Through The Dark

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Chapter 84

A/N - Hey hey hey! I hope you had a good easter! Big things happen in this one so enjoy!

Through The Dark - One Direction
"Oh, I would carry you over fire and water for your love, and I will hold you closer, hope your heart is strong enough, when the night is coming down on you, we will find a way through the dark"

(George POV)

It was lunchtime and our group was sitting at our usual table. Reece and I were sat next to each other like always. Reece had his hands up on the table and all I wanted to do was hold them. It was weird, I actually could. I lifted my hand a little and then put it back down, too scared. This happened a few times before I managed to take his hand in mine. Reece looked at me and smiled. I lent up and kissed him on his cheek. Reece blushed and looked down at the table, something I always found adorable. Kissing Reece on the cheek was quick, yet still affectionate whereas holding hands wasn't just a quick little way of showing affection, that's what scared me.  Reece still had a glow about him from our date last night and by the way he kept looking at me, I did too. It was our first public date in our town, something about walking around with our arms around each other made me happy. It wasn't the most affectionate date but it made me happy.

"Whatcha smiling about, G." Blake asked, pulling me away from my thoughts.

I smiled more shyly and lent on my elbows, resting my chin on mine and Reece's hands. I could see Reece smiling at me from the corner of my eye, he knew what I was thinking about.

"Does it have anything to do with the date you two went on last night?" Blake asked.

I turned my head down and focused on the table as my face flushed red. Reece laughed.

"I'd take that as a yes." Mia said.

I threw a fry at her. "New topic please."

"What, don't you like your boyfriend?" Hailey teased.

"I love my boyfriend, I just don't feel like telling you about our date in the school cafeteria"

Reece smiled at me. I kissed his hand and lent my chin back on it. The rest of lunch went by good, I didn't let go of Reece's hand which was a small accomplishment for me. I actually ended up holding his hand all the way to our next class. They all went by slowly and uneventfully, all that happened was some kid got detention for talking back to a teacher and we all got homework. Fun. On our way out of school, I was walking next to Blake and Reece was next to him. We passed Brent's group and Brent stuck his foot out to trip me over, but it wasn't subtle in the slightest so I just hopped over his foot and kept walking. I heard him scoff from behind me, he wasn't happy. Luckily Brent's happiness wasn't high on my priority list so I couldn't've cared less. The three of us went back to mine for a study date, we had to write a 2,500 word essay in a week and we knew if we didn't at least start it today, we wouldn't do it until the day before it was due. We studied together until it was almost dinner time and Blake had to go home. After dinner, Reece and I went back up to my room. 

"More studying?" Reece asked.

"Only if I'm studying your lips." I smirked.

"Works for me."

Reece sat on my bed. I pushed him down onto his back and climbed on top of him so I was straddling him. I put my hand on his cheeks and kissed him, sliding my tongue into his mouth. Reece let me take control for awhile, he rarely does that. I like Reece being in control most of the time but I like switching it up every now and then. Reece had his hands on my waist, slowly travelling them up my sides. I sat up for a second to pull my shirt off before going back in for more. When Reece touched my skin he left behind hot trails of goosebumps. We've been together for so long but even just a small touch still gets the same reaction out of me. Reece started to pull away but I chased his lips. Reece laughed a little and pecked me once more.

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