I opened the door and caught her.

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