Stand By You

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Chapter 84

A/N - Hi I slept pretty well last night and I managed to sit at the dining table to play games and play the piano for the first time since I fucked up my feet so I'm happy :). enjoy the chap xxx

Stand By You - Marlisa
"Try to embrace the lines on your face, the story of who you are, 'cause I love what I've read so far"

(Reece POV)

George, Blake and I were on our way to school and I could practically feel the nerves radiating off George. I think B could too. Neither of us were with him on Friday to know how nervous he was. I wanted this to go smoothly for him, I didn't want him to be uncomfortable with his sexuality. The transition after you come out can be extremely awkward and quite scary. A lot of people assume once you're out, everything's fine and while that may be true for some people it is, others it isn't.

When I came out, I was only twelve and in grade five. I had just gotten into my first relationship with a boy and I had known about my sexuality for years. I found guys way too attractive to have been straight. I was excited, I wanted to show everyone I was in love. Well, the kind of love you feel when you're twelve, I definitely wasn't in love with him looking back on it now. I posted a photo of my boyfriend and I holding hands on Instagram and I thought that was it, we were out, I wasn't expecting the questions the next day at school, or the weird feeling I got when people looked at us holding hands. I wasn't expecting it to be so scary. I remember hiding under my bed that night crying because I didn't want to go to school the next day. I didn't want to hold my boyfriend's hand because people looked at us. Most weren't bad looks, I just didn't like anyone looking at us. Coming out wasn't anything like what I thought it would be. We broke up shortly after because we were too awkward about our relationship after that. Though, even after changing schools, I never went back into the closet. I guess I still had to come out again at each school I went to, but I never went back. I didn't want to rush George and have him panic about it too, so I would take it slow with him. Something I should've done.

"You'll be okay, Georgie, we'll take it as slow as you like." I reassured.

"You're amazing." George said, pecking me on the cheek.

"All you, babe." I smiled shyly at the ground.

"Cute." Blake inputted.

George and I could make out, hold hands or... other things, but him kissing my cheek is what really gets me. It's just such a soft and sweet gesture of affection that never fails to make me blush or go all shy on him. I loved it.

I could feel George's hands getting clammier the closer to school we got. I squeezed George's hand and he looked up at me and smiled a little tightly.

"You wanna keep holding hands?" I asked as school came into view.

"I'll see how I go." George said.

"Just let go if you need to, okay? Whatever you're comfortable with, I'm happy with."

"I know." George smiled.

"Great, another day of hell." Blake said, nodding his head over to Brent's clique.

"Back door?" George suggested.

"Back door." Blake and I agreed.

We walked around to the back of the school to avoid Brent. George and I got a few looks and smiles, but I knew George would rather people just ignored us. I did too. I noticed George had started to pull at a loose thread on his jeans harshly and he was staring at the floor biting his lip, he was getting quite overwhelmed. I let go of George's hand and he visibly relaxed. He looked at me a little guiltily though. I squeezed his shoulder so he knew I was proud of him for making it this far. Blake casually slung his arm around George's shoulder to kind of normalise contact. George smiled gratefully at Blake. The rest of the school day went by like this, me putting my hand on George's lower back as I led him into the classroom, putting my arm around his and Blake's shoulder, we walked to the cafeteria holding hands and he even kissed my cheek as we took our seats. I was beyond proud of him. On our way home, George was smiling, he had his shoulders back slightly, he looked so proud of himself. It made me happy to see and by the smile on B's face, I think he feels the same. I wrapped my arms around George in a big hug. Blake joined in too.

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